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[Dec 6,2004 9:39am - paganmegan ""]
Our website is up and running!! Its just very raw basics at the moment, and to serve as a means to locate a worthy drummer for our extreme metal sound.... PLease feel free to have a look!!!!:satancross::satancross::satancross: It will grow with time :NEWHORNS:>:]
[Dec 6,2004 9:40am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
[Dec 6,2004 9:44am - litacore ""]
haha, that's what happens when I try to self-promote

the site will be more than just that one page, we just want to find a frickin' drummer so therein lies the urgency in gettin' it up there

if the mp3s sound tape-distorted please lemme know, I'll remix
[Dec 6,2004 9:44am - succubus ""]
ohhh nicey nicey

but i can't listen to mp3s at work..tonight i will listen =)
[Dec 6,2004 9:45am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
the mp3 i listened to sounded like only vocals, the music was so far in the background that you cant even tell what is happening.
[Dec 6,2004 9:46am - litacore ""]
ok, I'm gonna remix ASAP

I guess lemme know any other audio anomolies or if the vocal to guitar levels are the only prob

I have dial-up at home, and no sound card here at work so I'm kinda workin' in the dark on THAT front...
[Dec 6,2004 9:48am - paganmegan ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:the mp3 i listened to sounded like only vocals, the music was so far in the background that you cant even tell what is happening.

A cappella growls :shocked:
[Dec 6,2004 9:49am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
ha, who does vocals by the way?
[Dec 6,2004 9:50am - paganmegan ""]
litacore and I both

WHich song did you listen to Joe?
[Dec 6,2004 9:50am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
[Dec 6,2004 9:51am - paganmegan ""]
larissa did that one
[Dec 6,2004 9:51am - litacore ""]
haha, no wonder the vocals sound weird, I was headbanging while singing into the mic, heh oops
[Dec 6,2004 9:51am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I think it's Larysa, you have time to edit your post before she sees.
[Dec 6,2004 9:52am - litacore ""]
hahahaha, Loruxxa, Leyressa, let's get creative
[Dec 6,2004 9:54am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
[Dec 6,2004 9:55am - paganmegan ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:Luxgora

ha thats awesome
[Dec 6,2004 9:55am - litacore ""]
that's a great stage-name, at least

hmm, if you have time please tell us if the other songs have the same levels problem
[Dec 6,2004 9:55am - damnose ""]
in our website cold
with the blasphemous navigation demons of madness
in our website cold
and the blasphemous navigation demons which I heart!

I did notice the vocals were too loud on some songs, but the instruments are louder on others (atrocity I think). It might also depend on speakers etc.

[Dec 6,2004 9:57am - litacore ""]
you are our new lyricist dude. frickin' so awesome

we should re-record anyway with the bass
[Dec 6,2004 9:58am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
atrocity sounds better
[Dec 6,2004 9:59am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
the vocals in atrocity get louder as the song goes on
[Dec 6,2004 10:00am - litacore ""]
hmmm--ok popscreen next time

we hate recording vocals alone, it's so much more natural to play the riffs and growl simultaneously
[Dec 6,2004 10:01am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
have McCracken record you guys with his drum machine
[Dec 6,2004 10:02am - litacore ""]
who's he? 3 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>D
[Dec 6,2004 10:03am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
McCracken is the lead guitarist/vocals for Progeny of Ruin (Phantom Limb)
[Dec 6,2004 10:03am - paganmegan ""]
litacore said:you are our new lyricist dude. frickin' so awesome

we should re-record anyway with the bass

Jason, seriously you should consider writing the lyrics, fuckin a, think of some to skull rack if you feel so compelled
[Dec 6,2004 10:04am - litacore ""]
oh, Ryan? cool do they have a site up?
[Dec 6,2004 10:04am - paganmegan ""]
litacore said:hmmm--ok popscreen next time

we hate recording vocals alone, it's so much more natural to play the riffs and growl simultaneously

it truly is. I feel like I'm singing karaoke and attacking the microphone when we overdub vocals
[Dec 6,2004 10:05am - damnose ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:have McCracken record you guys with his drum machine

we have been teetering on the drum machine cliff for a while but hopefully won't have to use one.

also, attn Larissa:
did you see the article in this month's Performer on practice space recording? It's worth a look
[Dec 6,2004 10:05am - paganmegan ""]
We should definitely re record with bass and this drum machine idea is a good one
[Dec 6,2004 10:06am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
What I mean is, why not use a drum machine to record some songs with, to create a sampler to give to drummers.

