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Aborted wants your hair and fingernails

[Dec 8,2004 6:19pm - assuck ""]
Belgium death metallers ABORTED have left the following message on their official website:

"Yup, in order to make a very limited & special edition for the new album 'the archaic abattoir', ABORTED is looking for fans to make this one special for the band & themselves! A very limited quantity of the new aborted album will be released as 'The Archaic Files' and will be put in a special edition box set featuring the new album + as bonus an 'Evidence bag' filled with crime scene shots of what happened during all the Archaic Abattoir massacre sessions.

We urge the fans who want to help to send out pieces of hair (5cm length orso) broken off nails and such to:

Send your hair taped to paper with some adhesive tape, and nails as well. also everything in a plastic bag. People sending in stuff will get on a list, the list giving you following props:

1-you will be able to purchase this special edition, only people on the list will get the possibility to get this special version, other editions of the album will not have this bonus artwork & packaging.

2-your name will be printed in the crime scene report as VICTIM, so please when sending in stuff, also write in yiour letter you give us permission to put your name in the evidence bag as 'victim'. Just a legal matter which has to be taken care off.

This is your time fans, we need you all to make this work! And this is also our 'thank you' to all the people who have supported the band over the years to do something back for you with this very special edition."

[Dec 8,2004 6:24pm - armageddonday ""]
I'm on it.
[Dec 8,2004 6:32pm - assuck ""]
sweet deal
[Dec 8,2004 6:40pm - the rooster  ""]
are pubes cool?
[Dec 8,2004 6:57pm - assuck ""]
only if theyre about 5 cm long
[Dec 8,2004 7:43pm - intricateprocess ""]
how long is 5 cm? like 10 inches right??

fuck i shouldnt have cut my hair
[Dec 8,2004 7:46pm - Robdeadskin ""]
the rooster said:are pubes cool?

haha yea ill send some...the shaver is to the nuts as we speak!!:pukeface:
[Dec 8,2004 8:20pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
maaaan so coping my ideas, i've been collecting peoples hair for the last year ! i dont know about nails though !
[Dec 9,2004 2:00am - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
5cm isn't that long...probably closer to 2 or 3 inches i think...whatever it is, it's not even close to 10 inches. this is the coolest thing ever...kind of gross, but great. i'll be submitting some bodily remnants.
[Dec 9,2004 2:05am - silky ""]
I knew I was saving that shit up for a reason.
[Dec 9,2004 4:41am - MyDeadDoll ""]
would a used tampon work too?
[Dec 9,2004 8:20am - succubus ""]
5cm is about 2 inches
[Dec 10,2004 3:07am - Todd(bombshelter)  ""]
Them crazy belgians,gotta love'em

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