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[May 28,2003 11:42am - WhyamIandasshole ""]
I'm contemplating throwing a show together at this Elks lodge in Cambridge. Its behind the McDonalds across from the Middle East. All the shows are Monday nights. I have no date and no idea when this would happen all I need is bands that might be interested in doing this.
[May 28,2003 12:00pm - baneofexistence ""]
right here man
b. o. e.
[May 28,2003 12:18pm - embludgerals  ""]
embludgeonment would be down for that show and most likely shading the end as well both bands are fucking brutal ill send you a shitty recording of embludgeonment if you want
[May 28,2003 12:19pm - joostin ""]
shading the end would be more than happy to help out
[May 28,2003 1:47pm - WhyamIandasshole ""]
Cool. You guys got Mp3's anywhere I can get too. Link it up here or email me. andy@randomactsofviolence.com
[May 28,2003 2:30pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
dysentery would be willing to play your little shindig :NEWHORNS:
[May 28,2003 2:47pm - A_Cold_Reality ""]
ACR is down...listen to new tunes here
[May 28,2003 2:49pm - tyagxgrind ""]
Terminally, Your Aborted Ghost is too.
Visit our site and listen to us!


Devon - Vocals (TYAG)
[May 28,2003 5:13pm - Nolin ""]
LifeAtZero would play that show.

Our mp3\'s are here;


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