They do not have a site up now, nor do they have a logo. Someone should make them a logo.
[Dec 6,2004 10:08am - litacore ""]
I drew our logo with a Sharpie and two cups of coffee. Normally I can't draw my way out of a paper bag
[Dec 6,2004 10:09am - damnose ""]
who doesn't have a logo? phantom of ruin?

drum machines can't sound much worse than V-drums
[Dec 6,2004 10:10am - paganmegan ""]
damnose said:Joe/NotCommon said:have McCracken record you guys with his drum machine

we have been teetering on the drum machine cliff for a while but hopefully won't have to use one.

also, attn Larissa:
did you see the article in this month's Performer on practice space recording? It's worth a look

I wouldn't want to use a drum machine for a show, but for a rough demo, it might yield decent results

otherwise I am dead against drum machines:moe:
[Dec 6,2004 10:10am - litacore ""]
damnose said:also, attn Larissa:
did you see the article in this month's Performer on practice space recording? It's worth a look

I'm gonna look at that again. In the long run it may be cheaper for me to record us on my Mac because a lot of digital recording software has all the compressors and reverbs built in, rather than having to buy thousands of dollars worth of rackmounted processors
[Dec 6,2004 10:10am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Progeny of Ruin does not have a logo, Kamil did all their designs since he was an art major, and he was eaten by cannibals.
[Dec 6,2004 10:12am - paganmegan ""]
litacore said:damnose said:also, attn Larissa:
did you see the article in this month's Performer on practice space recording? It's worth a look

I'm gonna look at that again. In the long run it may be cheaper for me to record us on my Mac because a lot of digital recording software has all the compressors and reverbs built in, rather than having to buy thousands of dollars worth of rackmounted processors

I have done some recording on a digital computer recording program called acid, I think, awhile ago ,and it didn't sound too shabby for a non professional recording
[Dec 6,2004 10:13am - paganmegan ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:Progeny of Ruin does not have a logo, Kamil did all their designs since he was an art major, and he was eaten by cannibals.

I am starting to think it is all drummers fate to meet their doom at the hands of cannibals, I think it may have already happened....:itchy:
[Dec 6,2004 10:15am - damnose ""]
ah, so that's what happened to Kamil. drummers taste of chicken.

I agree on the digital recording, as spending thousands of dollars might be difficult.
[Dec 6,2004 10:42am - paganmegan ""]
[Dec 6,2004 10:44am - litacore ""]

he'd be an awesome drum machine
[Dec 6,2004 10:47am - paganmegan ""]
I want animal to drum for us
[Dec 6,2004 11:08am - damnose ""]
must... refrain... from... posting... picture... of... arafat...

need to kick the habit!
[Dec 6,2004 11:09am - paganmegan ""]
if you have to, just post the fuckin picture

if you're in that much pain
[Dec 6,2004 11:09am - litacore ""]
yeah man, peer pressure!
[Dec 6,2004 11:11am - paganmegan ""]
we need to abduct other band's drummers
[Dec 6,2004 11:11am - paganmegan ""]
any ideas for possible victims?
[Dec 6,2004 11:12am - dreadkill ""]
just so you know, there's a crappy nu-metal band in the area called hexerei. hopefully your name is pronounced differently so people won't associate you with those fags.
[Dec 6,2004 11:14am - litacore ""]
we'll swallow their souls and spew them forth into the bowels of perdition
[Dec 6,2004 11:18am - paganmegan ""]
how do you pronounce hexerei?? I wonder... cause this will suck if its the same. I don't want to go to jail for killing nu metal fags
[Dec 6,2004 11:18am - paganmegan ""]
what she said sounds better
[Dec 6,2004 11:22am - dreadkill ""]
i believe they pronounce it heks-uh-rye. they are pretty much as stereotypical as a nu metal band can get.
[Dec 6,2004 11:24am - paganmegan ""]
okay its heks-er-reee vs. heks-uh-rye

