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So whatcha benching?

[Nov 11,2004 10:32am - WhyamIandasshole ""]
I need a new routine for the gym. Any suggestions?
[Nov 11,2004 10:32am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I can curl hatebreed cds
[Nov 11,2004 10:38am - Christraper ""]
I used to take taekwondo but i didnt have time anymore when i joined a second band. but that shit seriously gets you in shape when you stick with it.
[Nov 11,2004 10:39am - dan.  ""]
...and you wont get your ass kicked on the way to the d+d game. i kid, i kid
[Nov 11,2004 10:41am - hoser ""]
315 - Max
[Nov 11,2004 10:41am - the_reverend ""]
1 million!
[Nov 11,2004 10:41am - the_reverend ""]
(that's in pesos)
[Nov 11,2004 10:42am - succubus ""]
[Nov 11,2004 10:46am - Christraper ""]
dan. said:...and you wont get your ass kicked on the way to the d+d game. i kid, i kid

Naw dude, i dont care what i learned. If i get jumped im still gonna shank em. All that karate kid shit is good for getting in shape and impressing morons at a hardcore show but when it comes down to it stabbing people is much more effective.

[Nov 11,2004 10:48am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
When I get threatened, I usually hide behind Mike of Existence or mace them if he isn't around.
[Nov 11,2004 10:59am - RustedAngel ""]
90 - max
[Nov 11,2004 11:04am - WhyamIandasshole ""]
Christraper said:I used to take taekwondo but i didnt have time anymore when i joined a second band. but that shit seriously gets you in shape when you stick with it.

I used to take San Shou kickboxing but the school went under. I was going to take Kung Fu but that shit is expensive.
[Nov 11,2004 11:08am - tbone_r ""]
i finally broke triple digits before i hurt my shoulder. haven't tried since
[Nov 11,2004 11:13am - dreadkill ""]
i have gotten fatter recently. i might have to go join a gym. i like eating.
[Nov 11,2004 11:45am - powerkok ""]
I can bench 2 rusted angels.
[Nov 11,2004 11:53am - RustedAngel ""]
powerkok said:I can bench 2 rusted angels.

I was waiting for that one :spineyes:
[Nov 11,2004 12:14pm - Josh_hates_you ""]
i used to bench 220 after being locked up for 7 months and lifting weights alot of the time. now i would be lucky to put up 140.

i need to get trashed less and move around and stuff more.
[Nov 11,2004 3:01pm - sacreligionbownt  ""]
i bench hot chicks while they're naked
[Nov 11,2004 3:44pm - Christraper ""]
really? thats not what i do with hot chicks....
[Nov 11,2004 3:49pm - Hooker ""]
I tried this new shit today. It's mostly core and total body type shit with dumbells. It's not bad but I'll have to mix it up with high weight shit. I'll tell you alllll about it later.

And the most for me? Well, maybe body weight if I had a rope and pulley system. I'm a bitch.
[Nov 11,2004 3:50pm - KeithMutiny ""]
i do 12oz curls... usually in packs of 12...
[Nov 11,2004 4:07pm - assuck ""]
i can do the bar

[Nov 11,2004 4:19pm - armageddonday ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:When I get threatened, I usually hide behind Mike of Existence or mace them if he isn't around.

That's weird, you never hide behind Mike and you never mace me...yet you got Frenched a few times already...
[Nov 11,2004 6:07pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
i can't remember the last time i lifted weights. sigh. i'm addicted to taco bell, slacking, and getting fatter, it's awesome. i think right now i could bench anywhere in between 140 and 175, which is better than nothing. if i didn't have a manual labor job i'd be one sad excuse for a human being
[Nov 11,2004 6:38pm - ninkaszi  ""]
max 200-220. ive been working out again lately. my senior year in high school i had eight gym classes that were all spent in the weight room, so i was in good shape back then. five years of druggin and boozin didn't help too much in that department. ive lost ten pounds in two weeks and i feel much better.
[Nov 11,2004 6:49pm - KeithMutiny ""]
this thread has to be, literally, the gayest fucking shit i have ever heard... please, most of you, go back and read what you wrote, think before you act nextime, it could save your butthole tonight...
[Nov 11,2004 7:01pm - BornSoVile ""]
started doing push ups a few weeks ago, feels good, nothing major but it's better than nothing. havn't really lifted since i was on the lacrosse team in high school. i do 12 oz. curls everyday :duffbeer:
[Nov 11,2004 7:10pm - ninkaszi  ""]
KeithMutiny said:this thread has to be, literally, the gayest fucking shit i have ever heard... please, most of you, go back and read what you wrote, think before you act nextime, it could save your butthole tonight...

go do some pushups like josh ya girly man!


[Nov 11,2004 7:15pm - KeithMutiny ""]
id do 12oz curls with josh anyday
[Nov 11,2004 10:27pm - Jellyfish ""]
when i was in my junior year of high school i did 215 on declines. Now, probably couldnt do 200 once.
[Nov 11,2004 10:31pm - dirteecrayon ""]
my body is too flexible that i really can't lift any weights

i tried to lift a barbell and my arm went the other way

[Nov 11,2004 10:55pm - Kalopsia ""]
RustedAngel said:90 - max

wow, i finally found someone just as weak as me................. i suck
[Nov 11,2004 11:13pm - dneirflrigruoydeliani ""]
i have lifted weights once in the last 26 years

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