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for the bored and/or religious

[Dec 14,2004 9:57am - damnose ""]

the bible! in lego form!
[Dec 14,2004 10:00am - paganmegan ""]
[Dec 14,2004 10:02am - damnose ""]
hey, maybe this is cooler than i thought. I've never seen a lego guy fucking a lego sheep before:

[Dec 14,2004 10:05am - litacore ""]
I'd play the sacrifice of Isaac.

all day

then maybe Revelation
[Dec 14,2004 10:12am - suckreligion ""]
[Dec 14,2004 10:13am - damnose ""]


just kidding!
[Dec 14,2004 10:15am - litacore ""]
hahaha, check out the burning bush over there!
[Dec 14,2004 10:15am - suckreligion ""]
jesus of nazereth jesus of nazereth
[Dec 14,2004 10:15am - the_reverend ""]
yeah, I remember when that guy only had his first 4 stories. it was awesome. unfortunately, he's also call "the reverend" a few years ago, I was getting e-mails from people that thought I was him.
[Dec 14,2004 10:17am - suckreligion ""]
we made videos like that but they were about dancing pirates, knife fights and motorcycles. legos will always rule.
[Dec 14,2004 10:18am - damnose ""]
a more perverse brand of burning bush...

[Dec 14,2004 10:21am - the_reverend ""]
yeah, this is the guy:
[Dec 14,2004 10:23am - dan.  ""]
why are you called the reverend?
[Dec 14,2004 10:23am - damnose ""]
[Dec 14,2004 10:35am - the_reverend ""]
hah! I found the e-mail

----- Original Message -----
From: "The Reverend Brendan Powell Smith"
Sent: Monday, October 29, 2001 5:27 AM
Subject: RE:

> Greetings, Rev. Aaron.
> Thanks for clearing up the confusion. People have been coming up to
> me lately and asking me is a loud threatening voice why I'm not a
> black death grind core metalhead. Now I know why.
[Dec 14,2004 10:45am - paganmegan ""]
[Dec 14,2004 10:51am - the_reverend ""]
he grew up with a guy I knew from college.
[Dec 14,2004 11:14am - humanbonedeathmachine  ""]

Slaves must be obedient to their masters in everything, and do what is wanted without argument.

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