[Dec 6,2004 11:25am - paganmegan ""]
I just went to their gay website and its the gayest thing I've ever seen, after wretched asylum of course
[Dec 6,2004 11:26am - dreadkill ""]
yeah, those bands should do a tour of gay bars.
[Dec 6,2004 11:27am - paganmegan ""]
yeah they really should
[Dec 6,2004 11:28am - paganmegan ""]
all of them will compete for who can huff the most dong
[Dec 6,2004 11:29am - damnose ""]
hahaha that was the worst website ever. I like how the "links" section doesn't fit on the page so it looks like


oh, and a "phylosophy" section. speling thingz wrong iz kewl
[Dec 6,2004 11:30am - paganmegan ""]
HAHA whats the retarded quote that the page opens with... "what you become is what you are" that falls about fifty miles short of being profound
[Dec 6,2004 11:31am - litacore ""]
eym intreeged. I'll go chek it oot
[Dec 6,2004 11:33am - damnose ""]
haha, look at the picture of the singer at locobazooka. he would be tough to beat in a dong-huffing contest
[Dec 6,2004 11:37am - litacore ""]
ok, I don't think we have to worry about this. Case closed.
[Dec 6,2004 11:37am - damnose ""]

there we go.
[Dec 6,2004 11:38am - litacore ""]
[Dec 6,2004 11:38am - paganmegan ""]
I am not threatened by these fags... I find it amusing they have runic designs on their website... odin will punish them
[Dec 6,2004 11:39am - paganmegan ""]
that dude looks like an eminem wanna be
[Dec 6,2004 11:40am - paganmegan ""]
I think we should put on corpse paint and kick their asses
[Dec 6,2004 11:41am - litacore ""]
I wouldn't bother. Oh man.
[Dec 6,2004 11:42am - damnose ""]
nu-metal is in a separate plane of existence. nothing to worry about
[Dec 6,2004 11:42am - paganmegan ""]
No but I like the mental image that saying such things conjures

[Dec 6,2004 11:43am - litacore ""]
[Dec 6,2004 11:44am - paganmegan ""]
...for me to poop on!!
[Dec 6,2004 11:45am - dreadkill ""]
yeah, now that we know the names are spelled and pronounced different, the issue is resolved. carry on creating superior music while those guys carry on with their foolish wiggerdom
[Dec 6,2004 11:46am - litacore ""]
thank you! we will:bow:
[Dec 6,2004 11:49am - paganmegan ""]
dreadkill said:yeah, now that we know the names are spelled and pronounced different, the issue is resolved. carry on creating superior music while those guys carry on with their foolish wiggerdom

thank you very much
[Dec 6,2004 12:03pm - damnose ""]

the end
[Dec 6,2004 12:05pm - litacore ""]
--rob halford
[Dec 6,2004 12:06pm - paganmegan ""]
the pressure was too much wasn't it?
[Dec 6,2004 12:07pm - dreadkill ""]
is arafat playing for your band?
[Dec 6,2004 12:09pm - paganmegan ""]
[Dec 6,2004 12:16pm - damnose ""]
nah, he's just fat
[Dec 6,2004 12:52pm - damnose ""]
dreadkill said:yeah, now that we know the names are spelled and pronounced different, the issue is resolved. carry on creating superior music while those guys carry on with their foolish wiggerdom

thanks, we will willis. are you guys playing around here at some point?
[Dec 6,2004 3:06pm - paganmegan ""]
shameless self promotion- bump
[Dec 6,2004 3:30pm - RichHorror ""]
damnose said:[img]

the end

He already plays for Noosebomb and Bane of Existence, though.

