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Lord of the Rings: the third age

[Nov 10,2004 10:06am - the_reverend ""]
[Nov 20,2004 4:39pm - the_reverend ""]
carina and I just got it,
starting it now.
[Nov 20,2004 4:56pm - the_reverend ""]
so far I like it.
basic RPG in the land of LOTR.
reminds me of "vice city" where you get "messages" like the cellphone call, but they are epic scenes from the movies.

it's going to take me a bit to get into the rpg style of this game.
[Nov 20,2004 6:15pm - Mary Sucks  ""]
I must have this!

My birthday is about 3 weeks away..

*cough cough Brad cough cough* hehe..
[Nov 20,2004 7:37pm - the_reverend ""]
granted I've only played it for about 50 minutes...
but the game play is straight forward.
moves pretty fast.
[Nov 21,2004 12:05pm - Bradness ""]
*gives Mary a cough drop*
[Nov 21,2004 12:50pm - the_reverend ""]
funny, I was sucking on cough drops AND playig the game.
[Nov 21,2004 12:57pm - succubus ""]
i can attest to that!

[Nov 21,2004 1:11pm - Nifelheim ""]
ive made it 50 percent in, its very interesting although i wish it wasnt so movie based.

some nerd needs to come out with a rpg about middle earth for ps2 where you cna make your own character and play many different paths not just one.

ff12 comes out next march

might be remaking 7 soon too.
[Nov 22,2004 1:07am - succubus ""]
he finally got to save spot

[Nov 22,2004 3:09am - the_reverend ""]
I'm at like 6% right now...
but I think it says 9 hours cause I keep pausing and doing other things.
[Nov 23,2004 5:21pm - the_reverend ""]
hm... I'm stuck... wondering around trying to find my way to the far end of moria!
[Nov 23,2004 5:32pm - the_reverend ""]
damn it.. I just had to run to every single corner of the map to find it
[Nov 23,2004 8:08pm - succubus ""]
but you found it
[Nov 27,2004 12:16pm - MeganMsbf ""]
LOTR games r gay, any1 hear about the new FF7 Dirge of Cerberus?
[Nov 27,2004 12:34pm - dneirflrigruoydeliani ""]
I'm proud to say i never played D&D and have never NOT fallen asleep attempting to watch Bored of the Rings
[Nov 27,2004 4:37pm - Todd(bombshelter)  ""]
I have a short attention span,those LOTR movies are way to long for me,and i get extremeely bored playing any final fantasy or RPG in general.I like to beat -up or kill shit period.
[Nov 27,2004 4:42pm - dneirflrigruoydeliani ""]
Todd said:I have a short attention span,those LOTR movies are way to long for me,and i get extremeely bored playing any final fantasy or RPG in general.I like to beat -up or kill shit period.
i agree with that but dig racing too like jet moto style games or RC pro am. That was the tits

[Dec 3,2004 1:38am - the_reverend ""]
31% done

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