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what's up with Slayer and the fucking pussies who go see them?

[Nov 16,2004 11:50am - armageddonday ""]
I went at Lupos last night, hang out with Jonas and Sargei all night, went down to the pit with them. Ended up second row on the left. Obviously you get crushed and pushed by the crowd behind you, at one point I tried to resist so I wasn't falling on people in front of me but it didn't work, so that fucking chick in front of me start grabbing my hair and pulll it, took my hair out of her grip and punched her, then she grabed my hand and bite me, I punched her again, the bouncer told me to calm down (I knew him). Then there's another chick who came and wanted to go up front, so I let her go but her dumass boyfriend tried to go to, no fucking way I didn't let him go...the motherfucker start fighting, so I start punching him twice or so, then the bouncers went on him, the guy thought I was a guy...he was trying to fucking apologize, I told him to get the fuck out of my way and kept headbanging like a freak (windmills and all), he was just behind me, he's probably still eating my dirty hair right now.
So I lost my bullet belt at the begining of the set, gave it to the bouncer, got it back at the end and thank him for not kicking me out twice, I lost my passport, got bite, went into 2 fights, my neck hurt like a motherfucker too much headbanging. That was an awesome show...worth $30 just to see Slayer (we hang out next to the bar for the other bands)
I just fucking hate went people go up front and then bitch about the violence of the pit. This is a waste.
[Nov 16,2004 12:15pm - the_reverend ""]
yeah! cat fights!
[Nov 16,2004 12:19pm - succubus ""]
armageddonday said: Ended up second row on the left. Obviously you get crushed and pushed by the crowd behind you, I just fucking hate went people go up front and then bitch about the violence of the pit. This is a waste.

yes that pisses me off too
pussy girls choose to pull hair, spit and bite because they can't hit

i once had a girl "Spit on me", almost as bad as biting, i ended up punching and pushing her and her 5 friends..

[Nov 16,2004 12:24pm - Josh_Martin ""]
That is the coolest seeing Slayer story you'll ever hear from a chick.
[Nov 16,2004 12:30pm - lynneaus ""]
fuck that pisses me off... this is why i fucking hate chicks at shows... they go to the pit and then piss and moan cuz they get hit... fuck you... dont go to the floor if you cant take it... dont drag your bf along to protect you either.... if you need a crew or a bodyguard you dont belong on the floor. i was pretty bummed actually ... this year because i was shooting i didnt get to mosh at all during slayer... its the first time ive seen slayer and not moshed :(

[Nov 16,2004 12:44pm - armageddonday ""]
Guys do that too, every time I'm in the pit downstairs at the Gaylladium it's like that. Bunch of people in front row completely still and there you are headbanging and you get dirty looks from everybody. That really pisses me off, it's like you're not allowed to go ape shit...
[Nov 16,2004 12:52pm - PaganMegan ""]
or take it personally that your hair is flying in their face as they observe as quietly as if they were at the fucking library, or a golfing tournament. Its metal I say go fucking crazy
[Nov 16,2004 12:57pm - dan.  ""]
i like when all the pussy hardcore/metal rejects go to a gay rock show or somethin and then start actin all tough and moshing and hitting all the nerdy kids in the face or somethin. like, yeah we own this pit! maybe someone is takin pictures and we will finally be accepted!
[Nov 16,2004 2:51pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
armageddonday said:I went at Lupos last night


You went TO Lupo's... TO, not at!!!

[Nov 16,2004 2:56pm - KeithMutiny ""]
[Nov 16,2004 2:58pm - armageddonday ""]
OH SHIT. I'll get it someday, I swear. This is actually starting to annoy me, so you might doing a good job. Are you going TO that show at Redrum tonight, John?
[Nov 16,2004 4:34pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Nope, Cara called to see if I was too.

The next show is the NAPALM DEATH, CANNIBAL CORPSE, MACABRE, etc. show on Long Islang on Thursday for me.

[Nov 16,2004 4:49pm - armageddonday ""]
At what time are you leaving?
[Nov 16,2004 6:36pm - XmikeX ""]
what I hate more than girls at slayer shows are jocks doing rapcore dancing that makes them look like they're about to piss themselves. I'm only 22 and even I remember when Slayer used to be about a bunch of huge long haired dudes beating the absolute shit out of eachother, and watching guys that could kill me with one punch get dragged out with blood all over them.

Now whenever they play one of those dumb songs they wrote for movie soundtracks or "Stain of Mind" and a bunch of Limp Bizkit jock dorks come out of the woodwork I cringe.

still a great show though.
[Nov 16,2004 6:37pm - attendmyrequiem @ school  ""]
its cuz 'metalheads' turned into huge pussies.
[Nov 16,2004 6:42pm - dirteecrayon ""]
attendmyrequiem --- where do u go to school?
[Nov 16,2004 6:44pm - XmikeX ""]
metal got watered down in vag juice when it underwent its gradual commercialization over the years. The "metal" crowds merged with the Dood-guys, the "I only listen to metallica, and pantera, and whatever else the radio tells me to" demographic, fake hippies, and mall rat nurlers. The result end result is a bunch of weiner kids who don't really care about the music, and react to every band as if it were.....what the hell was the name of that rapcore band Tommy Lee had? ugh they were awful.
[Nov 16,2004 6:51pm - intricateprocess ""]
XmikeX said:metal got watered down in vag juice when it underwent its gradual commercialization over the years. The "metal" crowds merged with the Dood-guys, the "I only listen to metallica, and pantera, and whatever else the radio tells me to" demographic, fake hippies, and mall rat nurlers. The result end result is a bunch of weiner kids who don't really care about the music, and react to every band as if it were.....what the hell was the name of that rapcore band Tommy Lee had? ugh they were awful.

methods of mayhem

and i couldnt have said it better
[Nov 16,2004 6:51pm - ninkaszi  ""]
hey xmikex or anyone that went last night, do you know what time slayer started last night?
[Nov 16,2004 6:59pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I think they started around 10:00.
[Nov 16,2004 7:01pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
I was standing in line to buy a beer at Slayer's Palladium show. Next to me in line was one of approximately three black people in the entire crowd of however many thousand people were there. At the front of the line were four skinheads screaming "white power! white power! Seig Heil!". On my face there was a very amused expression.
[Nov 16,2004 7:05pm - intricateprocess ""]
those fucking scumbags should have gone back into there closets and listened to screwdriver
[Nov 27,2004 12:12pm - MeganMsbf ""]
I hate when I go to shows with my gf and i leave her for 1 second and then I have every male in the venue on her ass.
[Nov 27,2004 2:30pm - retzam ""]
Anne, you lost your passport??? That fucking sucks.
[Nov 28,2004 2:30pm - armageddonday ""]
I lost my passport but it was just at the Strand, I told the bouncer about it before I left, and they kept it for me. I went to pick it up last Saturday..good thing. Now it's at home and safe, I'm going to try to get a RI id so I won't have to bring my green card with me...
Passport, Green card, wallet, keys...I lost them all the fucking time, now I need to add cell-phone too.

"I hate when I go to shows with my gf and i leave her for 1 second and then I have every male in the venue on her ass. "
Dude, that's a metal show for you...she should take advantage of it and get drinks from them...
[Nov 28,2004 4:46pm - retzam ""]
armageddonday said:I lost my passport but it was just at the Strand, I told the bouncer about it before I left, and they kept it for me. I went to pick it up last Saturday..good thing. Now it's at home and safe, I'm going to try to get a RI id so I won't have to bring my green card with me...
Passport, Green card, wallet, keys...I lost them all the fucking time, now I need to add cell-phone too.


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