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Opeth in Boston

[May 20,2003 12:38am - DaveSTF ""]
Opeth is playing with porcupine tree at the Berklee performance center in boston soon...I can't remember the date but i saw it on http://www.massconcerts.com so I'll definetly expect to see you there Aaron.
[May 20,2003 1:09am - the_reverend ""]
Sat 7/19 Opeth / Porcupine Tree Berklee Performance Ctr Boston MA TBA
[May 20,2003 1:45pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
oh... my... nonexsistant GOD... this is going to be an AMAZING show. holy shit... holy shit... holy shit... :shocked:
[May 20,2003 4:02pm - RustedAngel ""]
holy balls, i was told today it was on july 21st which is the same day as iron maiden in worcester! w00t w00t, now I don't have to make a choice!
[May 20,2003 5:23pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
hahaha no shit... that week is gonna be one AMAZING week... mellow opeth and p. tree and iron maiden/dio/motorhead.... all i need now is a rhapsody show, devourment show, and a slayer show and it would be PERFECT :spineyes:
[May 20,2003 7:31pm - A_Cold_Reality ""]
[May 20,2003 10:00pm - dysenterytom ""]
we would have played with devourment last week, if they didnt drop off that fucking show.......ahhh....its the godam drummers falt hes all mainstreemed out and will only play big fests..:satancross:
[May 20,2003 10:25pm - A_Cold_Reality ""]
i dislike devourment...they're good if u wanna pit, but i cant take listening to their cd
[Jun 30,2003 11:02am - the_reverend ""]
yes! I just confirmed that I will be photographing this show.
I can't wait.
[Jun 30,2003 10:38pm - succubus ""]
you are welcome
i can't wait either
[Jun 30,2003 11:13pm - xPaulBLAHBLAHx ""]
If you think devourment is bad on CD i seriously pray for your death, no lie.
[Jun 30,2003 11:20pm - the_reverend ""]
I downloaded a live devourment cd.
it's awesome, go vomit vocals.
[Jul 2,2015 7:28pm - Necrofaggist  ""]
Looking forward to it

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