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Fuck Christmas

[Dec 24,2004 5:28pm - armageddonday ""]
Worst fucking holiday of the year, absolutely pointless and annoying.:pukeface:
[Dec 24,2004 5:34pm - dirteecrayon ""]
[Dec 24,2004 5:56pm - Jolly Saint Nick  ""]
As we all know, Christmas is that mystical time of year when the ghost of Jesus rises from the grave to feast on the flesh of the living!

Merry Christmas
[Dec 24,2004 5:59pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
We, the enlightened, know that it's bullshit, but it gets the masses to buy shit for each other and boost the economy.

Merry Shitmas and a Brutal New Year!
[Dec 24,2004 6:05pm - retzam ""]
I disagree. I think St. Patrick's day is way worse than Christmas.
[Dec 24,2004 6:07pm - armageddonday ""]
What's wrong with you? St. Patrick's day at least as a purpose: GETTING WASTED.
[Dec 24,2004 6:08pm - pisscup ""]
armageddonday said:What's wrong with you? St. Patrick's day at least as a purpose: GETTING WASTED.

And you're not getting wasted tommorow?
[Dec 24,2004 6:12pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I am drinking for the next 3 days straight!
[Dec 24,2004 6:16pm - rev away  ""]
I'm trying to get carina drunk now at my mom's.
then to my house where I'll get her more drunk.
xmas butt sex is the best sort of butt sex.
[Dec 24,2004 6:17pm - Jolly Saint Nick  ""]
Click here and hear what I do with my boring life.
[Dec 24,2004 6:23pm - retzam ""]
pisscup said:armageddonday said:What's wrong with you? St. Patrick's day at least as a purpose: GETTING WASTED.

And you're not getting wasted tommorow?

Yeah really Anne. You are making no sense.
[Dec 24,2004 7:35pm - malettey ""]
i only like christmas because i get presents. that's it. everything else about it is gay. especially all the religious shit. and the christmas songs. :shocker:
[Dec 25,2004 8:25am - pisscup ""]
[Dec 25,2004 8:50am - Disgruntled  ""]
[Dec 25,2004 1:43pm - paganmegan ""]
christmas is over rated when the beer supply is waning severely
[Dec 25,2004 1:44pm - hoser ""]
dick....i love christmas. it rooooolz the skool.
[Dec 25,2004 2:58pm - Dissector ""]
I hate christmas, a lot. But there are worse holidays.
[Dec 25,2004 3:29pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
like valentines day
[Dec 25,2004 5:51pm - phobia ""]
or easter
[Dec 25,2004 6:40pm - armageddonday ""]
pisscup said:armageddonday said:What's wrong with you? St. Patrick's day at least as a purpose: GETTING WASTED.

And you're not getting wasted tommorow?

Indeed, not. I'm at my house, alone, the roomates are gone, I cleaned and fucked around all day, took a nap, a bath. Had 2 beers (the 2 left in the fridge), all the fucking liquor stores are closed. No a bad day, so far so good.
I haven't got wasted for Xmas since I moved in the US...I still maintain "Christmas sucks", let the Christians keep it.
[Dec 25,2004 6:59pm - pisscup ""]
well today being a saturday and a day off from work and a day I have plenty off booze in the fridge, I am getting wasted. christianity will hold no sway over whether I drink or not.
[Dec 25,2004 8:37pm - armageddonday ""]
"christianity will hold no sway over whether I drink or not."

Yeah no shit.
[Dec 25,2004 10:11pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
i should mail you some of my rum balls
[Dec 25,2004 11:34pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I am drinking whiskey, got some cool shit from the relatives, the year is ending, all is well.

[Dec 26,2004 12:15am - anonymous  ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:We, the enlightened, know that it's bullshit, but it gets the masses to buy shit for each other and boost the economy.

Merry Shitmas and a Brutal New Year!

armageddonday said:What's wrong with you? St. Patrick's day at least as a purpose: GETTING WASTED.

how is st patricks day not just a way to get the masses to buy massive amounts of alcohol?

[Dec 26,2004 2:50am - abhorred ""]
armageddonday said:all the fucking liquor stores are closed

there lies the beauty of living 10 minutes from NH....i got a 12 of sam adams winter lager at 10:30 tonight....but now they are all gone....fuck!!!
[Dec 26,2004 11:14am - Horror Tang  ""]
The truth must be heard
[Dec 27,2004 8:09am - korpse  ""]
fuck christ.
[Dec 27,2004 8:51am - damnose ""]
ah, the day we celebrate the virgin birth of the unconquered Sun God Mithra. the day we gather around evergreen trees and kiss under mistletoe, Druid symbols of strength and life.

