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13 winters autograph signing in the back corner of Hot Topic

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[Dec 22,2004 9:03pm - Hokey Pokey  ""]
Apparently Die Winters is going to be at Hot Topic signing autographs on Xmas eve at the Sqaure One Mall...:krusty:
[Dec 22,2004 9:08pm - tbone_r ""]
i guess you know what that means...field trip!
[Dec 22,2004 9:24pm - Todd(bombshelter)  ""]
what is so great about them?
[Dec 22,2004 9:45pm - tbone_r ""]
nothing, they suck
[Dec 22,2004 10:35pm - I'll macarena on her grave  ""]
I smell a Spinal Tap moment coming on.
[Dec 22,2004 10:50pm - blue ""]
this thread is amazing.
[Dec 22,2004 11:17pm - Aegathis ""]
Wow i cant believe Brion hasnt had in on this post yet.
[Dec 23,2004 12:09am - JayTUS ""]
I saw them at Locobazooka. I still have nightmares about it...
[Dec 23,2004 12:15am - mark fucking richards  ""]
hahahahahahahaa....i was hoping this was a joke. that band fucking blows. why would anyone in their right mind go to a fucking signing at a hot topic for a local band that you could see almost ANYWHERE, and that also suck????? i really do hope this is a joke.
[Dec 23,2004 12:18am - Abbath ""]
Aegathis said:Wow i cant believe Brion hasnt had in on this post yet.

fuck you 13 winters! fuck you up your stupid assholes!!!!! :middlefinger:
[Dec 23,2004 12:19am - blue ""]
i wanna know how the hell this girl actually got this gig signing autographs....people would have to know who you are to do this....who the hell actually cares about this (local crappy goth nu metal) band and their singer?
[Dec 23,2004 1:11am - josiah_the_black ""]
no blue, she isnt going to be "signing autographs"
she'll be in the back corner hiding from management so she can keep writing "die winters was here" on all the tags of the faggot bondage pants
[Dec 23,2004 1:11am - josiah_the_black ""]
also why was this a poll?
[Dec 23,2004 8:38am - Josh_hates_you ""]
and why cant i vote 3 times on the poll?

id tap #2 #3 #4. dc too.
[Dec 23,2004 9:17am - Christraper ""]
Shes probably good friends with hot topics 13 year old manager who approved this mess.
[Dec 23,2004 9:19am - litacore ""]
this is the funniest thing I have heard all day
[Dec 23,2004 9:57am - dreadkill ""]
ridiculous. i could say more, but i'll leave it at ridiculous
[Dec 23,2004 9:57am - dreadkill ""]
does anyone think die winters is really the guy from wretched asylum in drag?
[Dec 23,2004 10:03am - suckreligion ""]
i saw them at the sayonnara summer fest... quite possibly the ugliest group of people i have ever seen.
[Dec 23,2004 2:52pm - Abbath ""]

heh 13 winters forum....... time to lay the smack down RK
[Dec 23,2004 2:55pm - blue ""]
[Dec 23,2004 2:58pm - blue ""]
who the hell is the kid that started this shit anyway? thats annoying. i dont ever want anyone telling me that my band is nu metal.
[Dec 23,2004 3:14pm - dreadkill ""]
raising kubrick, nu metal? what a ridiculous claim. this thread gets more and more ridiculous as the day goes on.
[Dec 23,2004 3:16pm - Mary ""]
Am I the only person that has no idea who this Winter person/people is?
[Dec 23,2004 4:36pm - assuck ""]
i think its funny that sarah has 12 votes
[Dec 23,2004 5:29pm - Abbath ""]
she should get all of them...
[Dec 24,2004 1:08am - anonymous  ""]
13 Winters is for Fags
[Dec 24,2004 1:10am - moe  ""]
by the way, that post was me...if anyone couldn't tell
[Dec 24,2004 1:40am - dreadkill ""]
Abbath said:she should get all of them...

don't count out jess and kell.
[Dec 24,2004 1:46am - blue ""]
i certainly wouldnt.
[Dec 24,2004 1:48am - dreadkill ""]
i think everyone agrees this poll features three lovely women and one tranny.
[Dec 24,2004 4:55am - MikeFuck  ""]
Don't fuck with Die, she's jacked as hell. I was standing in line for some BBQ at the Sayanora Summerfest show and she sneaked up behind me and said "DIE WINTERS HUNGRY", unhinged her jaw and swallowed me whole. Now I am communicating to you, my internet friends, from the frostbitten and grim forest that is her stomach.
[Dec 24,2004 9:40am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Abhorred will be signing autographs at Armageddon shop on Jan 28th and I bet they played out way more then 13 winters.

I voted for Lady Czerach.
[Dec 24,2004 11:02am - Abbath ""]
dreadkill said:i think everyone agrees this poll features three lovely women and one tranny.

agreed, but i would like to know who voted for die winters 8 times
[Dec 24,2004 11:07am - SINOFANGELS-RAY ""]
This is a joke right
[Dec 24,2004 11:55am - dreadkill ""]
[Dec 24,2004 2:28pm - lady_czerach NLI  ""]
who made this poll?
[Dec 24,2004 3:21pm - blue ""]
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!next weekend i hear exhumed is gonna be doing autographs at the square one hot topic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 0MG!!!!!!!!!!!
[Dec 24,2004 7:20pm - assuck ""]
we will only sign breasts and the occasional man-boob
[Dec 25,2004 12:56am - Todd(bombshelter)  ""]
I think i have actually heard, them come to think of it, cause i seen there trailer at the shelter i believe, unless they were the band that i left the club while they were palyin,cause they were all dressed like goth fags .
[Dec 25,2004 10:17am - Blue ""]
Todd said:I think i have actually heard, them come to think of it, cause i seen there trailer at the shelter i believe, unless they were the band that i left the club while they were playin, cause they were all dressed like goth fags .

yeah, thats them.
[Dec 30,2004 6:28pm - JayTUS ""]
[Dec 30,2004 6:36pm - Hooker ""]
[Dec 30,2004 6:49pm - JayTUS ""]
I figured since 22 people wanted to bang this chick they'd enjoy a half naked picture of her.
[Dec 30,2004 6:58pm - Hooker ""]
oh god. I just now clicked. what the hell is going on?
[Dec 30,2004 10:30pm - Aegathis ""]
[Dec 30,2004 11:22pm - Noxious Odor  ""]
A quote from 13 Winters.com

"Don't listen to the few death metal fags from return to the pit. They are the only people in the world who say anything negative"

[Dec 30,2004 11:33pm - Aegathis ""]
A quote from 13 Winters.com

"Don't listen to the few death metal fags from return to the pit. They are the only people in the world who say anything negative"

Okay Gramps >:]

[Dec 31,2004 1:40am - Blue ""]
Noxious Odor said:A quote from 13 Winters.com

"Don't listen to the few death metal fags from return to the pit. They are the only people in the world who say anything negative"


apparently theyve never been to the relapse and lambgoat boards.
[Feb 18,2005 6:42pm - anonymous  ""]
[Feb 18,2005 6:52pm - Abbath ""]

ya know just when my hate for them starts to go down, they just keep on coming back

"What's the speed of DARK?!" oh man, good times good times
[Feb 18,2005 11:08pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
JayTUS said:http://www.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=viewImage&friendID=3819307&imageID=25001649&Mytoken=20041230152723

its going to take 13 winters to rid my mind of that image... :(

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