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[May 31,2003 8:49am - baneofexistence ""]
[May 31,2003 8:51am - baneofexistence ""]
Pearl Street Nightclub
10 Pearl Street
Northampton, MA 01060
(413) 584-7810
From the East or West
* Take the Mass Pike (I-90) to Exit 4 (I-91), following signs towards Holyoke.
* Take I-91 North to Exit 18 (Northampton Center Exit).
* At the end of the ramp, take a left onto Pleasant Street (a.k.a. Route 5 North).
* Take Pleasant Street approximately one-half mile.
* Pearl Street is on the right. (The City Cafe is on the corner and Sylvester's Restaurant is across the street).
* Turn right onto Pearl Street. Pearl Street Nightclub is on the left - continue around curve to front entrance.
From the North
* Take I-91 South to Exit 20 (Northampton/Hadley Exit).
* Follow the ramp onto King Street.
* Take King Street approximately one mile to the light in the center of town at the intersection with Main Street.
* Take a left on Main Street.
* Take first right onto Pearl Street.
* Pearl Street Nightclub is less than 1/8 mile on right.
From the South
* Take I-91 North to Exit 18 (Northampton Center Exit).
* At the end of the ramp, you will take a left onto Pleasant Street (a.k.a. Route 5 North).
* Take Pleasant Street approximately one-half mile.
* Pearl Street is on the right. (The City Cafe is on the corner and Sylvester's Restaurant is across the street).
* Turn right onto Pearl Street. Pearl Street Nightclub is on the left - continue around curve to front entrance.
[May 31,2003 9:23am - RustedAngel ""]
something makes me think that internal bleeding isn't really playing this show. its not listed on their site.
[May 31,2003 10:35am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
good luck guys!!:tmnt1:
[May 31,2003 10:47am - DaveSTF ""]
Yeah Internal bleeding don't have ther funds to tour right now.. They were supposed to play June 2nd at Bills Bar in Boston, but they made a post on a few websites saying they couldn't afford it or somthing....
[Jun 1,2003 4:29am - the_reverend ""]
I would have gone, but after 1/2 the bands cancelled and I went to s shitty-run show last night,
I decided to hit stillbornfest.
how was it.
[Jun 1,2003 4:49am - thegreatspaldino ""]
it went pretty good... atleast from what i saw... i left during Sacrum. the sound was pretty good. Despoilment, BoE, and Goratory did well and that band Dysentery sucked the place up... but yeah... i wish there were more people that liked to pit there... if it wasnt for my band mates and some slipknot kid there would have been zero crowd movement.
[Jun 1,2003 12:24pm - jesus ""]
yeah man we fucking blow, we should just become a hardcore band :spineyes:
[Jun 1,2003 12:45pm - baneofexistence ""]
actually i dig you guys a lot

question the guy with the jackson king V on the drummers right hand side (or on the left facing the stage) what kinda tremlo is that on your guitar does that have the drop tunning thing on it?
[Jun 1,2003 12:58pm - jesus ""]
its a floyd rose trem...i bought the guitar off a friend and it had the Dtuner attachment on it. i dont really use it. i keep it on as an anchor for the floyd.
i hate tremolo bridges so i tighted it up and left the drop tuner on so it stops it and keeps it stable.
i think i explained that right¿?
[Jun 1,2003 1:21pm - dysenterytom ""]
the did go pretty well, more people would have been better!, despoilment saprised me, and i thought that bane of existance sounded really good, goratoys new shit kills...dysenterry sux....haha our three man pit....:satancross:
[Jun 1,2003 1:25pm - dysenterytom ""]
i suck at spelling...
[Jun 2,2003 2:53pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
that was a pretty good show. it was awesome to finially see dysentery. that's some sick shit. me rikey very much. good guys too.

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