[Dec 10,2004 2:54pm - litacore ""]

ok, I caved. Drum machine on the way.
It has neat shit but only 19 songs storage. Looks like I'll have to data dump the MIDI every now and then but goddamit, I'm jonesing for some percussion
[Dec 10,2004 2:55pm - paganmegan ""]
Now we must rerecord our tracks on the website...er.. when the thingy comes in and we figure out how to use the fucker

Yay larissa
you rule

fake drums=better than no drums (sometimes)
[Dec 10,2004 2:58pm - litacore ""]
yeah if those black metal fuckers on Moribund can get away with using one so can we (at least on the recording front)
[Dec 10,2004 3:13pm - dan.  ""]
you should record with the asshole in v9, you are the girls in v2 right? he just got back from europe. hes down. hell be there tonight. hes a really good drummer and shit.

weirdly enough, he also used to be in a band ( a long, long time ago) called hexarai - not to be confused with that numetal faggotry.

i bet your shits gonna be brutal.
[Dec 10,2004 3:14pm - litacore ""]
yeah that's us
wait a sec, are you talkin about devon? I thought he's been spoken for
[Dec 10,2004 3:16pm - dan.  ""]
[Dec 10,2004 3:16pm - paganmegan ""]
Thats actually a good idea. we talked to him about jamming , but since he was going to europe we weren't too keen on trying to talk him into joining... But a real drummer is better than a drum machine, even for a recording.. I take it you play at the sound museum, dan?
[Dec 10,2004 3:17pm - litacore ""]
I have his number still
[Dec 10,2004 3:18pm - dan.  ""]
nah but hes my room mate and im there alot. i know ive met litacore before...i think i told her i pissed myself. i didnt mean to tell her but i couldnt hold it in. it was an accident. having to shake is something that you think you would learn after 21 years.

i think ive met you too. your blonde and you were with some dude and you came into the space?
[Dec 10,2004 3:21pm - litacore ""]
that dude might've been our bass player/genius (damnose)

and don't feel self-concious, I almost pooped myself twenty times last night

thanks for the heads-up! :bow:
[Dec 10,2004 3:37pm - paganmegan ""]
Yeah, that was me and our bassist Jason (damnose) who stopped by your space... I think I know who you are now
[Dec 22,2004 9:35am - litacore ""]


haha, I'd better set up our message board/guestbook so we can get shit talk from these rockstars in Norway. They might throw a sheep's head at us.

but isn't that that gay nu-metal band hexerei even closer to home?
[Dec 22,2004 9:37am - paganmegan ""]
now we really have to get a drummer ASAP so we can just tell them to go fuck off and get stuck in the church they plan to burn
[Dec 22,2004 9:37am - the_reverend ""]
husker du?
[Dec 22,2004 9:40am - litacore ""]
bob mould is gay

no, but I mean literally!
[Dec 22,2004 9:41am - litacore ""]
paganmegan said:now we really have to get a drummer ASAP so we can just tell them to go fuck off and get stuck in the church they plan to burn

haha, yeah but church torchin' is so 90's! Throwing sheeps heads from the stage is where it's at :satancross:
[Dec 22,2004 9:42am - paganmegan ""]
I stand corrected
[Dec 22,2004 9:45am - litacore ""]
haha, I'm so trendy
[Dec 23,2004 1:23am - succubus ""]
[Jan 18,2005 4:42pm - paganmegan ""]

Our new mp3s are added

So everyone go to


they sound pretty nasty
[Jan 19,2005 10:44am - litacore ""]
dreadkill said:yeah, now that we know the names are spelled and pronounced different, the issue is resolved. carry on creating superior music while those guys carry on with their foolish wiggerdom

check out their message board, they are getting fresh with us :ralphie:


if you can get past that flash intro (is that slice of wisdom that an inside joke or something?)
[Jan 19,2005 11:00am - paganmegan ""]

