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How many of you here post on the Relapse board too?

[Nov 19,2004 11:09am - Mary Sucks  ""]
I always see the same topics posted here and there. I know that Joe Notcommon and RevAaron, Mark Kevorkians, and Brad do. Who else?
[Nov 19,2004 11:11am - the_reverend ""]
I do it very in frequently
[Nov 19,2004 11:20am - baneofexistence ""]
i used to under "lecoucou"
[Nov 19,2004 11:22am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I only do very infrequently, but have been posting there more then here lately.
[Nov 19,2004 11:27am - dreadkill ""]
the only boards i ever really post on are this one and lately the bay state rock board because people on there are so dumb and it is funny to see their insults.
[Nov 19,2004 11:53am - Josh_Martin ""]
Hey Mary, tell Brad to check his email.

[Nov 19,2004 12:01pm - Mary Sucks  ""]
Josh_Martin said:Hey Mary, tell Brad to check his email.

Yes sir.
[Nov 19,2004 12:01pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
I do, but the threads die like within minutes of posting them...so it's too much upkeep.
[Nov 19,2004 12:02pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
but you can click to view your own posts.
[Nov 19,2004 12:03pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
true, but I mean who really responds to topics after page 2? I know I don't. They just go on to page 3 where they are gone forever.

heck, who really goes to page 2 all that often?
[Nov 19,2004 12:04pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
on relapse? alot of people
[Nov 19,2004 12:23pm - HANDINJURY ""]
[Nov 19,2004 12:41pm - dugoxistance  ""]
i lurk there a lot. post there very seldom.
[Nov 19,2004 12:48pm - Josh_Martin ""]
I kept posting nigger jokes there and that faggot johnlapse got so mad at me he started taking it personally. He IP blocked me and deleted all posts that mentioned my band whether I posted them or not.
He actually called me a degenerate because I do drugs and have a record, and meant it as an insult. What a homo.
[Nov 19,2004 12:49pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
Josh_Martin said:I kept posting nigger jokes there and that faggot johnlapse got so mad at me he started taking it personally. He IP blocked me and deleted all posts that mentioned my band whether I posted them or not.
He actually called me a degenerate because I do drugs and have a record, and meant it as an insult. What a homo.

his boyfriend must be black
[Nov 19,2004 12:50pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I will post something about Adolf Satan just to see what happens
[Nov 19,2004 12:54pm - Josh_Martin ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:I will post something about Adolf Satan just to see what happens

He got over it. This happened a few months ago. It was weird because I posted tour dates under a fake name from my in-laws house and then he IP blocked me there, but the next day I was unblocked. Someone must've told him to stop being a faggot.

You should register as me and see what happens.

[Nov 19,2004 12:58pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I just posted the tour
[Nov 19,2004 12:59pm - Josh_Martin ""]
Did you post it as Josh Martin?

Actually, only do that if you don't care about getting banned.
[Nov 19,2004 1:00pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I don't want to get banned, but if he deletes that thread I will make another one.
[Nov 19,2004 1:05pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
it's still there
[Nov 19,2004 1:17pm - Josh_Martin ""]
He won't delete it unless he thinks it me posting it.

[Nov 19,2004 1:34pm - armageddonday ""]
I can get on this too guys..if you need help. I dont post on the Relapse board, it sucks, it's rarely about music more about porn and some other stupid shit like that.
The only boards I post on are RTTP, Hardrockpissstrunk(an invite only music nerd messageboard) and Lots Of Noise...I post shows on Relapse, Necroharmonic, CTpunx, and some other boards...
[Nov 19,2004 1:45pm - the_reverend ""]
if we are listing off ALL the boards we post on...
lambgoat (once a month if that)
dpreview (few times a day)
slickdeals.net (once in a blue moon)
trustkill (once a month if that)
lotsofnoise (once a year)
relapse (couple times a month)

I think that's about it (well, besides random band's forums)
[Nov 19,2004 1:48pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
how come when I try to post pics from RTTP on relapse it never works?
[Nov 19,2004 1:51pm - the_reverend ""]
aim me and I'll tell you the trick..
[Nov 19,2004 1:57pm - phantos ""]
i have a secret screen name there
[Nov 19,2004 1:58pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
you must be GAY FOR COCK
[Nov 19,2004 2:26pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I do rarely.
[Nov 19,2004 2:28pm - the_reverend ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:you must be GAY FOR COCK

who isnt?
[Nov 19,2004 6:08pm - Randy  ""]
I do...Noosebomb666
[Nov 19,2004 6:57pm - Wraithious ""]
I am Roadhammer there.
[Nov 19,2004 8:32pm - dunwich ""]
I post there very infrequently.
[Nov 20,2004 1:50am - Bradness ""]
i am Thee Mad Bob Ross
[Nov 20,2004 2:03am - BornSoVile ""]
i hate that board. most of the people there suck.
[Nov 20,2004 2:33am - attendmyrequiem ""]
i only post on here because i bet a good at least 60% of the posters on this site know who i am
[Nov 20,2004 2:51am - succubus ""]
[Nov 20,2004 11:07am - Lynneaus ""]
regularly i only post on three boards....

here, bravewords and bloody knuckles, and Unrestrained!
[Nov 21,2004 4:02am - BestialOnslaught ""]
Pizza my butt!

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