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envelope is done..my new band needs shows

[May 28,2003 4:35pm - bitterlowz ""]
any help? thanks..my new band "ophelia" is slightly less aggressive than envelope.. its hardcore i guess
[May 28,2003 4:51pm - the_reverend ""]
what? no more envelope?
dish the dirt son.
[May 28,2003 7:35pm - hybrid ""]
dude that ruined my day. rip envelope.
[May 28,2003 9:32pm - joostin ""]
envelope wasn't that good but i dug the vocalist's voice
[May 29,2003 3:01am - desperado ""]
news to me...people said i left the band. people also said i left shallows and flats. odd.
[May 29,2003 10:38am - bitterlowz ""]
ok here's the dirt, without getting into details.. envelope has been stagnant for the past couple months..altho lots of new music was written, shows we had were cancelled, and members have seen more success with other bands..so i decided to start another band..i believe our first show is june 26 or 27 with the wolves (ex-orchid) and others..it think the show is in mass..other than that, my new band needs shows so any help is appreciated..josh and matthew will continue in shallows and flats which is doing well..thanks to anyone who actually listened to us and put us on a show..and thanks to the reverend for all the support..hopefully ya'll will like my new band Ophelia

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