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Good bands that are annoying

[Nov 30,2004 3:34pm - swamplorddvm ""]
King diamond





[Nov 30,2004 3:35pm - succubus ""]
annoying how?
[Nov 30,2004 3:36pm - Hooker ""]
I don't get it.
[Nov 30,2004 3:36pm - paganmegan ""]
If i consider a band trully annoying I usually don't take the time to bother with them
[Nov 30,2004 3:37pm - Abbath ""]
what the hell are you talking about?
[Nov 30,2004 3:40pm - retzam ""]
Yeah, this makes no sense.
[Nov 30,2004 3:40pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Well I dont tale the time to bother with them. but my friends do.

Maiden:good what gets to me is the singer, the bass lines and how they have a bad ass riff going then they destroy the song with some whack up beat riff.

zeppelin: they just annoy me. "BABY, BABY, BABY!!!" SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!

pantera: Shut up phil. and their music is also annoying

opeth: I wont bother with that one
[Nov 30,2004 3:41pm - Christraper ""]
King Diamond is never annoying............traitor......
[Nov 30,2004 3:45pm - Hooker ""]
Opeth is some decent death metal played by good musicians, ruined by some fruit's need to coo fluffy melodic jam band shit smack dab in the middle of songs. Release two separate albums you clown. Your eccletic style isn't impressive, it's off balance. It's like eating a rare steak with creme broulee sauce dribbled on it.

I got no gripe with Pantera. At least I didn't when they were a force to be reckoned with. At least they're done and not releasing more albums. Sort of.

Slayer pisses me off, but only live. Fucking lazy asshole Kerry King.

King Diamond sounds like a cartoon character. Well, I guess in some ways he is. But as good as his band is, he ruins it with his fucking Powerpuff Girls voice.

[Nov 30,2004 3:45pm - swamplorddvm ""]
hahaha the way he sings can be. but I'd rather listen to him out of all the bands listed up there.
[Nov 30,2004 3:48pm - retzam ""]
Hooker said:Opeth is some decent death metal played by good musicians, ruined by some fruit's need to coo fluffy melodic jam band shit smack dab in the middle of songs. Release two separate albums you clown. Your eccletic style isn't impressive, it's off balance. It's like eating a rare steak with creme broulee sauce dribbled on it.

One of the reason's two separate albums were released was to appeal to the people like you who don't want to listen to the Damnation stuff.

And swamplord, I still don't quite understand your acknowledgement of these bands as "good" even though you can't stand them.
[Nov 30,2004 3:50pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Hooker said:Opeth is some decent death metal played by good musicians, ruined by some fruit's need to coo fluffy melodic jam band shit smack dab in the middle of songs. Release two separate albums you clown. Your eccletic style isn't impressive, it's off balance. It's like eating a rare steak with creme broulee sauce dribbled on it.

I got no gripe with Pantera. At least I didn't when they were a force to be reckoned with. At least they're done and not releasing more albums. Sort of.

Slayer pisses me off, but only live. Fucking lazy asshole Kerry King.

King Diamond sounds like a cartoon character. Well, I guess in some ways he is. But as good as his band is, he ruins it with his fucking Powerpuff Girls voice.

Thank you! Someone understands what i'm trying to say.
[Nov 30,2004 3:52pm - Christraper ""]
I dont really listen to Opeth but i respect them as talented musicians who play whatever the hell they want.

An king Diamond rules all so shut up. He's the King goddamnit. We'll have no treason on this message board....
[Nov 30,2004 4:03pm - Hooker ""]
Wait, they did release two albums with death metal and overrated acoustic prettiness? I didn't know that.
[Nov 30,2004 4:06pm - succubus ""]
sounds like you DON'T like the bands swamplord... then why are they good?

i don't know..maybe i'm just slow but i don't get it...if a band is good, then they don't annoy me...

[Nov 30,2004 4:07pm - Hooker ""]
You don't have to like a band to acknowledge that they are a good band. Are you people serious?

