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Last show @exit 23 Tommorow 12/10

Exit 23 (Haverhill, Ma) - [dead_and_gone][over_the_top][the_auburn_system][the_network]
[Dec 9,2004 7:26pm - stainless ""]
Auburn System
Over the top +1 more
last show at this place doors @ 7:30pm
this is also the return of the bad ass Hanlon on keyboard/drum machine for the_network expect sounds of a thousand winds and hot fire. END TRANSMISSION TURN OFF YOUR :radio:
[Dec 9,2004 7:36pm - ayin ""]
nice scotty, hanlon's back, that's sick
[Dec 9,2004 8:02pm - stainless ""]
fuck yea!!!!!!!
[Dec 9,2004 8:06pm - ayin ""]
i loved the keysand drum machine over you guy, is he still gonna do backin' vox?
[Dec 9,2004 8:09pm - hanlon666 ""]
I will do whatever the fuck I want, whenever I want.
[Dec 9,2004 8:11pm - ayin ""]
sounds good
[Dec 9,2004 8:41pm - hanlon666 ""]
Hello again, please check out my new "band" as well if you like all of the extra crap associated with the network i.e. drum machines, god awful noise, and screaming. thanks.

THE SECRET LIFE OF TEENAGE GIRLS -"the last living american marxists" out someday, hopefully soon.

[Dec 10,2004 12:41pm - anonymous  ""]
bump for the network and exit23
[Dec 10,2004 12:43pm - RustedAngel ""]
i'm boycotting this show, and the psyopus show tonight to play doom 3.
[Dec 10,2004 3:11pm - blue ""]
[Dec 10,2004 3:40pm - the_reverend ""]
I'm going to this show..
even though I want to just work on a secret project.
but frist, shopping!
[Dec 10,2004 3:46pm - succubus ""]
I know what the secret project is! woo woo
but my lips are sealed

and i know who he's shopping for woo woo again


[Dec 10,2004 3:59pm - RustedAngel ""]
i think i know what the secret project is, but why is it a secret?
[Dec 11,2004 12:11am - the_reverend ""]
cause it's not done...

pictures are up
[Dec 11,2004 1:00am - the_reverend ""]
this was the last Exit 23 show I'll mostlikely be at. I guess it's done... though... another club might be opening up there...

dead and gone: this was their first show and they came up with the name at the last minute I guess (even though there is a band called dead and gone on alternative tentacle 1993-today). they played pretty good for a first set. amazingly some of the people in the audience knew the words and they had demos. Their set sort of reminded me of there were wires. especially the last track.

the auburn system: they told me to say that they sucked.. but they didn't. I'll admit they've played better, but it was still good. it's been way too long since I've seen them. They have a new cd that they are waiting on the art work. the new stuff was recorded by ken susi. In the middle of their set they stopped and gave a $50 gift cert to Jeremy, thanking him and Jessica for everything they did.

the network: On nate!?! but brian was there (he didn't rehurse with them AT ALL). the beginning of their set started out sounded a bit rocky. Pete's new vocals were too loud and you couldn't hear brian at all. after a few songs, everything leveled out. they sounded and played awesome; I had just heard the new tracks they got mastered in the car. They went a bit crazy... especially at the end when Tim shot out like on an ejection seat over the drums.
[thank you adam (cannae) for buy an RTTP hoodie!]

over the top: I walked in during their first song. basically the whole room was churning around and rolling on top of each other. a lot of people had spent way too much time at the bar waiting for over the top to get on. they played really good, people moshed, the end.
[Dec 11,2004 1:58am - hanlon666 ""]
rehEArsing is for women and children, as is metal in any form. noise is the future.
[Dec 11,2004 2:02am - the_reverend ""]
I for one am glad you are back...
[Dec 11,2004 2:56am - hanlon666 ""]
I'm pretty sure it was just a one off type of thing. but thanks.
[Dec 11,2004 3:27am - the auburn system  ""]
the network played awesome tonight. hanlon, i dont know you but, you should really stay with the network. its friggin awesome. great dudes
[Dec 11,2004 5:09am - silky ""]
wow. people liked over the top?
[Dec 11,2004 10:53am - the_reverend ""]
yeah, it was a bunch of manchester/worcester kids.
I live intergrity, that's why I like them.
[Dec 11,2004 10:54am - succubustxt  ""]
sorry i missed this
[Dec 11,2004 12:50pm - the_reverend ""]
best shirt!
[Dec 11,2004 12:56pm - the_reverend ""]
oh, networkers... I need the names of those tracks I ripped.
[Dec 11,2004 1:27pm - stainless ""]
1...pig portrait 2.Idiot tender welcomes
[Dec 11,2004 4:41pm - in deering nh  ""]
damn that picture looks like ass on my dad's computer...
time to bump up the resolution on my program...
[Dec 13,2004 12:18pm - mOe  ""]
Does the Network not have a bass player anymore?
[Dec 13,2004 12:54pm - stainless ""]
we still have a bass player he couldn't get work off that night.
[Dec 13,2004 1:45pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
the_reverend said:best shirt!

Corey Feldman lookalike, center of the picture...awesome.
[Dec 14,2004 1:27am - keara  ""]

i hated all of the other bands.
[Dec 14,2004 3:56am - XmaX  ""]
Keara, i'll respect you saying that you liked them and hated the others if you can honestly tell me you do not know the band personally. everyone played very well.
[Dec 14,2004 11:44am - keara  ""]
i do know the band, and can respect that everyone in the other bands played well. i just really didnt like the other bands and enjoy over the tops type of music.
[Dec 15,2004 1:59am - HITD ""]
thank you keara ;)
[Dec 16,2004 7:21pm - HITD ""]
and thank you to the Rev! for always supporting us, and taking awesome pictures! AND for loving Integrity ALMOST as much as me ;)
[Dec 16,2004 7:25pm - the_reverend ""]
I think you guys are playing my radio show in jan.
[Dec 16,2004 9:45pm - HITD ""]
really? do you know what the date is on that? thats gonna be awesommmmme

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