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Phil Anselmo to "disappear" from music possibly forever

[Dec 15,2004 4:29pm - the_reverend ""]

In response to the killing of Dimebag Darrell, ex-Pantera singer Phil Anselmo has issued a rambling, emotional statement saying he's devastated by what happened, and calling the slain guitarist "the most beautiful person, one of my best friends in

I never got a chance to say goodbye in the right way and it kills me. I wish to God I could've gone to his funeral." — Ex-Pantera Frontman Phil Anselmo

the world."

"I love Dimebag Darrell because there was not one mother----er like him," he said. "I love him like a brother loves a brother."

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[Dec 15,2004 4:32pm - dreadkill ""]
i read that. too bad phil didn't make amends with dimebag when he had the chance. i don't want to think about how i'd feel if a friend of mine died before we could resolve a fight. hopefully he will disappear for a while because superjoint sucks.
[Dec 15,2004 4:32pm - litacore ""]
if a tree falls in the forest . . .
[Dec 15,2004 4:48pm - Rich Horror NLI  ""]
This isn't quite as good news as Phil getting murdered... but it's close.
[Dec 15,2004 5:03pm - moran ""]
Am I the only person in the world who still likes him and his music?
[Dec 15,2004 5:06pm - grundlegremlin ""]
Did Phil play guitar in that band Necrophagia years ago? I saw a video on the dvd of The Beyond and it looks like Phil,but I'm not sure.
[Dec 15,2004 5:07pm - anonymous  ""]
Yes he did
[Dec 15,2004 5:07pm - assuck ""]
moran said:Am I the only person in the world who still likes him and his music?

i'm still a fan, god dammit
[Dec 15,2004 5:08pm - moran ""]
Thats good to hear.
[Dec 15,2004 5:15pm - Rich Horror NLI  ""]
I liked everything between Cowboys and Far Beyond Driven. That's not really the point. The fact that Phil Anselmo is a disgusting homosexual is, however.
[Dec 15,2004 5:27pm - dreadkill ""]
i used to think phil was really cool, but he makes bad music now and says stupid things in the media. you can't go to a phil show without him going on incoherent rants for 20 minutes between each song.
[Dec 15,2004 5:28pm - A  ""]
litacore said:if a tree falls in the forest . . .

[Dec 15,2004 5:29pm - Rich Horror NLI  ""]
The time I saw them in concert was made me stop being a fan. For someone who's supposed to be such a tough ass, hard drinking, bar brawler... he was sure a fucking pussy.
[Dec 15,2004 6:37pm - Blood-Obsessed ""]
assuck said:moran said:Am I the only person in the world who still likes him and his music?

i'm still a fan, god dammit

Me too!!!
[Dec 15,2004 7:03pm - blue ""]
i find it really funny how a month ago i was reading posts on blabbermouth how phil 'would punch dime in the face if he saw him,' and now he 'wishes he could have said goodbye.'
[Dec 15,2004 7:04pm - blue ""]
grundlegremlin said:Did Phil play guitar in that band Necrophagia years ago? I saw a video on the dvd of The Beyond and it looks like Phil,but I'm not sure.

yeah he did, the only non pantera thing he did besides down that is actually worth a damn.
[Dec 15,2004 7:05pm - Ninkaszi  ""]
how could you forget viking crown???? hahaha

[Dec 15,2004 7:07pm - dreadkill ""]
i think phil is an asshole, but he'd have to be a hollowed out piece of shit not to feel some kind of remorse and wish he could have resolved things with dimebag. i believe he wishes he could have said goodbye. i imagine tragedies can change the way you feel about a grudge.
[Dec 15,2004 7:27pm - blue ""]
Ninkaszi said:how could you forget viking crown???? hahaha

oh my god, i totally forgot about them. viking crown was sad.
[Dec 15,2004 7:36pm - swamplorddvm ""]
YES IT WAS SAD! and I hope phil does leave music.
[Dec 15,2004 7:48pm - moran ""]
Ninkaszi said:how could you forget viking crown???? hahaha

It was done as a joke.
[Dec 15,2004 7:52pm - malettey ""]
blue said:i find it really funny how a month ago i was reading posts on blabbermouth how phil 'would punch dime in the face if he saw him,' and now he 'wishes he could have said goodbye.'

yeah that is true, but i think when someone close to you dies, it changes everything, puts things into perspective. phil and dimebag were friends for over 10 years, playing in pantera together, i don't think it would be that easy to be upset with a friend and say shit about each other and really mean it. they had a beef, and were probably just using the media to blow off steam.
i used to think phil was an asshole for saying shit about pantera and whatnot, i didn't even think he'd care much that dimebag was killed, but i kinda respect him more now that he's apologized, and wishes he could've made peace with dimebag. it's a fuckin' shitty situation, i don't blame him for wanting to quit music.
[Dec 15,2004 7:57pm - blue ""]
what i find is lame is that he had to be such a toughguy and be all 'im more badassed than dime and vinnie, cus i listen to extreme metal!' now that dimes gone, he showed his true colors and lets everyone know how much of a huge act he puts up.
[Dec 15,2004 8:11pm - Hooker ""]
<embed src="http://www.carllewis.com/musicvideo.mov" width="360" height="256" type="video/quicktime" controller="true" autoplay="true">
[Dec 15,2004 8:11pm - Hooker ""]
[Dec 15,2004 9:21pm - Cryptic Anthony  ""]
that was one weird fucking video Hooker

i like.
[Dec 15,2004 9:31pm - Hooker ""]
[Dec 15,2004 10:11pm - Kalopsia ""]
malettey said:blue said:i find it really funny how a month ago i was reading posts on blabbermouth how phil 'would punch dime in the face if he saw him,' and now he 'wishes he could have said goodbye.'

yeah that is true, but i think when someone close to you dies, it changes everything, puts things into perspective. phil and dimebag were friends for over 10 years, playing in pantera together, i don't think it would be that easy to be upset with a friend and say shit about each other and really mean it. they had a beef, and were probably just using the media to blow off steam.
i used to think phil was an asshole for saying shit about pantera and whatnot, i didn't even think he'd care much that dimebag was killed, but i kinda respect him more now that he's apologized, and wishes he could've made peace with dimebag. it's a fuckin' shitty situation, i don't blame him for wanting to quit music.

i agree, i have plenty of friends who i'd love to beat the shit out of them because they need a good ass whipping, but i still love them. i lost a load of respect for phil when he made superjoint ritual because he became a drug addict again, made shitty music with SR, and became a horrible frontman, making no sense when he talked in between songs. but i never believed that he truly hated Dimebag or Vinny Paul or anything like that
[Dec 15,2004 10:46pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
moran said:Ninkaszi said:how could you forget viking crown???? hahaha

It was done as a joke.

As far as I know, that's not the case, Phil and Killjoy are apparently fans of stuff like BEHERIT and VON and wanted to play in that style, but they certainly didn't pull that off.
[Dec 15,2004 11:08pm - BornSoVile ""]
Phil loves black metal. My buddy has posters of him with Mayhem and Darkthrone shirts on and shit. I heard a bootleg once from Dynamo I think and Phil goes off for like 5 minutes about emperor and shit.
Did he have something to do with Lord Gore? I thought he was in like 9 bands.

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