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I can't open Joe's 'My conversation with WA's singer' thread

[Dec 3,2004 8:28pm - Wraithious ""]
I can't open Joe's 'My conversation with WA's singer' thread it's just blank, I can open other threads, but since I posted on that thread I can't open it again. I even tried logging off and re-starting my computer. I can open other threads on the board tho, what's up???
[Dec 3,2004 8:34pm - Hooker ""]
asylum666singer: hey fuckface
asylum666singer: u sure do talk alot of shit
NotCommonRecords: yeah because you are a fag
asylum666singer: and speaking about bands going nowhere
asylum666singer: lol
asylum666singer: your first two bands looked they were miserable fucks onstage... and they sucked ass!!!!!!
NotCommonRecords: yeah great
asylum666singer: such great equipment too
NotCommonRecords: What do you want?
asylum666singer: i would like to murder you but I would get in trouble for that
NotCommonRecords: Yeah great
NotCommonRecords: Anything else?
asylum666singer: lol..... yeah... just to let you know u are a pussy and next time you have something to say about someone u should say it to their face
NotCommonRecords: yeah okay, nice processed vocals.
NotCommonRecords: Later
asylum666singer: lol.... i don't use any effects u fuckstick
asylum666singer: there was a power amp and a mixing board
asylum666singer: totally dry and no effects......... i am sorry that your singers can't sing like me
NotCommonRecords: Why are you still talking to me?
NotCommonRecords: I am sorry he can't either
NotCommonRecords: It would be cool if he sounded like a total fag
NotCommonRecords: maybe he can dress like a total fag too
NotCommonRecords: and get an electronic drum kit
asylum666singer: lol... pathetic........ have a great fucking career notcommonrecords will go many places i am sure
NotCommonRecords: Yes I am sure it will, like your bands gimmick wardrobe
asylum666singer: and so will bands like Kevorkians Angels .... lol
NotCommonRecords: ROLMAO!!!
NotCommonRecords: You are the biggest fag ever
asylum666singer: and you are a joke
NotCommonRecords: Because I dress in halloween costumes on stage?
NotCommonRecords: Oh wait, what was you
asylum666singer: LOL
asylum666singer: you and your bands suck at life.... really... they do.....
NotCommonRecords: Stop typing with faggy internet abbreviations, pussy
NotCommonRecords: Yeah we do.
asylum666singer: LOL....
asylum666singer: LOL
asylum666singer: lol
NotCommonRecords: I will tell kevorkian's angels to play mall metal and dress in costumes, and maybe Mark can dance around like a queer bastard
asylum666singer: LOL!!!!! please do... cuz what they are doing now does not appeal to anyone but your sorry self....
NotCommonRecords: Oh, okay. I must have imagined all their record sales and tours.
NotCommonRecords: Maybe in your wonderful world of Fantasia nobody cares. and Korn is a great band.
asylum666singer: LOL...... horrid
asylum666singer: whoever said Korn is great?
asylum666singer: you are the most narrow minded fuck I have ever met
NotCommonRecords: No kidding
NotCommonRecords: I also hate women
asylum666singer: at least you know
asylum666singer: right... i got that.... it's okay to be gay these days
asylum666singer: u can even get married
NotCommonRecords: I know, want to fuck me?
NotCommonRecords: cuz you sure looked gay on stage
asylum666singer: nah man... you are not my type
NotCommonRecords: What if i wear make up?
asylum666singer: maybe
asylum666singer: it will hide your ugly face
NotCommonRecords: And little braids in my hair like your guitarist?
NotCommonRecords: He was so cute
asylum666singer: guitarist had braids???
asylum666singer: what are you talking about?
NotCommonRecords: Your band
NotCommonRecords: I love the whole gimmick
NotCommonRecords: It's like Disurbed meets Dope
asylum666singer: neither of the guitarist's had braids you assfuck
NotCommonRecords: You guys looked totally crazy on that stage
asylum666singer: oh yeah.... we sound and look just like them
NotCommonRecords: Yeah you do
asylum666singer: you got it nailed......
NotCommonRecords: I know
NotCommonRecords: Did you think you were going to make me apologize or convince me that Kevorkian's Angels sucks?
NotCommonRecords: I just think you are even gayer now
asylum666singer: no asshole... my main purpose in messaging u is to let you know that if ya got something to say... say it to me... not my manger you assdick
NotCommonRecords: She asked me what I thought and I answered her
asylum666singer: whatever......
NotCommonRecords: If you can't handle that then hang your costume up and call it quits
asylum666singer: that won't happen... and I can handle it .... i could give two fucking shits what anyone thinks... especially people like u
NotCommonRecords: thats probably why you messaged me I guess
asylum666singer: nah
NotCommonRecords: Then leave me alone
asylum666singer: why are u still typing ?
NotCommonRecords: Haha fag
NotCommonRecords: Bye
asylum666singer: later dick

[Dec 3,2004 8:40pm - Wraithious ""]
Fuck, I can't get on it still, am I banned from that thread or is it my shitty dial-up won't let me on? someone in the thread said it was being linked to by another board(s), maby it's too busy for dial-up access? Hooker are you on cable modem or something similar??
[Dec 3,2004 9:08pm - eddie ""]
must be some type of computer faggotry
[Dec 3,2004 9:12pm - Wraithious ""]
Fuck it, I will be back later tonight (maby) or tommorrow, if I still can't get on it I'll start a fresh thread, but it will never capture the beauty of the original. :(
[Dec 3,2004 9:18pm - Hooker ""]
It's because god hates fags.
[Dec 3,2004 9:21pm - KeithMutiny ""]
god does hate fags... MOD told me so
[Dec 3,2004 9:31pm - Hooker ""]

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