1/18/2005 16:11:11
Subject: reply to Larissa
IP: Logged

Listen..... first of all the band does not have a problem with this issue. Second ..... I personally don't care about other people's opinion of our music. We are on the verge of success in our ..... "Nu-METAL" genre.... thats a fuckin laugh..... and in my opinion it will be you who has an issue once you actually try and do something in Boston. I come from the same background as all of you death metal fans and I understand your attitude.... but for your information... death metal\hardcore is not the only legitimate kind of music.... being biased is ignorance.... I feel for you.... and about the name.... it is originally a German word for witchcraft, adopted by the countries surrounding it including Norway and their spelling. We are on the scene NOW..... you are not..... this doesn't seem to be our problem, it seems to be yours.... If it is a matter of who gets there first.... you have already lost.... but none the less.... good luck and Blessed Be.

[Jan 19,2005 11:06am - litacore ""]
that message board is buggy as hell. Not only can you NOT reply to a post, but you can't even read your new post until about a day after.

I must remember to never use flash when designing a website

don't mind me, I'm just nitpicking

once we try to "do something" in boston, there will be blessings all 'round
[Jan 19,2005 11:06am - Abbath ""]
this is some great music, good work
[Jan 19,2005 11:08am - litacore ""]
thanks Abbath! we value your input especially!
[Jan 26,2005 12:48pm - litacore ""]
I just made a lot of changes to the site, feel free to look around.


the message board and guestbook aren't working properly just yet; I'm working on them right now.
[Jan 26,2005 12:50pm - paganmegan ""]
Larissa Rules The Ruins!!! Oh yes
[Jan 26,2005 12:52pm - paganmegan ""]
The amount of work you have put in to this stuff is truly awesome, dude

I owe you like ten twelve packs ha
[Jan 26,2005 1:02pm - litacore ""]
sorry the guestbook and message board scripts are being total NEFAC's right now

I have to figure them out. *looks in the HTML 101 book index AGAIN*
[Jan 26,2005 1:11pm - assuck ""]
haha black metal moxie

looks good.

as soon as you find a drummer, there needs to be an Abhorred/Hekseri/Hexeri show at Jarrod's Place

it'll be rockin
[Jan 26,2005 1:13pm - paganmegan ""]

Who's gonna headline?
[Jan 26,2005 1:14pm - assuck ""]
Hexeri of course

theyre on the verge of breakin out
[Jan 26,2005 1:17pm - paganmegan ""]
Of course....
I'm gonna carry their evian bottles for them, and then maybe they will sign my boobs *sigh* they are such a great band
[Jan 26,2005 1:17pm - paganmegan ""]
ya gotta suck up to the rock stars
[Jan 26,2005 1:18pm - assuck ""]
i hear you

i tried 3 times at locobazooka to get the singer to sign my grundle but to no avail
[Jan 26,2005 1:18pm - succubus ""]
i just tried signing the book

[Jan 26,2005 1:19pm - paganmegan ""]
assuck said:i hear you

i tried 3 times at locobazooka to get the singer to sign my grundle but to no avail


Thats just not right
[Jan 26,2005 1:22pm - litacore ""]
succubus said:heh
i just tried signing the book


FRUSTRATING! I used to know how to do these CGI scripts, umm . . .
[Jan 26,2005 1:45pm - assuck ""]
paganmegan said:assuck said:i hear you

i tried 3 times at locobazooka to get the singer to sign my grundle but to no avail


Thats just not right

I know.

You'd think he'd at least give me the time of day...
[Jan 27,2005 11:06pm - litacore ""]
Guestbook is working now. Come leave us an obscene message. Message board revision on the way.

[Jan 28,2005 8:44am - assuck ""]
obscene, you say?
[Jan 28,2005 9:21am - pisscup ""]

wanna make out?
[Jan 28,2005 9:34am - assuck ""]
remember:Dethroned Multi-Phallic Predator
[Jan 28,2005 10:22am - paganmegan ""]
pisscup said:[img]

wanna make out?


