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Falling asleep at work is great

[Nov 15,2004 1:57pm - lynneaus ""]
haha i keep falling asleep at my desk... problem being the way my cubicle is almost anyone in the middle of the room can see me hahaha

the longest ive been out is only like 5-10 mins but i gotta get my ass to wake up a lil to make it thru these last 2 hours
[Nov 15,2004 1:59pm - Christraper ""]
go take a nap in one of the bathroom stalls
[Nov 15,2004 1:59pm - succubus ""]
my boss waltzed in at almost 11 and was still hung over from the night before...i sent him an email and he repleid that he did not understand what i was trying to say and that his head hurt

he went to lunch at noon, came back...and then left


i'm going to leave early :p
[Nov 15,2004 2:09pm - Josh_Martin ""]
I've gotten fired from 2 jobs for sleeping.
[Nov 15,2004 4:26pm - ram_girl ""]
Josh_Martin said:I've gotten fired from 2 jobs for sleeping.

Josh, you could do Security where Succubus and I work on 2nd or 3rd shift and get paid to sleep like half of them do here already!
[Nov 15,2004 5:10pm - Josh_Martin ""]
Yeah, I had a 3rd shift job. All I had to do basically was answer the phone, which would ring maybe once an hour. I would turn the ringer way up so it would wake me, but sometimes I would show up too fucked up and sleep right through it. The phone was monitored so they could tell if I missed any calls. After that happened 3 or 4 times they had enough of me.
I hated that job anyway. Every week I would decide to quit and then a new bill to pay would come in so I'd chicken out. I think subconciously I was trying to get fired.
I would do way more fucked up shit than just sleep. I was the only person in the whole building. I would go through peoples desks looking for anything interesting. One time I found a bottle of pills in some chick's desk. I raced back to my computer to look up what they were on the internet, hoping they were some kind of extreme painkiller. It was herpes medicine.

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