I fucking hate Meshuggah and the Beatles but I'm not about to call either a bad band.
[Nov 30,2004 4:08pm - Christraper ""]
I dont know, i like Manowar but theres only so much of it i can take.
[Nov 30,2004 4:08pm - succubus ""]
ahh i think i get this now
[Nov 30,2004 4:08pm - paganmegan ""]
I hear that
[Nov 30,2004 4:08pm - Hooker ""]
Manowar is fucking terrible, but I love them. I can fully see why someone would hate them.
[Nov 30,2004 4:09pm - succubus ""]
wait wait...i don't like ZZ top are they considered good?
[Nov 30,2004 4:17pm - Hooker ""]
You're not getting it.

[Nov 30,2004 5:14pm - Bradness ""]
King Diamond can't even sing in key, he's fucking GAY!!! with a capital GAY!!!
[Nov 30,2004 5:19pm - wakeoftears ""]
Hooker said:Manowar is fucking terrible, but I love them. I can fully see why someone would hate them.

I agree completely. Even though theyre so bad, I just cant help but like them at the same time.

Also AC/DC annoys me to no fucking end.
[Nov 30,2004 5:27pm - retzam ""]
Hooker said:Wait, they did release two albums with death metal and overrated acoustic prettiness? I didn't know that.

Does that matter whether it's overrated or not? If I didn't listen to music just because it's overrated then I wouldn't like, hmmm... about 90% of all metal and rock.
[Nov 30,2004 5:30pm - retzam ""]
And also, the two albums I was talking about were Deliverance and Damnation, the latter of which doesn't contain any death metal at all, only "overrated acoustic prettiness" and unimpressive, "ecclectic", "fluffy melodic jam band shit".
[Nov 30,2004 5:41pm - Hooker ""]
Ah. Well, that's closer to my ideal situation.
[Nov 30,2004 6:46pm - powerkok ""]
king diamond is a gaylord
[Nov 30,2004 6:52pm - josiah_the_black ""]
im with retzam, fuck you swampy, opeth is incredible

pantera and king diamond i agree with you on though
[Nov 30,2004 6:53pm - Hooker ""]
powerkok said:king diamond is a gaylord


You're telling me.
[Nov 30,2004 6:57pm - powerkok ""]
hahahaha nice.
[Dec 1,2004 4:28pm - swamplorddvm ""]
succubus said:sounds like you DON'T like the bands swamplord... then why are they good?

i don't know..maybe i'm just slow but i don't get it...if a band is good, then they don't annoy me...

They may have talent and can write "fun" catchy music but can still be annoying. zeppelin are good but I would never buy an album of theirs.
[Dec 1,2004 4:30pm - dan.  ""]
anyone who talks shit about king diamond will be raped accordingly (by satan)
[Dec 1,2004 4:35pm - paganmegan ""]
heh heh heh
[Dec 1,2004 4:37pm - Hooker ""]
.....king diamond..... butt rape..... ?

I rest my case.
[Dec 1,2004 5:07pm - WithinTheFray ""]
Opeth is Amazing. You can say whatever you want about them, i never really liked them to start off, but really listen... they are amazing musicians, and they arent following any trends in black metal which makes them even better. they could easily scream every song and have double bass and heavy distortion, and be like everyone else, but they arent. THATS why opeth is amazing.
[Dec 1,2004 5:14pm - Hooker ""]
I can appreciate their musicianship. They're just too hot and cold for me.
[Dec 1,2004 6:04pm - powerkok ""]
dan. said:anyone who talks shit about king diamond will be raped accordingly (by satan)

King Diamond sucks my horse hoagie.
[Dec 1,2004 8:55pm - __THeMoor__ ""]
opeth is amazing. period.
[Dec 1,2004 8:56pm - Hooker ""]
[Dec 1,2004 9:06pm - CNV  ""]
Deicide annoyed me with the releases after "Once Upon the Cross" but redeemed themselves with "Scars of the Crucifix"... Emperor annoyed me with the stuff that came after "Anthems"...Gorgoroth annoys me because they have a link to Nambla on their website...Their new album sucks too...

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