Is that one supposed to be me or larissa?:swedenflag:
[Jan 28,2005 10:35am - litacore ""]

this is me
remember, I'm the hetfield!
[Jan 28,2005 10:37am - paganmegan ""]
Oh, hee hee hee hee

Damn, we're some hot bitches
[Jan 28,2005 10:53am - litacore ""]
we're medieval
[Jan 28,2005 10:53am - paganmegan ""]
[Jan 28,2005 11:08am - futhman  ""]
I really love Hekseri. In fact, I once travelled to Allston to meet their illustrious bassist. And now I came to this website to say that you guys rock! I love you guys! I'm your number 1 biggest fan and I do hope that someday I'll get to meet you guys (well, except your bassist Jesson, whom I have already met) and share a goblet of blood and worship Satan with you guys.
[Jan 28,2005 11:10am - litacore ""]
holy fuck, thanks duder

someday we'll play a show once we find a goddamn motherfucking drummer
[Jan 28,2005 11:17am - paganmegan ""]
Hell yes! Thanks dude!
[Jan 28,2005 11:18am - futhman  ""]
You're welcome litacore. It's a pity that I won't be able to see you guys play because I'm being made to leave the US to pursue my religious studies, but death metal is in my heart right alongwith Allah. It's such an irony if you think about it--on the one hand I am more evil than the evillest of them all, but on the other hand I am also a religious person and I have short hair and I have never actually worshipped Satan. But I have a metalheart and I rock, and someday I will live after midnight, rock till the dawn, love till the morning. And then I will be gone!

p.s.: I am Jesson's friend because I have met him and shaken his hand and I gave him a hug.
[Jan 28,2005 11:19am - futhman  ""]
OH and you too are welcome paganmegan. I think that you are being overly kind by thanking ME-- for it is I who should thank YOU for creating such hellraising music that even the knife-demon of the seventh Hell from the Koran would be forced to accede the superiority of your metalling.
[Jan 28,2005 11:22am - litacore ""]
hey, I say you can be religious and love metal too, you don't sound like you're prosthletizing to anyone, so word up!
[Jan 28,2005 11:22am - paganmegan ""]
futhman said:OH and you too are welcome paganmegan. I think that you are being overly kind by thanking ME-- for it is I who should thank YOU for creating such hellraising music that even the knife-demon of the seventh Hell from the Koran would be forced to accede the superiority of your metalling.

Haha, that's fucking awesome :NEWHORNS:

[Jan 28,2005 11:48am - futhman  ""]

The knife-demon has been the subject of many controversies, especially during the reign of King Harun ur Rashid in the 12th century. Some scholars have argued that it is his punishment to be a knife-demon, because he greets newly-damned with a passionate, friendly hug. They say that he is just a friendly demon who wants to make friends, but because he sinned with the sin of pride, he is covered in knives without knowing it. This is why no-one will ever be friends with him.

Thanks for the encouragement, litacore. I am right now listening to "Lochness" from the new Judas Priest album and it is my dearest wish that Scott Travis would leave Priest to play with you. But then who would play with Priest? Perhaps Scott Travis should just guest in your album. I have sent him many emails but he never replied.

But here is a picture that I took with your bassist Jesson that shows how evil and secular we are. I am of course the brown person, who is not Jesson (since you guys see him on a regular basis):

[Jan 28,2005 12:13pm - paganmegan ""]
Arafat rules
[Jan 28,2005 3:14pm - damnose ""]
sir, to say that the knife-demon of the seventh Hell cows before our metal mastery is high praise indeed. I know that a God-fearing man such as yourself would not say such things unless he meant them, for the eternal stabbing of the demon's endless knife would penetrate thee many times if such a boast were false. For as you know, the knife demon accepts defeat gracefully, but cannot tolerate perjurers (so he stabs them!).

ozasro dhanyabad!

[Feb 11,2005 1:39pm - litacore ""]
I caved--we have a profile on Myspace now.


