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What ever happened to Pillory?

[Dec 2,2004 11:46pm - XmikeX ""]
i heard the mp3s and was looking forward to seeing them....then i never heard anything about them ever again. what gives?
[Dec 2,2004 11:50pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
they're still a band. i think they're trying to get their CD out at the moment. that's about all i can tells ya
[Dec 2,2004 11:53pm - XmikeX ""]
a better question is....what happened to Mark Richards?!...you're not on my myspace friends list anymore and i had this mega sweet comment all lined up.
[Dec 3,2004 12:01am - ArrowHead ""]
We're headed over to New Alliance on saturday to master the CD. After that, we're going to start playing shows again. You'll enjoy seeing us, and buy said CD, and maybe a t-shirt.

Oh yeah, bring hookers.
[Dec 3,2004 1:28am - attendmyrequiem ""]
Pillory is fucking sick... i would liek to see darren play back to back sets pillory then goratory.
[Dec 3,2004 4:37am - ArrowHead ""]
He's done it before. He smelled funny afterwards.
[Dec 3,2004 4:39am - El Justin  ""]
ArrowHead said:He's done it before. He smelled funny afterwards.

i saw it
[Dec 3,2004 3:52pm - XmikeX ""]
new alliance gets an A+ from me. can't wait to hear it.
[Dec 6,2004 8:29am - Pillorydan ""]
We have been working on a CD but after months of recording and mixing we are finally done! We are still not sure when a official release date will be set but all I can say is that the recording came out sick!! I'm sure we will start booking shows again. So be on the look out for:

No Lifeguard at the Gene Pool
[Dec 6,2004 1:52pm - attendmyrequiem ""]
XmikeX said:new alliance gets an A+ from me. can't wait to hear it.

it's only a mastering session. nick is good, there are easily mastering engineers with better ears than him, but if you're keeping it local definitely one of the best choices.
[Dec 6,2004 5:57pm - BornSoVile ""]
definately looking forward to this release.
Darren played two sets at the cape cod show back in july or june, easily one of the best shows of the year. I think he mighta done it another time, I can't remember.
[Dec 6,2004 9:28pm - pillorydan ""]
Hey Cauck sucka....Didn't you bang some chick after the cape cod show............
[Dec 6,2004 9:59pm - ArrowHead ""]
No no no, he banged ME after the cape cod show. It's been months, and my asshole is STILL all out of shape from it. Who woulda though such a little dude would have a massive wee wee.
[Dec 6,2004 10:10pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
XmikeX said:a better question is....what happened to Mark Richards?!...you're not on my myspace friends list anymore and i had this mega sweet comment all lined up.

myspace got pretty gay after a while...too much bullshit, so i left. i may go back at some point, who knows. and in other news, i'm FINALLY in another band...100% anti-religious brutal death metal called Strappado (a medieval form of torture in which arms are tied behind back at the wrists, rope attached to a hangman's noose sort of thing. the victim is pushed off of a platform, rope snaps him/her up before hitting ground, thus dislocating both arms in the most gruesome manner) that darren from goratory/pillory did the drum programming for (sounds like real drums actually) and is recording. hopefully we'll have a 2 song promo out in the next month or so. for now it's a studio project, but will hopefully become a full blown performing band sometime next year. still looking for something full time as well. and that's a rap

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