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Caliban photos from tonight...............

[Jun 1,2003 12:42am - succubus ""]
i can't wait to see 'em!!!!!!
[Jun 1,2003 2:43am - the_reverend ""]
ok, i'm home. working on the pictures now.
and for some reason, my ass hurts... maybe it's the 15 hours of driving to shows I've done.. hm...
[Jun 1,2003 2:43am - thegreatspaldino ""]
oh yeah? well i CAN wait to see them... whatcha gonna do about THAT, sucka! *crip walks all over the hizouse*
[Jun 1,2003 3:11am - the_reverend ""]
awesome show, awesome line up. only one fight and no, it wasn't during shattered realms.
[Jun 1,2003 3:42am - the_reverend ""]
The lighting in the elngee was pretty nice so I played with no-flash during most fo the bands. I also messed around a lot with some other things. Most of my pictures, I’m sure are just plan annoying, enjoy or as someone said on another site “Start your own fucking site ... then you can sit back and bitch.

dead by dawn: they were sort of a mix of 70's riffage with black-metal-ish vocals. I got the 12" for the show this week.

life in your way: They had another show in NY after this one, but they played like 5 or 6 songs, the last 2 I believe I remember from the last time I saw them. I like those two tracks the best, even though they have slow parts.

days gone by: They are pretty good live, but I’m still not sure. I’m going to have to listen to some mp3s to figure it out.

recurtion: local to CT, they were ok. it was semi-like life in your way. I'll have to hear their mp3s and see them live again afterwards.

for.her.i.can.be.a.hero: man, it's been soooo long since I've seen them. well, actually I saw them yesterday. Thank you for the dedication. for her.. have awesome live shows. So much energy and the songs all sound so good. I can't wait to hear the tracks with the new singer on it.

cannae: they played all new songs at the beginning, then broke in to 2 old songs, symmetry of fear and er.. another song, I forget the name of it. Their new stuff (though xmikex doesn't know them) is pretty good. they got a cd coming out soon on Prosthetic records. Also, they are back in their groove after a string of playing crappy “venues” they finally have their energy back and are kicking ass on the stage.

another dead juliet: Is that untold blake singing? I’m not sure what I thought of them. Not too bad, but I need to listen to their mp3s first. There should be a ton of songs out there by them as their songs are wicked short.

wasteform: 4th time seeing them and it was the best performance yet. I got the CD and I have to check it out cause I heard the CD is even better than the live show they did today. Also they were playing minus a guitar player. I’m sure they sold him. Most likely for crack.

remembering never: I wasn’t very impressed last time I saw them, but this show was much better. Probably cause I couldn’t hear the clean singing.

bury your dead: Pretty awesome, the new guys are fitting in nicely. I think though, they should look into a second guitar player. That made their sound HUGE last year.

shattered realms: a fight free full set from these nj-boys. One of the guitar players seems to have been having issues so he wasn’t hitting the singer accidentally (like happened the other two times I saw them). They even sent a song out to all the internet thugs, trey BOTN.

caliban: what can I say? I spent ½ the set trying to snap pictures off while screaming my head off. They played my favorites of the new CD and some older tracks that I didn’t know. The fight happened during caliban. I think in the last song they played, they were missing a bunch of the vocals form the bassist. Oh well, great set from one of my favorite bands.
[Jun 2,2003 11:00am - succubus ""]
Have you seen the pics yet?

yes you Spaldino
[Jun 2,2003 12:30pm - xuntoldblakex ""]
another dead juliet: Is that untold blake singing? I’m not sure what I thought of them. Not too bad, but I need to listen to their mp3s first. There should be a ton of songs out there by them as their songs are wicked short.

did he look like me... or sound like me? hmm
[Jun 2,2003 2:27pm - the_reverend ""]
similar, no?
[Jun 2,2003 6:40pm - Noah ""]
haha he did sorta look like you. he also moves on stage like you too. sound like you? i dunno...i got the demo so you can give it a listen to see.

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