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Metalfest sold out?

[May 8,2003 9:53pm - the_reverend ""]
SexyLabaki just informed me... damn

::: Ticket Information :::

:: 2 day tickets are now SOLD OUT

:: Friday single day tickets are $30 and are still available
:: Saturday single day tickets are now SOLD OUT

:: We have added an evening only ticket for each night (for those of you only interested in main stage headliners) The Friday evening only ticket is $20.00 and for Saturday the evening only ticket is $25.00.

Tickets are available at all Strawberries Record & Video Stores. Purchase online at tickets.com or to charge by phone call (800) 477-6849.

[May 9,2003 1:19am - DeathMetalPriestess ""]
Friday isnt sold out
[May 9,2003 1:20am - DeathMetalPriestess ""]
because it sucks...
[May 9,2003 3:50am - XmikeX ""]
agreed, they should be paying kids to go friday. then again thats every year
[May 9,2003 10:42am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
there are only 3 good bands playing the entire show
[May 9,2003 10:55am - the_reverend ""]
let me guess, disengage?
which bands?
[May 9,2003 11:38am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
there is a band called disengage?
thats gay

the good bands are:
cephalic carnage
the haunted
[May 9,2003 12:30pm - baneofexistence ""]
you forgot SUFFOCATION joey
[May 9,2003 1:39pm - the_reverend ""]
what about mastodon, caliban, hate eternal, beyond the sixth seal..
[May 9,2003 2:31pm - xPaulBLAHBLAHx ""]
Mass fest is gay Maryland deathfest is where everyone should be. :NEWHORNS:
[May 9,2003 2:58pm - the_reverend ""]
I want to go see aborted.
someone send me the new aborted CD
[May 10,2003 9:01am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
what about suffocation AJ?

i dont like mastadon
i use to like beyond the 6th seal, i dont really like their newer stuff
they shouldn't have changed their style

i saw the MD fest line up, looks pretty boring. I can't imagine sitting through a show where all the bands are the same, even if it's a style I like. after a few hours all the bands would sound the same

the new england one is terrible, they cram all these people into way too small of a place for way too long with way too many terrible bands

last year had some good bands, but i had to miss Nile because if I wanted to see them I would had to have sat through Killswitch Engage, Unearth and some other terrible band
[May 10,2003 5:26pm - dysenterytom ""]
I NEED tickets....... ANYONE HAVE ANY EXTRAS email me at dysentery1@yahoo.com ASAP willing to pay extra im looking for a 2 day pass of evan just a second day ticket..AIM SCREEN NAME: dysentery11
[May 10,2003 5:27pm - dysenterytom ""]
I NEED tickets....... ANYONE HAVE ANY EXTRAS email me at dysentery1@yahoo.com ASAP willing to pay extra im looking for a 2 day pass of evan just a second day ticket..AIM SCREEN NAME: dysentery11:satancross:
[May 10,2003 10:37pm - Ninkaszi187  ""]
Just sneak in. That place is so fucking packed they can't look at everyones wrist band. I did it last year. Me and four friends all walked in casually. This will be the first year I won't be going.
[May 10,2003 11:32pm - FinalBloodbath ""]
I snuck in last year too man I walked right in the exit its like you know your one of those other thousand people whos not sure if your staying or going but oh man your goin and its for free baby!
[May 11,2003 1:03pm - RustedAngel ""]
"an evening only ticket for each night (for those of you only interested in main stage headliners) The Friday evening only ticket is $20.00 and for Saturday the evening only ticket is $25.00."

I don't understand that, if they can sell more tickets for just the night, then why did they say its sold out?

more people will be there during the headlining bands anyways obviously, so if its sold out, why are they selling more tickets?

[May 11,2003 1:44pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$. It's all about the cash money bling bling dollar dollar bill y'all. :shocker:
[May 12,2003 11:24am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
just figure out which local band is selling tickets
they probably still have some
[May 12,2003 3:08pm - exhumed4death ""]
well if a local band has some tickets they should post it here cuz i need a couple myself
[May 12,2003 3:11pm - DysenteryToM ""]
what bands are playing from around MA.....is the acacia strain?

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