Christianity = world's savviest marketing venture. people are much easier to convert if you keep the celebrations and days the same!

"on easter we get chocolate eggs... because the wood on the cross where Jesus died was brown, like chocolate."

- eddie izzard
[Dec 27,2004 1:39pm - swamplorddvm ""]
if your christian it's not. The thing that bothers me is that I'm forced to be with my family and celebrate it with them and I'm not even religious.
[Dec 27,2004 2:22pm - hoser ""]
You guys are SSSOOO different. It seems to be the status quo around here to hate religion. Tell you what, line up for the slaughter, you're all sheep. Try not to be such a bunch of opinionated assholes. There is nothing open-minded or different about hating Christianity. I really don't give a shit what you all believe in, but try to stop shitting all over a religion that you know nothing about. Which reminds me, you can Google Christianity all you want in your attempts to sound erudite regarding this post, but just like hating niggers, spics, wops, and kikes; it only makes you as ignorant as a racist.
[Dec 27,2004 2:23pm - hoser ""]
Oh ya and.....White Power.
[Dec 27,2004 2:24pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Well I guess most agree on that issue. and I never siad I hated christmass.
[Dec 27,2004 2:30pm - hoser ""]
Hey dude,

I'm not singling anyone out here. It's just irritating to read the opinions of a bunch of kids that know little about nothing in life. They will do anything to make a stand against any institution due to their teen angst. Some day they will grow up and have to raise a family. No wonder half of Americas' youth are a bunch of honorless, uneducated little punks. Bring back the WWII generation, where honor and family came before your own selfish little opinions.
[Dec 27,2004 2:30pm - RustedAngel ""]
I don't celebrate x-mas, I just hang with my family and exchange presents. I don't think about religion at all. Granted I still think it's a crock pot of shit. BUT a good excuse to see family, have a day off, and do the gift thing!
[Dec 27,2004 2:33pm - RustedAngel ""]
hoser said:Hey dude,

I'm not singling anyone out here. It's just irritating to read the opinions of a bunch of kids that know little about nothing in life. They will do anything to make a stand against any institution due to their teen angst. Some day they will grow up and have to raise a family. No wonder half of Americas' youth are a bunch of honorless, uneducated little punks. Bring back the WWII generation, where honor and family came before your own selfish little opinions.

none of us here were alive during WWII, not even rev. aaron. (haha)

Jake, I don't know where your angst is coming from against people who disagree with religion in society.
[Dec 27,2004 2:34pm - hoser ""]

I have to agree with you that religion in general seems to have been commercialized and used as a mere opiate for the unwilling. However, coming from a very Irish Catholic family, it has instilled an honor in me that I may not have had in it's absence. I have no problem with it whatsoever. Then again, it was not forced on me, but left to me as a choice by a family that believed in such choices. God Bless my family for that. However, the Holidays bring families closer together, and I believe that this in itself should be cherished and not frowned upon.
[Dec 27,2004 2:41pm - hoser ""]
Tom, I simply believe that most young people today have no commitment to anything except their own selfish agendas. I get so sick of hearing their "Rage Against the Machine" rants. I typically sit by here and read the posts, without really saying too much unless the post underminds the direction of the country. I'm just sick of the whiny kids that parents are raising. When was the last time any of them had to go cut 6 cords of wood with Dad? When was the last time that any of them sat and played a game of trivial pursuit with their parents? When was the last time that any of them gave thanks to anyone but themselves for the freedoms that they have? What I'm getting at here is that there is no tradition left to the American family because parents have become engrossed in their work and own lives that they never took the time to instill any of the values that have made this country great into their children. Instead they spoil them with material things and forget about the simple lessons in life. I'll be damned if I raise my kids that way.
[Dec 27,2004 2:58pm - RustedAngel ""]
I kind of see what you're getting at. I still think religion is the origin of all that is evil on this planet. Kids whining is bound to happen, that's what america is all about, we have the right to disagree. No one likes paying taxes, ect. But we still do it.

It's not necessarily the kids fault for whining about hating x-mas time...they might not have a family that cares so if you're going to get mad at someone be mad at their family. I have no problem with having family time, but under no circumstances does it have anything to do with christianity as it does for many many fucking people. I hate it when parents baptise their children before they are old enough to make the decision themselves. My mother did not baptise me and wanted me to choose my own beliefs and I'm glad she did. I'm glad I wasn't brainwashed through my entire impressionable childhood mind to believe that jesus christ is my savior and I need to pray before bed everynight and go to church every sunday.
[Dec 27,2004 3:00pm - RustedAngel ""]
oh, and I'm glad it's not the 1940's anymore, because we wouldn't have all these cool computer things.

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