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Plastic pro life maggot

[Nov 12,2004 3:14pm - Robdeadskin ""]
Before i start explaining i have no opinion on pro life or pro choice...just an opinion on faceless fuckin pigs.................

On a breakfest break with a guy i always sit with in the cafe(i work in a hospital) and he(after years)finally noticed my tatoo on my forearm. Which is the cannible corpes fetus on the butchered at birth album. He gets up and leaves mid sentance????? Goes to my boss, and then to human recourses to file a complaint for me to be terminated for the undecent tatoo on my arm that, to him states i am pro abortion... under no grounds of any legal hospital regulations on tatoos of personal pref... im told not to worry about job sec.( this is also a jewish hospital). For he is a jesus saves pro life shitbag that thinks my tatoo is in support of abortion..and also tells the board of directors that i am a satanist becuase of the pentagram on my morbid angel hoodie...!! i march in his office to confront his back stabbing pussy ways..where he told me i am a satanist baby killer....I told him ava satanas you fuckin pig.......! And went home by wishes of my boss..that told me not to worry on my job...but that i should not have confronted him...FUCK that!!! i will not let some simple minded faggot try and jepordize my job and come to his own ignorant judgement on a fuckin tatoo that has nothing to do with his worthless opinions!!! I wrote the guys name(wayne) above it and showed it to him that i named the fetus after him...haha....He was pissed....not sure if i handled this well.....!!! but i am pissed and this is crap!!!!!! new teratism song at the least...!!! i hate humans!! wish i was a bug of somthing with venom ,i would bite everyone!!
[Nov 12,2004 3:15pm - succubus ""]

deja vu or am i losing my flippin mind???
[Nov 12,2004 3:16pm - Robdeadskin ""]
[Nov 12,2004 3:17pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Abortion is LEGAL, who cares if someone supports it or not. Wayne is a fag.
[Nov 12,2004 3:17pm - succubus ""]

it's like...i clicked on this thread and as i was reading it i already knew what was written...
it's like this already happened...

have you posted something like this before?
[Nov 12,2004 3:19pm - Robdeadskin ""]
NO this just happened..I did post that we fucked up our roomates shit for fuckin us on rent,,,, what can i say im surronded by assholes...
[Nov 12,2004 3:23pm - RustedAngel ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:Abortion is LEGAL, who cares if someone supports it or not. Wayne is a fag.

[Nov 12,2004 3:28pm - Christraper ""]
we should mail him some christmas roadkill
[Nov 12,2004 3:30pm - dan.  ""]
thats awesome that you have that tattoo in a visible spot. its funny that a grown man told on you. you should throw a bucket of pigs blood in his face.
[Nov 12,2004 3:31pm - Robdeadskin ""]
If i could only get away with the thoughts i think!!!!

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