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i feel like i'm on the flintstones

[Nov 22,2004 9:04pm - succubus ""]
i'm drinking this cactus / guava juice

different..i think me likey
[Nov 22,2004 9:05pm - succubus ""]
oops cactus
not guava
agave cactus
it's supposed to be good for you and it looks like water
[Nov 22,2004 9:09pm - damnose ""]
does that mean tequila is good for you too?
[Nov 22,2004 9:22pm - succubus ""]
sure, why not!
[Nov 23,2004 8:09pm - succubus ""]
what to drink now?
[Nov 23,2004 8:10pm - Hooker ""]
the blue agave is what they make tequila from
[Nov 23,2004 8:11pm - succubus ""]
ohh i didn't know that
[Apr 20,2009 12:13am - douchebag_patrol_2 ""]

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