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News Article: mom allows bf to rape 5-year old daughter

[Dec 16,2004 8:29am - the_reverend ""]
[Dec 16,2004 8:37am - Josh_Martin ""]
What a Christmas present!!!!!
[Dec 16,2004 11:48am - projectilevomit ""]
What a Christmas present!!!!!

truly amazing
[Dec 16,2004 11:54am - tbone_r ""]
that's gross

they should send me the tape so that no perverts get to see it
[Dec 16,2004 12:12pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
I think the biting in this case is just as shocking as the rape! I mean, people have let their significant other rape their child frequently in the past... But to leave teeth marks?!?!?! Unheard of...

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