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Satyricon CANCELLED!

[Dec 15,2004 3:51pm - the_reverend ""]
I have no details... as of yet that is
[Dec 15,2004 3:53pm - the_reverend ""]
the remaining Satyricon dates (Cleveland,
Philadelphia, Worcester, West Springfield, New York) have been cancelled.
[Dec 15,2004 3:55pm - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
Begin the migration to the Living Room!
[Dec 15,2004 4:00pm - the_reverend ""]
it's the curse of 100 demons, I swear!
this is the 4th time that I was going to see them but something happened.
[Dec 15,2004 4:01pm - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
Perhaps they saw the queer opening acts and just dropped off.
[Dec 15,2004 4:04pm - Christraper ""]
considering they recruited slipknots drummer i dont thin kthat was the case
[Dec 15,2004 4:10pm - paganmegan ""]
maybe they had a collective identity crisis
[Dec 15,2004 4:18pm - Aegathis nli  ""]
Where did you hear about this from?
[Dec 15,2004 4:19pm - litacore ""]
Aaron is omniscient
[Dec 15,2004 4:20pm - Aegathis nli  ""]
haha thats my word of the week!
[Dec 15,2004 4:22pm - KeithMutiny ""]
good thing i decided not to go anyway
[Dec 15,2004 4:23pm - Aegathis nli  ""]
no seriously what the hell? doesnt say it on their site , the palladium site or even that waaf thing.
[Dec 15,2004 4:25pm - the_reverend ""]
who are you going to believe? those sites or this site?
when I find out more details, I will post more.
but it is 100% true.
since this fxs me too, I was going to it.
[Dec 15,2004 4:30pm - armageddonday ""]
[Dec 15,2004 4:30pm - the_reverend ""]
I will be at high on fire now, I'm guessing.
[Dec 15,2004 4:31pm - litacore ""]
me too
[Dec 15,2004 4:46pm - RustedAngel ""]
[Dec 15,2004 5:23pm - retzam ""]
What the fuck? Are you serious?? This sucks.
[Dec 15,2004 5:29pm - phobia ""]
BobNOMAAMRooney said:Begin the migration to the Living Room!

i'll second that
[Dec 15,2004 5:41pm - armageddonday ""]
I have a good feeling that I'm going to be COMPLETELY oblitarated at that show.
[Dec 15,2004 5:48pm - phobia ""]
i KNOW im going to be completely obliterated at that show,... everyone knows that. me and you anne. raising hell
[Dec 15,2004 5:49pm - BornSoVile ""]
this is awesome news.
[Dec 15,2004 5:53pm - armageddonday ""]
Yeah, well I guess I'm sure I'll be obliterated but I really do have that giggly thing in me right now that's telling me that EVERYONE will be there and it will be one of these nights...where we'll all be wasted and happy and we'll all wake up the day after with a terrible neckache due to too much headbanging.
I hope that Mike's taking the night off, it won't be normal if he's not next to me and dreadlock Dave during High On FIre's set.
[Dec 15,2004 7:40pm - Abbath ""]
anymore news about this?
[Dec 15,2004 7:49pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
Hmmm... I'm still hoping to go to NJ to see GOREAPHOBIA and CROWNED IN SEMEN but if that doesn't happen I may have to rock out CRASH AND BURN at the Middle East...
[Dec 15,2004 8:11pm - succubus ""]
the news was given to us by Satyricon's PR
[Dec 15,2004 8:53pm - jew claw!  ""]
thats too bad. i booked hotel rooms and everything. gay gay shit

if frost could get into the country, i'd rather see 1349
[Dec 15,2004 10:54pm - moran ""]
Succubus made it on to Blabbermouth:

SATYRICON: Remainder Of U.S Tour Cancelled - Dec. 15, 2004
The remainder of SATYRICON's U.S. tour has been cancelled, according to several industry sources. No reason was given for the cancellation. Affected dates are as follows:

Dec. 15 - Cleveland, OH - Agora
Dec. 16 - Philadelphia, PA - Trocadero
Dec. 18 - Worcester, MA - The Palladium (WAAF show)
Dec. 19 - Springfield, VA - Jaxx
Dec. 21 - New York, NY – B.B. Kings

An official statement on the matter is expected soon.