[Feb 11,2005 2:16pm - paganmegan ""]
and now myspace
[Feb 11,2005 2:51pm - anonymous  ""]
Hekseri has 0 friends.

hahahha we're losers
[Feb 11,2005 2:52pm - damnose ""]
anonymous said: Hekseri has 0 friends.

hahahha we're losers

oops, not logged in
[Feb 11,2005 3:20pm - litacore ""]
damnose said:anonymous said: Hekseri has 0 friends.

hahahha we're losers

oops, not logged in

I fuckin' hate myspace, it is the worst site design ever

but when you're whorin' the metal, occasionally you gotta eat shit I guess!

RTTP > that other website
[Feb 12,2005 7:31pm - Strep_Cunt ""]
Just checked out two songs. Fuckin great shit. I love Larissa's Abbath impersonation, the style is beautiful. When your demo is done, I'd love to trade up with you. Let me know.
[Feb 12,2005 7:32pm - Strep_Cunt ""]
Myspace = horrible for real promotion. You think people are actually listening when all you are is a notch on people's online friend belt. Dumb.
[Mar 18,2005 10:42am - litacore ""]
updated a few pages on the site, with news, cleaning the gay spam off the guestbook, homepage, and myspace link (I'm sure Mypsace will appreciate what I wrote about them on our homepage, hahaha)
[Mar 18,2005 3:48pm - litacore ""]
[Mar 22,2005 10:30pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
when are you gonna be able to play shows !
[Mar 22,2005 10:43pm - Abbath ""]
lame i just tried to leave ya a message but it's fucked up again, still "Awakened to Wrath" is awesome
[Mar 23,2005 9:21am - litacore ""]
do you mean the guestbook or our gayspace link?
[Mar 23,2005 9:23am - paganmegan ""]
Abbath said:lame i just tried to leave ya a message but it's fucked up again, still "Awakened to Wrath" is awesome

thanks !
[Mar 23,2005 9:30am - litacore ""]
check on 'Skull Rack' when the RTTP comp comes forth, you're gonna have a bone-on for at least a month
[Mar 23,2005 9:57am - Abbath ""]
litacore said:do you mean the guestbook or our gayspace link?

guestbook, tell me when it's working again i'll put down something swheet
[Mar 23,2005 10:26am - litacore ""]
Abbath said:litacore said:do you mean the guestbook or our gayspace link?

guestbook, tell me when it's working again i'll put down something swheet

yeah I was trying to clean the 'Free Viagra' spam off of there, but I guess I fucked up the cgi script in the process. Shit!

I guess I'll have to let the spam alone from now on. :wiggam:
[Mar 24,2005 12:51pm - litacore's severed head impaled on Lizzie Bathory's candlestick  ""]
OK, guestbook is workin' again now
[Mar 24,2005 12:55pm - paganmegan ""]
I like your nli nick name
[Mar 24,2005 12:55pm - litacore‘s severed head impaled on Lizzie Bathory‘s candlestick  ""]
I hope you're feeling better
[Mar 24,2005 12:56pm - paganmegan ""]
I'm listening to burzum and trying not to spew

thanks though
[Mar 24,2005 12:57pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
Oba4501 talk to that dood about playing drums, he's good an old drummer of mine. not in a band at the moment just writing his own shit.

oh yeah his name is Dan !
[Mar 24,2005 1:00pm - litacore‘s severed head impaled on Lizzie Bathory‘s candlestick  ""]
huh? Oba-who?
[Mar 24,2005 1:05pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
drummer 19yo lives in Medway i think. so you know you girls can start playing shows and all the fun stuff that comes along with it.

