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Ive discovered something new about rttp

[Dec 21,2004 4:29pm - Aegathis ""]
This comes up when a page doesnt wanna open any more i guess.
[Dec 21,2004 4:35pm - swamplorddvm ""]
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa what the hell is that????
[Dec 21,2004 4:39pm - dreadkill ""]
yes! i love banana phone. i am glad the reverend snuck it in there.
[Dec 21,2004 4:41pm - the_reverend ""]
yeah, but notice that it also gives you a link to the page you are looking for.... magic..
[Dec 21,2004 4:42pm - swamplorddvm ""]
whoooaoaaa hot damn!
[Dec 21,2004 4:42pm - the_reverend ""]
I put that up there a few months ago...
I was just waiting for people to find it.
[Dec 21,2004 4:44pm - swamplorddvm ""]
oh oh ! We should have an RTTP scavenger hunt. you could hide MORE weird shit around.
[Dec 21,2004 4:47pm - the_reverend ""]
could hide?
maybe I have hidden.... mwahahahah
[Dec 21,2004 4:54pm - swamplorddvm ""]
hhmmmmm, let the hunt begin!
[Dec 21,2004 5:20pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
Raffi is a god damned motherfucking musical genius.
[Dec 21,2004 5:54pm - dreadkill ""]
there should be a metal tribute to raffi on dwell records with all kinds of metal bands no one has ever heard of
[Dec 21,2004 6:01pm - succubus ""]
i feel special because i've heard the rev sing along with it

i love getting to "old" pages because that song is so damned cute!
[Jan 22,2005 10:22pm - Aegathis ""]
what the hellll, its not there any more
[Jan 22,2005 10:35pm - my_pretentious_erection ""]
[Jan 22,2005 10:35pm - succubus ""]
yeah i just showed aaron


he's making pop corn but he'll look into it in a bit
[Jan 22,2005 10:36pm - succubus ""]
my_pretentious_erection said:[img]

i've seen that drawing i person and vandalized it
[Jan 22,2005 10:40pm - my_pretentious_erection ""]
it's so realistic.
[Jan 22,2005 10:41pm - succubus ""]
esp the "reverAnd"

/end sarcasm
[Jan 22,2005 10:42pm - the_reverend ""]
I see the banana phone.
you must be on drugs
[Jan 22,2005 10:44pm - succubus ""]
he fixed it
[Jan 22,2005 10:46pm - anonymous  ""]
my_pretentious_erection said:it's so realistic.
Yes, in your fantasies!

[Jan 22,2005 10:57pm - my_pretentious_erection ""]
i don't need fantasies, i've reached the point where i can get hard just seeing a photo of him.
[Jan 22,2005 11:16pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
I didn't expect anything that i saw in this thread.
[Jan 22,2005 11:25pm - my_pretentious_erection ""]
we're all gay.
[Jan 23,2005 12:29am - eddie ""]
i saw this like a week or so ago

just figured it was always there
[Jan 23,2005 12:30am - eddie ""]
wait this thread is old, fuck i'm slow

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