(Thanks: Carina Mastrocola)

[Dec 15,2004 10:57pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
blabbermouth tells lies
[Dec 15,2004 11:01pm - JayTUS ""]
It's true, we all got emails from the publicist...
[Dec 15,2004 11:10pm - succubus ""]
DAMMIT...i gave them a link to RTTP (this thread) and said the rev posted it and then i just cut and pasted the official email and told them i take pics and it's true...
[Dec 15,2004 11:12pm - succubus ""]
oh i emailed smnews the same thing and they emailed me back to say thanks..here is the post:

[Dec 15,2004 11:41pm - CongoogetalZobotomy ""]
good this show was crap anyway
[Dec 15,2004 11:41pm - KeithMutiny ""]
theyre still promoting the show on waaf as of 5 minutes ago... hahahahaha
[Dec 16,2004 2:23am - SacreligionNlI  ""]
how hilarious. if some of you don't want to leave worcester but still wanna see a good show we're playing the marque at 8:35. it's supposed to be $10...but perhaps i can squeeze a few tix by for only $5.
[Dec 16,2004 9:02am - succubus ""]
ok someone just told me they are stuck in canada..
[Dec 16,2004 9:12am - succubus ""]
i guess if you read the comments on blabbermouth people are saying that too..2 members are being held in canada
[Dec 16,2004 9:18am - dyingmuse ""]
that works out for me, i was all stressed out about not having the money to go anyway.
[Dec 16,2004 9:52am - succubus ""]
i guess the show is going on..
we still have other bands on the bill since it's WAAF's Black And Blue Christmas show for charity so all other bands will be there
~from massconcerts when i emailed them
[Dec 16,2004 9:57am - josiahtheblack nli  ""]
whats the point w/o satyricon?
[Dec 16,2004 10:21am - kellthevalkyrie ""]
I have a gig that night anyways for my other music thing, so it doesn't make any difference to me at all.
[Dec 16,2004 11:10am - succubus ""]
well i was originally asked by sat. people..so i'm not going...rev and i are probably going to Conifer/High on Fire
[Dec 16,2004 12:32pm - lynneaus ""]
ill still be there... maybe ill win some free stuff like i did last year
[Dec 16,2004 12:39pm - armageddonday ""]
I bet the ticket price will still be the same...
[Dec 16,2004 1:17pm - ShadowSD  ""]
I highly recommend going right across the street from the Palladium and catching Sacreligion at Club Marque. They always pack the place and put on an amazing show there, and they sound absolutely mint through the PA system I bring there. Trust me, you haven't heard Sacreligion until you've heard them live.

(Plus, they're going to be taking time off pretty soon, so for those of you who still have yet to catch these guys, this is one of your last chances for a while).

[Dec 16,2004 3:19pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
Haha such an opportunist... "Come by Club Marquee before the SATYRICON show! What? They cancelled? Oh well, you should all still drive to Worcester to pay $10 to see local bands!"
[Dec 16,2004 3:35pm - ShadowSD  ""]
No, I just meant that people who had already planned their Saturday night around going to Worcester didn't have to cancel their whole night.

And didn't Sacreligion just offer to sell tickets for $5 a few posts ago?

[Dec 16,2004 3:43pm - RustedAngel ""]
people weren't just going to worcester, they were going to see Satyricon. duh!
[Dec 17,2004 2:48am - SacreligionNlI  ""]
obviously...but all we're doing is promoting a show

$5 offer still stands if anyone is interested
[Dec 17,2004 3:28am - Todd(bombshelter)  ""]
oh well was not gonna go see Satyricon anyway to many other gay bands i woulda had to sit through
[Dec 17,2004 12:41pm - tobin  ""]
SacreligionNlI said:obviously...but all we're doing is promoting a show

people seem to forget that all the bands we listen to started out as local bands. if you don't take a chance on something you've never heard before once in a while and support the local scene, eventually there will be nothing good out there at all.
[Dec 17,2004 12:45pm - succubus ""]
actually, if you know this site you know that there are a lot of local bands on it

i think people have an issue with pay to play shows
[Dec 17,2004 1:32pm - tobin  ""]
i do know this site and i do know there are a lot of local bands on it. the problem is that if a new band shows up that's not part of the clique, they get all but blacklisted. remember, not every band you've never heard of is some nu-metal garbage that doesn't deserve a chance.

