new band on NotCommon records[views:3539][posts:8]_______________________________________ [May 30,2003 9:05pm - Joe/NotCommon ""] Cruelty Divine, the most unholy band in all of massachusetts, is now part of the NotCommon roster of villians. The new CD should be available in August, and until then they will be busy burning down churches and stabbing their own friends to death. In other NotCommon news, don't forget to catch Mark Kevorkian's in the movie Swim Fan, which is now available for rent. He is on the front cover and is the main character in the movie. |
_________________________________________ [May 31,2003 12:43am - FinalBloodbath ""] Hey Joe Im DAN from hanover whats up with phil and that band we almost started the black/death/thrash band from a few months ago I wrote some good solid guitar shit an you guys let me down I was having fun writing that stuff I wrote a whole fuckin album an now I got nothing to do with it you an phil really let me down I hope it was nothing personal cause I have alot of friends in the underground and they said that you guys ditchin me and the band like that was the most nonmetal and uncoolest thing anyone could ever do to any one EVER you dont need to apologize but I do expect an explanation sometime... from one man to another I question where is the integrity???? Good luck with the label I know you care about that more than a REAL TRUE METAL musicians dream that was crushed for some selfish concerns! Thanks for the false anticipation, dedication, and friendship it will all be forgotten because I was just another person for you to guys to jam with? Thanks |
________________________________________ [May 31,2003 10:34am - Joe/NotCommon ""] Hi Dan, that band didn't work because Phil got 2 new jobs, started taking classes and was doing Cruelty Divine again. We only jammed 2 times, if that ruined your life then you didn't have much of a life to begin with. Phil already told you why he called it off, so stop calling him and emailing him under different names, thats fucking creepy and probably illegal. If you don't believe me go see single white female. besides, we didn't want to do the same thing you wanted to do anyway. |
________________________________________ [May 31,2003 10:35am - Joe/NotCommon ""] oh yeah and my label is much more important to me then the 3 hours I spent jamming with you half a year ago |
_________________________________________ [May 31,2003 12:12pm - FinalBloodbath ""] Hey it didnt wreck my life and I may be being a little dramatic but you should try playing music for 8 years with people always spewing the bullshit and leading you on. Hey and Ive never emailed Phil since then Ive called him a few times just to see if he would want to record the few songs we got in his basement cause I thought they were killer. |
________________________________ [Jun 2,2003 4:51pm - Cruelty ""] Ok I wasnt going to grace this with a reply but since I find it very hard to believe your comments about Cruelty in your other post where just those of a concerned citizen I feel I have to do my best to set some things straight. We didn't do anything uncool to you or "unmetal" (whatever the fuck that meens) to you. Im not playing in any band with joe what we want to play is too different and what me and you want to play is too different. Do you really want to get into a band with people who have drasticly different tastes and Ideas for what they want to play. I meen come on I just answered your ad on just and gave jamming with you and joe a shot because none of us where in a band at the time. No one owed you anything we only jammed twice and you couldnt even remember your own riffs then you drank half the beer in my fridge, mouthed off to a cop when we got pulled over on the way to the roast beef place, kept telling us we where posers and wanted to sound like hatebreed when we said we didnt want to sound just like goatwhore and then asked me about 30 times if you could take beer home with you then when you finally wore me down you took twice as much as I said you could. The reason I told you the band wasnt going to work out in an email as opposed to calling you was because believe it or not I dont like to hurt poeples feelings and you showed that you could be pretty intense. Come on dude I have no problem with you and I dont dislike you. You need to chill find some people who want to play the kind of music you want to play. But discribe what that is dont just call everything else untrue metal because I got some bad news for you. Almost all those Scandinavian black and death metal bands have Trance or Industrial side projects those guys are very trendy, and like it so is this scene and I dont think there is really anything wrong with the music its just a little to cliquey. Chill out take your time find people who want to play what you do and try not to be so emotional. later -Phil |
________________________________ [Jun 2,2003 4:51pm - Cruelty ""] . |
________________________________ [Jun 2,2003 4:51pm - Cruelty ""] I want to appoligize to everyone else I have only been on this board for two days and all I have done was put up an add and argue. Sorry guys Ill try to be more productive |
______________________________________ [Jun 2,2003 6:54pm - deodiummortis ""] Half the posts on this board are people arguing, don't worry about it man. Do your business, make contacts, make friends, fuck the naysayers. \/\/0r|) |