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[Dec 2,2004 11:25am - moran ""]
Whats the best album to buy.
[Dec 2,2004 11:27am - litacore ""]
oooooh, where's Damnose?
[Dec 2,2004 11:28am - RustedAngel ""]
power of the dragonflame
[Dec 2,2004 11:29am - litacore ""]
[Dec 2,2004 11:38am - paganmegan ""]
Is that actually from one of their CDs? That looks like doro or something
[Dec 2,2004 11:40am - litacore ""]
no, it's from that 1981 R-rated cartoon movie "Heavy Metal"

that's Taarna, the last of the Terrakians
[Dec 2,2004 11:46am - the_reverend ""]
the one with the pen flipping
[Dec 2,2004 11:49am - paganmegan ""]
litacore said:no, it's from that 1981 R-rated cartoon movie "Heavy Metal"

that's Taarna, the last of the Terrakians

How is that movie?? fuckin silly...

she looks like doro ha
[Dec 2,2004 11:50am - litacore ""]
well, yes the movie is indeed silly

indispensable, though. we'll get fucking drunk and watch the 1978 Lord of the Rings and Heavy Metal back-to-back
[Dec 2,2004 11:51am - paganmegan ""]
Alright sounds like a plan
[Dec 2,2004 11:53am - paganmegan ""]
I got kinda fucking drunk by myself last night, watching texas chainsaw in all its timeless gore.... theres shit I forgot because I haven't seen it in awhile

sam adams should sell old fezziwig ale all by itself its far superior to anything else in the holiday combination 12 pack
[Dec 2,2004 1:07pm - dan.  ""]
[Dec 2,2004 1:10pm - Jellyfish ""]
RustedAngel said:power of the dragonflame

[Dec 2,2004 1:13pm - paganmegan ""]
doro is my hero ha
[Dec 2,2004 3:33pm - litadoro  ""]
[Dec 2,2004 3:34pm - paganmegan ""]
awesome I wanna be like doro hahahaha
[Dec 2,2004 3:38pm - dan.  ""]
everyone with a cunt should be more like doro
[Dec 2,2004 3:44pm - paganmegan ""]
[Dec 2,2004 3:59pm - moran ""]
RustedAngel said:power of the dragonflame

Thank you so much. This shit fucking rules.
[Dec 2,2004 4:00pm - damnose ""]
whee, rhapsody.
Dawn of Victory and Legendary Tales are good places to start, though in my opinion once you own one album you pretty much own them all; the epic power fantasy sword orchestra metal doesn't really change much, even if the number of dragons slain continues to rise.
[Dec 2,2004 4:03pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Simphony of enchanted lands is pretty good.
[Dec 2,2004 4:51pm - My_Dying_Bride ""]
soel pwns
[Dec 2,2004 5:15pm - malettey ""]
litacore said:no, it's from that 1981 R-rated cartoon movie "Heavy Metal"

that's Taarna, the last of the Terrakians

i jerked off to the nudity in "heavy metal" when i saw it in like 8th grade!
and rhapsody fucking rules!!!
[Dec 2,2004 7:56pm - retzam ""]
litacore said:well, yes the movie is indeed silly

indispensable, though. we'll get fucking drunk and watch the 1978 Lord of the Rings and Heavy Metal back-to-back

1978 LOTR = \m/(-_-)\m/

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