for all you know, the coolest band you'll ever hear is playing in a basement somewhere, and sadly enough probably won't be able to get anyone out to see them play when they start doing shows.
[Dec 17,2004 1:38pm - ShadowSD  ""]
succubus said:i think people have an issue with pay to play shows

So do I, but I don't think that's a fair characterization here, I've booked Sacreligion at Club Marque several times and they've NEVER had to pay to play, in fact they always made money. I only book bands on shows like this if they tell me they can sell more than enough tickets not to pay anything out of pocket.

(And if it were up to me, ALL the ticket money would go to the bands. Unfortunately, it costs money to rent venues, make tickets, hire roadies/dooruys, and bring a huge PA from Connecticut, and I can't afford to pay it all myself.)

Try and find another venue where a local band can make $100 for selling twenty tickets. The Webster pays you nothing until you sell forty tickets and after that pays you $1 per ticket. Jarrod's doesn't pay you a penny until twenty-five tickets. Even most dinky hall shows will only give you a couple dollars per ticket if you sell twenty, so that's not even half what you'd make with this system.

And as far as shows with no tickets, where everyone comes to the door? A friend of mine's band recently played Club Liquid and drew around fifty people, only to be told by the end of the night, well you guys drew ten people so here's fifty bucks. The club was the one with all the money in their hands, so what was the band going to do? Fuck that shit. The shows I put on are the ONLY ones around where all the money exhanges hands between myself and the bands before the clubs can even touch it, so there's no chance of a club owner suddenly deciding they want a bigger cut, or saying a band brought less people than they did. If my friend's band had played one of my shows instead the one they did, they would have made $400.

I designed this whole pay system so bands could MAKE money. If that stops happening, I'll stop doing this.

[Dec 17,2004 1:43pm - SacreligionNlI  ""]
he's right you know
[Dec 17,2004 2:54pm - succubus ""]
tobin said:i do know this site and i do know there are a lot of local bands on it. the problem is that if a new band shows up that's not part of the clique, they get all but blacklisted. remember, not every band you've never heard of is some nu-metal garbage that doesn't deserve a chance.

for all you know, the coolest band you'll ever hear is playing in a basement somewhere, and sadly enough probably won't be able to get anyone out to see them play when they start doing shows.

yer preaching to the choir if you are saying this to me...

i have been saying there is way to much shit talking on here for a while and it's gotten worse

[Dec 17,2004 3:23pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
ShadowSD said:No, I just meant that people who had already planned their Saturday night around going to Worcester didn't have to cancel their whole night.

And didn't Sacreligion just offer to sell tickets for $5 a few posts ago?

I was just fucking around...

But really, there may be a few Worc. people here, but I really don't see everyone else still sticking with their Worcester plans.
[Dec 17,2004 3:43pm - KeithMutiny ""]
I dont talk shit... i know for a fact everyone fucking sucks....

hehehe, just KIDDIN
[Dec 18,2004 2:49am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
I just wish we had the opportunity to show everyone on here what we're really about...i have so much "faith" in this band it's ridiculous
[Dec 18,2004 2:52am - Todd(bombshelter)  ""]
SacreligionNLI said:I just wish we had the opportunity to show everyone on here what we're really about...i have so much "faith" in this band it's ridiculous

:doublehorns: I'm a fan and I don't impress easily ,as most people know ,my 2 favorite words are "you suck!"
[Dec 18,2004 10:49am - suckreligion ""]
cannot wait to play tonight. metalllllllllllllllllll.
[Dec 11,2006 12:53pm - Yeti ""]
suckreligion? i dont remember that. nice.
[Dec 11,2006 2:07pm - Granny_Monster ""]
Ugh, I remember this... what a bummer

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