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see bootlegging helps

[Dec 9,2004 12:28pm - subjugate ""]
:middlefinger: take that palladium :middlefinger:

Amateur video was taken from inside the Alrosa Villa nightclub and investigators were examining the tape to see if they could determine the events that led to the shootings.

[Dec 9,2004 1:14pm - litacore ""]
this video will be on the ogrish site I bet
[Dec 9,2004 1:15pm - the_reverend ""]
I hope!
[Dec 9,2004 1:16pm - dreadkill ""]
i just hope it isn't all over the news like the station footage was. i had to shut the tv off whenever that came on because i could see my friend who died in the front row.
[Dec 9,2004 1:19pm - GoatCatalyst  ""]
shame, Rev, shame.
[Dec 9,2004 1:20pm - litacore ""]
awful. yeah I saw the uncensored footage the morning after on NECN

it was all screams. my heart sank.

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