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Dec 28 2004 - stillborn fest

the Palladium - main stage (Worcester, Ma) - [100_demons][agnostic_front][candiria][full_blown_chaos][god_forbid][hatebreed][the_autumn_offering][scurvy][subzero][the_risk_taken][the_wrong_side]
[show listing]  ______________________________________
[Dec 26,2004 8:27pm - the_reverend ""]
Stillborn Fest
MAINSTAGE: Hatebreed
Agnostic Front / God Forbid / Candiria
Full Blown Chaos / Love is Red
The Autumn Offering
2nd STAGE: Wrong Side / Subzero
Blacklisted / The Risk Taken
A Thousand Falling Skies / Scurvy
[Dec 26,2004 8:28pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
i'll be there !
[Dec 26,2004 8:48pm - jonah  ""]
A Thousand Falling Skies

[Dec 26,2004 9:55pm - anonymous  ""]
A Thousand Falling Skies will NOT be there,every one quit the band besides there bass player I beleive...they are holding open try outs for all vacant positions in the band..I think they have an email to contact for auditons on there site. (this was on jameyjasta.com a few weeks back)
[Dec 26,2004 9:55pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
haha everyone but the bass player and he still wants to keep the same band going with completely different people? weird
[Dec 26,2004 9:55pm - anonymous  ""]
A Thousand Falling Skies will NOT be there,every one quit the band besides there bass player I beleive...they are holding open try outs for all vacant positions in the band..I think they have an email to contact for auditons on there site. (this was on jameyjasta.com a few weeks back)
[Dec 26,2004 10:00pm - anonymous  ""]
yeah, that is weird,but there last album was good shit, hopefully it will keep going.
[Dec 26,2004 10:04pm - asscracks  ""]
That album was pretty good.
[Dec 26,2004 10:16pm - scream_bleed_repeat ""]
i'll be there can't wait to see God Forbid again. Their cd Gone Forever is great.
[Dec 26,2004 10:34pm - Dissector ""]
I'll be there for Agnostic Front!!
[Dec 26,2004 10:37pm - Dissector ""]
wait, is that the Scurvy that sings about pirates or is that the grindcore band Scurvy?
[Dec 26,2004 10:45pm - leakyvagina  ""]
Scurvy are the shit!!!!!!!!! Best hardcore band of pirates I have ever heard!!!!!
[Dec 26,2004 11:44pm - Dissector ""]
fuckin' a!
[Dec 26,2004 11:45pm - Dissector ""]
I was just gonna go late for Agnostic Front then leave but now I gotta see scurvy. Do they allow re-admittence? I don't like any other bands there.
[Dec 27,2004 12:51am - scream_bleed_repeat ""]
nope no re-addmittance they suck. i once saw people outside smoking cigarettes, so i went to my car real quick right before Suffocation was about to go on and they didn't let me go in. i was RIPshit.
[Dec 27,2004 7:15am - leakyvagina  ""]
[Dec 27,2004 8:34am - lynneaus ""]
scream_bleed_repeat said:nope no re-addmittance they suck. i once saw people outside smoking cigarettes, so i went to my car real quick right before Suffocation was about to go on and they didn't let me go in. i was RIPshit.

maybe you should have read one of the signs thats are on EVERY door that say No Re-entry.... but maybe you can't read *shrug*

ill uhmm sorta be there.... and no there is no rentry.
[Dec 27,2004 8:37am - lynneaus ""]
Succy.... are you going to this??? i still have ur xmas gift!
[Dec 27,2004 11:08am - lynneaus ""]
[Dec 27,2004 11:08am - the_reverend ""]
I'm still trying to get a pass for this show.
[Dec 27,2004 11:11am - pisscup ""]
Should we start the post about fighting at shows, metalcore, jocks and how some kid didn't deserve it now, or on wed morning?
[Dec 27,2004 11:13am - succubus ""]
lynneaus said:Succy.... are you going to this??? i still have ur xmas gift!

nope i'm working late but i told aaron who to email about the show
and i have yours too..should i give it to him?
[Dec 27,2004 11:15am - tbone_r ""]
i wanna see wrongside
[Dec 27,2004 11:24am - lynneaus ""]
succubus said:lynneaus said:Succy.... are you going to this??? i still have ur xmas gift!

