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recruiting metal band members

[Nov 22,2004 3:09pm - Nifelheim ""]
do you like metal?

do you like non-metalcore, hardcore metal

do you like power, folk, doom, black, or symphonic metal?

then you own

now do you happen to play an instrument bitch

cause my band seeks other members

we have a drummer, bassist, and lead

we are open to any other instruments who may wnat to contribute.

especially vocalists, any type

and if your a women singer preferably classical or baroque type singing.

we are named "undine" and practice in nashua New hampshire.
[Nov 22,2004 3:10pm - Hooker ""]
undine. is that like... fasting? I'm un-dining tonight. No food for me.
[Nov 22,2004 3:18pm - Christraper ""]
[Nov 22,2004 3:30pm - Nifelheim ""]
undine is the name of water spirits who come amongst mortal niggas to dance and mate(teutonic)
[Nov 22,2004 3:34pm - Christraper ""]
hmmm cant say i ever fucked a ghost before. is the name supposed to be pronounced a certain way?
[Nov 22,2004 4:08pm - dyingmuse ""]
sounds interesting enough....i'll bite. need more info
[Nov 23,2004 2:54pm - Nifelheim ""]
what info in particular.

the more i can say off the top of my head is we are looking for someone who wnats to do shows and maybe make an album
[Nov 23,2004 5:30pm - The_ExhumeD ""]
where are you located
[Nov 24,2004 6:31pm - Nifelheim ""]
Nashua New hampshire

I also said this in the post but meh
[Nov 24,2004 11:00pm - The_ExhumeD ""]
Nifelheim said:Nashua New hampshire

I also said this in the post but meh

Excuse me I was a major fucktard last night after about ten beers and a few tokes

does this band have anything to do with remains of troy becuase if so I almost dont want to be interested not that Im saying theyre bad but its not my style.
[Nov 24,2004 11:18pm - dyingmuse ""]
is it doom or not? if so and if i like the ideas, i may offer up my guitar or voice.
[Nov 25,2004 8:57am - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
someone is a Final Fantasy 7 fanboy... ;)
[Nov 26,2004 12:33pm - Nifelheim ""]
1) I dont know what remaisn of troy is but it sounds like a queer hardcore band to me

2) We are still fluid in style I like doom though so it could be cool to have you if your interested.

3)Nibelheim is final fantasy, nifelheim is norse world of ice. But I do happen to love ff7
[Nov 27,2004 4:58pm - Nifelheim ""]

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