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Faith in Chaos and Shaniqua lookin' for shows

[Nov 11,2004 12:34pm - Ayin  ""]
both bands are lookin for show in Dec and Jan if anyone could help us that would be great. Peace
[Nov 11,2004 12:36pm - Ayin  ""]
Faith in Chaos- Anunnakihunters@hotmail.com
Shaniqua and the SkullFuckers- Shaniqualovesyou@hotmail.com
[Nov 11,2004 3:41pm - Ayin  ""]
"cuz once you oass the point you can never go home,
you gotta face the possibility of dying alone,
so tell me muthafucka, how could you die for the throne,
when you don't even got the fuckin' heart to die for your own,
it rains acid one day the earth'll cry from a stone,
and you'll be lookin' at the wotld living inside of a dome,
computerized humanity living inside of a clone,
This the point where the unknown is living and real,
wormwood, the planet x and the seventh seal,
universal truth is not measured in mass appeal,
this is the last time that i kneel and prayto the sky,
cuz almost everything that i was ever told was a lie."
Immortal Technique
[Nov 11,2004 3:44pm - grundlegremlin ""]
[Nov 11,2004 4:18pm - Ayin  ""]
""the pioneers of a warless world are the young men(and women) who refuse military service." Albert Einstein
[Nov 11,2004 4:20pm - Ayin  ""]
[Nov 11,2004 11:32pm - Ayin  ""]
"stand for something, if not fall for any thing" sabbac
[Nov 11,2004 11:45pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
hey wanna play the 12/5 Mucopus / Clitorture show in NH?

[Nov 12,2004 11:20am - Ayin  ""]
yeah can we play with faith cuz we got the shaniqua show on the 3rd
[Nov 12,2004 11:30am - RustedAngel ""]
[Nov 12,2004 11:32am - Ayin  ""]
sorry man we're tryin' get our other bands name out there, don't worry shaniqua ain't goin' anywhere
[Nov 12,2004 11:38am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Shaniqua and the SkullFuckers - worst attempt at a humorous band name ever
[Nov 12,2004 11:44am - Ayin  ""]
most people don't think so
[Nov 12,2004 11:45am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Yeah, and most people are retarded.
[Nov 12,2004 11:46am - Ayin  ""]
do you even know anything about shaniqua or have you even heard us?
[Nov 12,2004 11:47am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Why would I need to hear you to not like your band name?
[Nov 12,2004 11:48am - Ayin  ""]
because that's ignorent to do
[Nov 12,2004 11:53am - Ayin  ""]
i think the point of shaniqua when way over your head and i think the name not common records is fuckin' stupid, but it's your thing so i'm not gonna go out of my way to talk shit. all you do is talk shit tto people, dose it make you feel good?
[Nov 12,2004 12:52pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
It makes me feel great.
[Nov 12,2004 12:52pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Ayin said:because that's ignorent to do

How is not liking a band name ignorant?
[Nov 12,2004 12:59pm - Ayin  ""]
what if the band name is relevant to what the band is, like i said the idea of shiniqua gose right over your head
[Nov 12,2004 1:11pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Your band is fronted by a fat black woman?
[Nov 12,2004 1:16pm - dan.  ""]
wait, i think i get it. your band sucks and you are a fag. am i close?
[Nov 12,2004 1:49pm - Ayin  ""]
your both so cool
[Nov 12,2004 2:05pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Calling your band Shaniqua and the Skull Fuckers is not relevant to anything your band does.
[Nov 12,2004 2:08pm - ayin ""]
how do you even know that, have you even seen us of heard us
[Nov 12,2004 2:12pm - dan.  ""]
i would not see a band named that ever. even if they were playing with king diamond on melissas grave. i would not see your band.
[Nov 12,2004 2:14pm - ayin ""]
wasn't talkin' to you
[Nov 12,2004 2:15pm - ayin ""]
i'm just givin' joe even more reason to talk shit about my band, so he can say "i seen that band they suck"
[Nov 12,2004 2:15pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
ayin said:how do you even know that, have you even seen us of heard us

