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Video of evanesance BOMBING on the billboard awards

[Dec 15,2004 9:40am - RustedAngel ""]
http://www.revalum.com/temp/bma.zip - about 40mb.

[Dec 15,2004 10:05am - litacore ""]
oooooh, I wish I had the means. Oh well

what does she do, trip over her schlong?
[Dec 15,2004 10:07am - rev at another computer  ""]
damn, I got that a few days ago and I was going to post it...
but I couldn't think of a reason why.

And I don't like her tori amos rip-off music either, BUT I think she ripped it up there. she sang and played very technically well. also the camera angles are cool and it's cool to think how they go the cameras to do that plus the control to do that real-time.
[Dec 15,2004 10:13am - succubus ""]
i thought it was ok
[Dec 15,2004 10:16am - tbone_r ""]
how did they 'bomb'? am i missing something?
[Dec 15,2004 12:53pm - Pat Meebles  ""]
the singing was horrid
[Dec 15,2004 2:30pm - dirtycrayon  ""]
Wal-Mart Sued by Couple Whose Daughter Bought Unlabeled Evanescence CD With Explicit Lyrics

[Dec 15,2004 2:33pm - the_reverend ""]
yeah, I consider that song borderline terrorism.
singing sound almost be illegal under the patriot act.
[Dec 15,2004 2:38pm - dirtycrayon  ""]
tbone_r said:how did they 'bomb'? am i missing something?

[Dec 15,2004 2:59pm - Abbath ""]
what the fuck was wrong with their instruments!? it sounded like a cow being slaughtered and it's bowels releasing!
[Dec 15,2004 4:10pm - the_rooster ""]
she sounds like shit live. everytime i've seen any vid of them on stage it was awful. i saw them live once too, and the trick is that they crank all the instruments way up so you can barely hear her. that way you can't pick out the mistakes.

...and before you question my level of brutality, i saw them because i was working backstage at the venue they played at.
[Dec 15,2004 4:13pm - dreadkill ""]
she is ugly. her new name is uggahs. learn it.
[Dec 15,2004 4:22pm - dneirflrigruoydeliani ""]
the end of that is horrible... i feel bad for her almost because of the band sucking so bad, she went off tune. I also didn't like the song to begin with, now it is even worse.
[Dec 15,2004 5:43pm - hanlon666 ""]
In her defense, I think it was her poor piano playing that caused her poor singing.
[Dec 15,2004 6:36pm - Kalopsia ""]
ok, first off, i'm a fan of evanescence. second, no i am not gay/bi.

as far as her singing, i thought she did a credible job. granted it wasn't as good as on cd, but but to sing in the range that she does and to play piano at the same time, i can understand why she held back. i thought the song was good up until the rest of the band came in. i mean didn't they do a soundcheck before the show started???

[Dec 15,2004 7:45pm - suckreligionnli  ""]

she still is pretty hot though
[Dec 15,2004 8:09pm - dirteecrayon ""]
isn't she dating the guy from seether
[Dec 15,2004 8:21pm - malettey ""]
dirtycrayon said:Wal-Mart Sued by Couple Whose Daughter Bought Unlabeled Evanescence CD With Explicit Lyrics


god damn, i don't even know how to begin complaining about this shit. first of all, these stupid, dumb ass, loser, (undoubtedly)christian, fuck faced, shit wipe parents should be punished for trying so hard to censor their child from something as harmless and meaningless as the word fuck, and for being so arrogant and selfish as to take wal-mart to court for not participating in brainwashing the poor kid. what the fuck are these people thinking? do they honstly believe they're doing something good for the fucking kid? i hate to think of how deprived this poor girl must be of anything that would shed the slightest beam of light into her horribly sheltered life(like, say a music CD). kids brought up in that manner are usually the ones that go crazy when they hit 15 or 16 and then really start fucking shit up.
and secondly, wal mart should cut the crap and stop this gay "family store" bullshit, censoring everything so that anal, loser parents can share in their kids' activities. kids aren't supposed to share their intrests with their parents, especially if they have gay parents like the ones in this article.

people fucking suck. i hope that girl grows up, turns into a wasted, beer soaked, homicidal drug whore and teaches her parents a nice, painful, bloody lesson about raising children.
[Dec 15,2004 8:24pm - mike.........  ""]
i thought she sang well and the strings were nice. the band was awful. at least give her credit for sticking through it, at least she didnt ashlee simpson it and walk off te stage or blame her band afterwards. shitty band though.
[Dec 15,2004 9:55pm - retzam ""]
hanlon666 said:In her defense, I think it was her poor piano playing that caused her poor singing.

I didn't notice anything bad about the piano playing. If you mean the part is easy, I gotcha, but she didn't really screw it up at all.
[Dec 15,2004 10:08pm - Kalopsia ""]
at my next show i'm gonna pull an Ashlee Simpson and walk off the stage

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