nope i'm working late but i told aaron who to email about the show
and i have yours too..should i give it to him?

nope you have to wait... uhmmm cuz i have a feeling i might need to refresh ur memory with my gift/aaron doesnt need to know about it *wink* *wink*
[Dec 28,2004 4:01am - the_reverend ""]
ok, 100 demons was added.
they will get me in with a pass.
[Dec 28,2004 5:05am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
dood i could have gotten you a pass thru Full Blown Chaos !
[Dec 28,2004 5:11am - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
pisscup said:Should we start the post about fighting at shows, metalcore, jocks and how some kid didn't deserve it now, or on wed morning?

Not to mention the Pro-FSU and Anti-FSU anonymous posters

Anti-Anon: My friend didn't deserve to get beat up! FSU bullies kids at shows
Pro-Anon: The reason is old tyme hardcore and your friend deserved it. Watch what you say I know where you live.
Anti-Anon: My friend didn't deserve to get beat up you mean bully.
Pro-Anon: Your friend deserved it, I am going to find you and beat you.
Anti-Anon: I'm not scared of you!

(Repeat arguement until the next big hardcore show)
[Dec 28,2004 10:23am - the_rooster ""]
wow. what a gay show. lol.
[Dec 28,2004 11:22am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
Bob please post more, that alone was reason enough to wake up on 3 hours sleep !
[Dec 28,2004 3:39pm - JayTUS ""]
I will be there. Sooooo stoked. Gonna be a great show.
[Dec 28,2004 3:44pm - the_reverend ""]
I'm leaving in a few minutes.
[Dec 28,2004 3:45pm - succubus ""]
i'm working
[Dec 28,2004 3:48pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
stop working and get your ass to the show !
[Dec 29,2004 1:20am - the_reverend ""]
way too many pictures.
working on them now.
[Dec 29,2004 1:24am - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
Anyone who got beat up deserved it. End of discussion.
[Dec 29,2004 1:29am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
but i didn't even get into the show !

they jumped me in Dover !
[Dec 29,2004 1:35am - retzam ""]
jonah said:A Thousand Falling Skies


I can't be the only one who found this fucking hilarious.
[Dec 29,2004 1:42am - the_reverend ""]
pictures are uploading...
from the main stage at least.
next, the second stage.
[Dec 29,2004 1:47am - Dissector ""]
Oh man, the bands that I actually liked where awesome. I have a huge headache I need some sleep.
[Dec 29,2004 2:11am - tbone_r ""]
how was wrongside?
[Dec 29,2004 2:15am - the_reverend ""]
wrong side played? It'll be in my review in a few minutes,
[Dec 29,2004 2:28am - Dissector ""]
They covered Obituary, that was awesome.
[Dec 29,2004 2:41am - the_reverend ""]
second stage:

the risk taken: they covered a his heros gone song. that's like shooting fish in a barrel in this part of the world. whenever I see these guys, the singer always reminds me of a younger version of karl (nora).

scurvy: bot many people at the beginning of their set. most people were downstairs as 100 demons, but they filled in during the set. it started off wicked rough. the drumming went all sorts of out of wack. I'm pretty sure he couldn't hear anything so was trying to play and figure out what the rest of the band's doing. after a song or so, it came together. they have a video shoot sunday in chicopee.

subzero: strike 3? almost, they had a bunch of crappy technical difficulties. I've tried to see this band 2 times before and they cancelled. I thought it was going to be a sweep, but they actually got to play 3 or 4 songs. the singer climbed up at the end of his set, along the top and jumped off the balcony. when he got to the stage, he did a shot of jager and the set was over. I agree that the older song they played was much better.

wrong side: ok, never heard them before... familar faces, oh yeah! cause it's members of outbreak. I guess the normal members of of touring with RnR and righteous jams so outbreak's members filled in and they did some wrong side, some out break and one cover, obituary threatening skies then the singer told us metal was good and liking it is good.
[Dec 29,2004 2:41am - the_reverend ""]
oh, I followed home the lisence plate HC PRIDE from maine, hah!
[Dec 29,2004 3:10am - beatbox  ""]
jesus, hatebreed played to a packed house, thats for sure. am i imagining things? or does it look like jamey gained like 20lbs?