again his name is Dan Oba4501 is his aol s/n
[Mar 24,2005 1:05pm - paganmegan ""]
So how was the rest of practice?
[Mar 24,2005 1:12pm - litacore‘s severed head impaled on Lizzie Bathory‘s candlestick  ""]
it was fine, we worked on Skull Rack

try to think of which two remaining songs you want for the set (should we do a cover?)
[Mar 24,2005 1:12pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
whaa ? huh ?
[Mar 24,2005 1:13pm - litacore‘s severed head impaled on Lizzie Bathory‘s candlestick  ""]
I'm getting confused too--you found us a drummer to audition?
[Mar 24,2005 1:14pm - paganmegan ""]
litacore‘s severed head impaled on Lizzie Bathory‘s candlestick said:it was fine, we worked on Skull Rack

try to think of which two remaining songs you want for the set (should we do a cover?)

yes a cover and b &b or archdiocese
[Mar 24,2005 1:14pm - litacore‘s severed head impaled on Lizzie Bathory‘s candlestick  ""]
oh I see--I can't get to him right now I'm at work
[Mar 24,2005 1:14pm - litacore‘s severed head impaled on Lizzie Bathory‘s candlestick  ""]
this is a nice three-way
[Mar 24,2005 1:15pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
eh....indeed, just letting you know.
[Mar 24,2005 1:15pm - paganmegan ""]
huh huh three way

[Mar 24,2005 1:17pm - litacore‘s severed head impaled on Lizzie Bathory‘s candlestick  ""]
I smell like butt

I haven't showered in two days
[Mar 24,2005 1:17pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
Ha ! dear diary jackpot :doublehorns:
[Mar 24,2005 1:20pm - litacore‘s severed head impaled on Lizzie Bathory‘s candlestick  ""]
yeah Virginia Woolf ain't got nothin' on me

a douche of one's own
[Apr 12,2005 11:53pm - litacore ""]


here, chew on this gibberish for a while, you heartless scum!
[Apr 13,2005 7:40am - succubus ""]
the rev and i entertained litacore last night
though he might have annoyed her =)
[Apr 13,2005 9:07am - litacore ""]
I still haven't listened to the Sodom voicemail yet, LOL!
[Apr 13,2005 9:11am - ~Carina  ""]
[Apr 13,2005 9:12am - ~carina  ""]
did you get my email ok?
[Apr 13,2005 9:15am - litacore ""]
oh yes, I'm gonna forward it to bass guy and guitar girl

in reality we are not a power trio
[Apr 13,2005 10:11am - KillerKadoogan ""]
looks like i'm gonna miss the live debut of hekseri.

[Apr 13,2005 10:14am - paganmegan ""]
what the fuck kadoog?
[Apr 13,2005 10:16am - KillerKadoogan ""]
21 plus + douche bag = me not getting in
[Apr 13,2005 10:24am - paganmegan ""]
oh yeah. You need a fake ID. And I still need to see exploding christ

[Apr 13,2005 10:29am - KillerKadoogan ""]
well there is an open spot on this show... though i suppose we wouldn't fit on this bill in the slightest
[Apr 13,2005 10:29am - KillerKadoogan ""]
and i do need a fake i.d.

somebody help a brother out.
[Apr 13,2005 10:42am - paganmegan ""]
I'll keep my ears open for ya, and if I come across anything decent I'll let you know
[Apr 13,2005 10:56am - KillerKadoogan ""]
i knew i could count on you
[Apr 13,2005 11:28am - paganmegan ""]
I'm counting on the red sox seasons influx of lost IDs
[Apr 27,2005 2:51pm - litacore ""]
Deleted the Guestbook. It's just a pain in the ass. Maybe I'll use some of those Arafat quotes for band blurbs or something but for the most part some fuckin' spammer was pasting in online pharmacy links every day and it was getting a bit stupid.

I'll try to find Guestbook hosting elsewhere.
[Apr 27,2005 2:53pm - the_reverend ""]
hm... I could sure write a kick ass one.
[Apr 27,2005 2:56pm - litacore ""]

what would I need to do? haha, my HTML expertise is staring at you trhough the prison bars of Dreamweaver (in other words, I'm a hack)
[May 28,2014 9:09am - RTTP DEPARTMENT OF 72,000 VIEWS  ""]



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