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going nuts

[Nov 11,2004 1:44pm - lynneaus ""]
last thursday i had a job interview... (after being postponed twice!!)

they said that they would let me know of their decision on monday....on monday i received a message saying that one of their other interviews had been postponed so they were ablke to make a decision until wednesday and they would call me wed night or thur morning....

soooooo at what point to i call and i ask??/ im goin nuts
[Nov 11,2004 1:55pm - Christraper ""]
If you really want the job then be a pest about it. enthusiasm is good.
[Nov 11,2004 1:57pm - ram_girl ""]
Seriously, I would wait no longer than tomorrow morning (give them a full day). Being a little aggressive and calling them the next day is not a bad thing. I drove the Recruiter here nuts......
[Nov 11,2004 1:58pm - dan.  ""]
depends what the job is. when i used to hire people to work for my sex trade business, if people got too persistent i had them killed and sent to the necrophiles
[Nov 11,2004 2:01pm - the_reverend ""]
remember the scene in Kentucky Fried movie, "show me your nuts" ahahahaah

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