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Cunty whores on the train

[Dec 8,2004 12:37am - attendmyrequiem ""]
Today this kid I know, but not really friends with was on the same train as me today.

He sat down next to this 'lady' and she was like, "excuse me!?"
Then this kid accidentally bumped her with his backpack and she she said, "Will you take that fucking thing off already? You're annoying the hell out of me."

At this point she was annoying me more than anything, so I bumped in and was like, "I wish I was a bitch, too."
She turned to me and said, "Well, it happens ya know."
Then I said, "Wait... I totally meant to say cunt"
She scruffled up her face for a bit.

I decided to do alittle eye for an eye and said, "Did I ever tell you my theory of why bitches deserve to be hit?"
And she got up and yelled, "Did he just say what I think he said? I don't believe he said that!"
I went on to say, "They need to know their role."

She at this point was super offended and kept glaring at me while I gave her a nice pleasant smile in return. She got up to get off at Brookline Village stop and I then got up because that, too, is my stop. When she saw me get up she went to go sit back down.

moral of the story: If you want to be an asshole, don't expect people to give you head for it. Expect to get what you give.
[Dec 8,2004 12:45am - Robdeadskin ""]
And i commend you....eye for an eye...cunt for a cunt...clap*clap*
[Dec 8,2004 12:48am - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
Middle-aged women from Brookline are always cunts and they almost always have a huge grey jewfro, some stupid African/Tibetian/Indian/Third World handcrafted jewelry on.
[Dec 8,2004 1:02am - Billy Bitchtits  ""]
[Dec 8,2004 1:02am - Robdeadskin ""]
And fuckin sandles...crush there athritic toes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Dec 8,2004 2:15am - KeithMutiny ""]
when impaled nazarine plays here... it will be my wet dream
[Dec 8,2004 2:32am - the_reverend ""]
I hate when you are driving and the person in front of you is smoking and you smell it in your car. it's always some stupid middle-age wrinkle bag. I want to make a sign that says "thanks for smoking, cunt" and hold it up on my window when I drive by them.
[Dec 8,2004 2:34am - succubus ""]
nice one!
[Dec 8,2004 2:46am - Ninkaszi187 ""]
keith, impaled nazarene is playing a show in toronto sometime next spring i think. should be awesome.
[Dec 8,2004 4:26am - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
holy shit really?
[Dec 8,2004 3:32pm - KeithMutiny ""]
ok... looks like im goin to toronto
[Dec 8,2004 3:56pm - armageddonday ""]
I saw Impaled Nazarene in 96...I remember the show but I blacked out after. I came back home covered in bruises, nose bleed, and a neck ache for 1 week...

I love Finnish people, every time we have a Finnish band over it's ALWAYS a blast...last year: Forca Macabra, Rattus, Rotten Sound, this year...Rotten Sound again and Riistetyt.
[Dec 8,2004 4:38pm - largefreakatzero ""]
That flyer rules - they have guns.
[Dec 8,2004 4:40pm - swamplorddvm ""]
HAhahaha nice! You rule!
[Dec 8,2004 4:40pm - assuck ""]
i believe the word is "cuntly"
[Dec 8,2004 4:44pm - dreadkill ""]
the_reverend said:I hate when you are driving and the person in front of you is smoking and you smell it in your car. it's always some stupid middle-age wrinkle bag. I want to make a sign that says "thanks for smoking, cunt" and hold it up on my window when I drive by them.

a better solution would be to run the old bag off the road and pull over to watch her cuntmobile explode.

holy crap, that rhymed!
[Dec 8,2004 4:45pm - swamplorddvm ""]
OR you could roll up your window.
[Dec 8,2004 4:46pm - dreadkill ""]
finnish bands rule
[Dec 8,2004 5:15pm - retzam ""]
largefreakatzero said:That flyer rules - they have guns.

and alcohol, hahahahahaha
[Dec 8,2004 6:39pm - attendmyrequiem @ school  ""]
assuck said:i believe the word is "cuntly"

nope... definitely CUNTY

like a screamy vocals. not screamly vocals.
cunty bitch works fun.
[Dec 8,2004 6:39pm - attendmyrequiem @ school  ""]
*works fine
[Dec 8,2004 6:58pm - assuck ""]
you missed the reference
[Dec 8,2004 7:12pm - eddie ""]
armageddonday said:I saw Impaled Nazarene in 96...I remember the show but I blacked out after. I came back home covered in bruises, nose bleed, and a neck ache for 1 week...

I love Finnish people, every time we have a Finnish band over it's ALWAYS a blast...last year: Forca Macabra, Rattus, Rotten Sound, this year...Rotten Sound again and Riistetyt.

fucking sick, rotten sound again.

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