im so happy rise of brutality didnt sound anything like perseverance. ROB was a solid fucking record.
[Dec 29,2004 3:17am - the_reverend ""]
yeah, I deleted a couple pictures that he looked + more than that in.
[Dec 29,2004 3:35am - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
beatbox said:jesus, hatebreed played to a packed house, thats for sure. am i imagining things? or does it look like jamey gained like 20lbs?

im so happy rise of brutality didnt sound anything like perseverance. ROB was a solid fucking record.

i was wondering about that jacket he was wearing.
[Dec 29,2004 3:48am - the_reverend ""]
main stage:
the autumn offering: haha, rap started out their set. I've listened to the cd a lot more since the last time I saw them. good stuff.

100 demons: thank you to them for getting me in to shoot this concert. they were added after the other bands dropped off. reesh (drummer) gave me a nickname to, the fly. their set was pretty awesome, the curse is reverse! nothing band happened to stop them from playing. they played a bunch of tracks off the new disc. that's good from me cause I've been listening to it a lot lately. I think I like seeing them better upstairs at the palladium. Pete (in a burzum shirt!) stayed on the stage the whole time so there wasn't a ton of people piling up infront of him. I think the crowd-interaction upstairs adds a lot.

full blown chaos: they are also part of that video shoot day, jan 2nd in chicopee. The guitar was in and out for most of the set. I know he knew it too cause he kept going back to look at it. they made me happy playing judgement plus some of the new tracks I don't know. at the end, a girl came out (melissa I think) and sang for a minute. then into a tribute breakdown to dime bag.

candiria: candiria smells like otto's jacket... why did they have clips of bjork state of emergency? their new stuff is wicked accessible now.. even more than before. I think I figured out why I can new get into them and my everyone loves them. To me, they sound just like new eastside, but they have killer drumming which I think fools everyone. the singer was the first one to jump to the audience and got people to surf over the barricade.

god forbid: they just got back from touring europe and this was the first show since ozzfest. lost of great things happening for this band... I remember when they didn't even have any videos their new cd is coming out soon, constitution of lies. and as they told us on the way out, they are the "best kept secret in metal"

agnostic front: played a bunch of new songs from the cd, nuclear blast, jan 05. they are totally the face of old school NYHC. for some reason, the newer tracks weren't as good as the old ones. they were just straight comin' correct like songs... with none of the "sing along: chorus! they did play 2 old tracks which rocked. I was weirded out by the chimara shirt.

hatebreed: sent the whole set out to a bunch of people, including the bassist of powerhouse who died on 12/18 from cancer. they took WAYWAY WAY too long to set up. finally they did and played like 25 songs. I shot my 3 songs, then went to the back, watched 3 fights and decided to head out.
[Dec 29,2004 9:16am - lynneaus ""]
my review from last night.....

it was cold outside.
[Dec 29,2004 9:18am - RustedAngel ""]
what happend to jon/candiria, who the hell? what?!
[Dec 29,2004 9:50am - Josh_hates_you ""]
agnostic front at least played crucified right?
[Dec 29,2004 10:00am - Nate ""]
OOPS now that's the right photo...

Someone forgot to tell him how to use his belt right. I mean shit, he's wearing one and his pants are still fallin off...

[Dec 29,2004 10:00am - succubus ""]
that's my fisheye lens! woo
since the pic was edited..that's NOT my fisheye lens
[Dec 29,2004 10:02am - the_reverend ""]
yes, they played crucified and it was really good.
[Dec 29,2004 11:21am - JayTUS ""]
One of the guitarists from Candiria left the band and the other one is having surgery on his back. The dude in the red shirt is their new full time guitarist, other dude is just filling in. I think that is why he kind of just stood off to the side...
[Dec 29,2004 11:21am - RustedAngel ""]
the one that left the band looks like that guy, but I kinda figured he was a different guy too.

wow, candiria with 2 different guitarists...that sucks!
[Dec 29,2004 11:30am - JayTUS ""]
Well one of them is coming back after he recovers from surgery....
[Dec 29,2004 11:33am - RustedAngel ""]
so they lost Eric...he was okay...but John is the shit and definetly a great player.. So I'm glad he's coming back.
[Dec 29,2004 11:40am - JayTUS ""]
No they lost John Lamarchia or something like that... the skinny dude... artistic differences...
[Dec 29,2004 11:43am - JayTUS ""]
Oh yeah and the new God Forbid album is called "Constitution Of Treason," they played "Precious Lies" after he said that to the crowd... PAY ATTENTION REV.