Is someone in your band named Shaniqua? Do you fuck skulls? I rest my case.
[Nov 12,2004 2:34pm - dan.  ""]
uhh shaniqua is obviously a metaphor for the US government and skullfuckers is a metaphor for the coming revolution
[Nov 12,2004 2:42pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
my mistake.
[Nov 12,2004 2:44pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
This Ayin guy provides hours of entertainment.
[Nov 12,2004 2:50pm - succubus ""]
there is also a band called the skullfuckers
[Nov 12,2004 2:52pm - dan.  ""]
there is also a band called faith in chaos
[Nov 12,2004 3:14pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
Shaniqua is really fun. Shockingly, i bet you guys would like them. all the songs are about fucking deities in the bumhole, jerking off in public, peeing on other people, etc. They have a Keytar!

They're a lot of fun and worth seeing. They only seem overtly political online. Mikey is very political live, but whatever...so was Disrupt.

Why anyone is arguing over politics is beyond me. It's a no-win situation.
[Nov 12,2004 3:18pm - grundlegremlin ""]
the_taste_of_cigarettes said:Shaniqua is really fun. Shockingly, i bet you guys would like them. all the songs are about fucking deities in the bumhole, jerking off in public, peeing on other people, etc. They have a Keytar!

They're a lot of fun and worth seeing. They only seem overtly political online. Mikey is very political live, but whatever...so was Disrupt.

Why anyone is arguing over politics is beyond me. It's a no-win situation.

Yeah you guys should check it out. It's always a good time. Let's keep the arguments about politics out of show listings.They don't mix very well.
[Nov 12,2004 3:20pm - grundlegremlin ""]
dan. said:there is also a band called faith in chaos
I saw that somewhere. It was ours first dammit!

[Nov 12,2004 3:22pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
the_taste_of_cigarettes said:Shaniqua is really fun. Shockingly, i bet you guys would like them. all the songs are about fucking deities in the bumhole, jerking off in public, peeing on other people, etc. They have a Keytar!

They're a lot of fun and worth seeing. They only seem overtly political online. Mikey is very political live, but whatever...so was Disrupt.

Why anyone is arguing over politics is beyond me. It's a no-win situation.

They sound fucking stupid, I bet they haven't even done any of those things since the guy can't even handle people on the internet. What a pussy.
[Nov 12,2004 3:26pm - grundlegremlin ""]
I have peed on someone actually. It was fun and I would do it again, and if Jesus was real,well we would gangbang him.
[Nov 12,2004 4:51pm - ayin ""]
dan. said:there is also a band called faith in chaos

yeah i know there's a band from englind or some shit, we've had that band name for likr 5 years and i just found out about the other band like a year ago. basiclly we don't give a fuck, that name means alot to us.
[Nov 12,2004 4:52pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
5 years? Wow, you guys have accomplished alot because I haven't heard of you until today.
[Nov 12,2004 4:58pm - ayin ""]
Joe/NotCommon said>>

They sound fucking stupid, I bet they haven't even done any of those things since the guy can't even handle people on the internet. What a pussy.>>

sorry joe, i just find it funny fuckin' with you internet geeks, but that dosen't make me a pussy, talkin' shit to random people online that makes you a pussy, i bet you if you ever met me you wouldn't say shit to me. but what ever.
[Nov 12,2004 4:59pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
then come to one of my shows and let me spit in your face
[Nov 12,2004 4:59pm - ayin ""]
what ever dude you don't even know what your talkin' about
[Nov 12,2004 5:00pm - ayin ""]
[Nov 14,2004 3:12pm - fudgies ""]
wow this joe not common character sounds like a fucking miserable piece of shit. i really hope he doesnt get so worked up about evrything as stupid as this in life. i dont really see so whats so hard about trying to find the good in bands and help eachother out. why not go do something productive instead of sit online and bash peoples bands. pretty lame but whatever
[Nov 14,2004 3:43pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
fudgies said:wow this joe not common character sounds like a fucking miserable piece of shit. i really hope he doesnt get so worked up about evrything as stupid as this in life. i dont really see so whats so hard about trying to find the good in bands and help eachother out. why not go do something productive instead of sit online and bash peoples bands. pretty lame but whatever

Nobody knows who you are.
[Nov 14,2004 3:49pm - anonymous  ""]
how is Shaniqua a metaphor for anything other than a fat black woman?

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