PS - Carina leaves long voice mails. Meanyhead.
[Dec 29,2004 11:46am - diamond_dave ""]
RustedAngel said:so they lost Eric...he was okay...but John is the shit and definetly a great player.. So I'm glad he's coming back.

actually i think it's john that left permanently. apparently he wasn't feeling the new uber gay material.
[Dec 29,2004 11:47am - RustedAngel ""]
THEY LOST JOHN, HOLY SHIT! they will never be the same.
[Dec 29,2004 11:54am - RustedAngel ""]
man what a bad day

"Those of you who will be coming out to these shows, will be the first people to see the debut of our two new guitarists. Yes you heard me right. Candiria has two new guitar players and they rip shit up. One of them is permanent and one is a fill in for Eric while he gears up for another back surgery.
Our forum members will be happy to hear that one of our new guys is forum member Darren Carter a.k.a DC11. Our other new bro is Steve Fakelman formerly of the group Trudge. "
[Dec 29,2004 1:26pm - XmikeX ""]
WRONG SIDE COVERED OBITUARY. Hilight of the night undoubtedly.

Nobody seemed to give a shit except for me, and about 2 other people, meanwhile a bunch of kids who got into hardcore a year ago stood around with their thumbs up their asses saying to themselves "Wait, I thought I read in Scenekid Digest that metal wasn't cool"

[Dec 29,2004 1:55pm - jvv  ""]
so was anyone beat up? killd? stabd? murderd? raped? at the show weres the drama and pics of it lol
[Dec 29,2004 2:40pm - tbone_r ""]
i saw righteous jams at roman's and one of the guitarists sold me a mental t-shirt and wrongside cd. i'm pretty sure he said he was in all 3 (along w/ 1 or 2 others).
[Dec 29,2004 2:41pm - tbone_r ""]
i can imagine there being tons of fights at hatebreed shows. their old school fans w/ the new ozzfest fans.
[Dec 29,2004 4:17pm - Nolin04 ""]
Shaun(hope i spelled that right), thanks for the "shout." You guys rocked the fukkin joint. Downsy listened, and he totally approves, big horns up \m/!!!!
[Dec 29,2004 4:18pm - Nolin04 ""]
Fuck i posted on the wrong thread!

[Dec 29,2004 9:52pm - anonymous  ""]
Agnostic Front sucked soooo hard i was falling asleep.
God Forbid is ceartinly the best kept secret in metal.
I should have punched that kid in the face who spit in mine during Hatebreed (uncalled for you dick).
Full Blown Chaos was sick have not seen them before last night.
Candiria had a much better show than at Locobazooka.
[Dec 30,2004 12:48am - Jellyfish ""]
XmikeX said:WRONG SIDE COVERED OBITUARY. Hilight of the night undoubtedly.

Nobody seemed to give a shit except for me, and about 2 other people, meanwhile a bunch of kids who got into hardcore a year ago stood around with their thumbs up their asses saying to themselves "Wait, I thought I read in Scenekid Digest that metal wasn't cool"


[Dec 30,2004 1:10am - scream_bleed_repeat ""]
jvv said:so was anyone beat up? killd? stabd? murderd? raped? at the show weres the drama and pics of it lol

ya there were a few fights and actually there was this one kid was was gettin beat down by 3 girls, quite funny. and lynneaus, i read all 10 signs that said no re-entry but i also saw about 20 people smoking a cigarette out front so i figured i could go to my car and come back and blend in. so it may have been my fault, but come on you can't blame me for trying!
[Dec 30,2004 2:07pm - anonymous  ""]
yeah those three chicks were punchin my friend in the balls. those bitches deserved to get beat down. hitting dudes in the nuts on purpose calls for action. beat bitches who hit dudes in the balls.

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