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I spit in some kids face last night

[Nov 8,2004 10:21am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
He didnt really have it coming or anything, but I did it anyway.
[Nov 8,2004 10:22am - WithinTheFray ""]
sucks to be that kid man... lugie?
[Nov 8,2004 10:24am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Yeah it was a good one. Nobody listens to rap music around me.
[Nov 8,2004 10:31am - anonymous  ""]
why because he wouldn't let you play with his little willy?
[Nov 8,2004 10:32am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Haha another two-faced anonymous poster. Go live your own life pussy.
[Nov 8,2004 10:34am - anonymous  ""]
you gonna spit in my face if I don't?
[Nov 8,2004 10:35am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Maybe if you weren't anonymous.
[Nov 8,2004 10:41am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
who defends rap? what a fucking homo
[Nov 8,2004 10:42am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
He is probably some queerbo who's feelings I hurt once
[Nov 8,2004 10:45am - tbone_r ""]
hahah i dont know, he kinda zinged you there, regardless of his anonymity
[Nov 8,2004 10:46am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Think so? I wish people would use some creativity when they try to make fun of me.
[Nov 8,2004 10:46am - anonymous  ""]
why don't you take your own advice and live your own life pussy and let other people live theirs and listen to whatever they want
[Nov 8,2004 10:47am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Because I am an asshole and get a kick out of it
[Nov 8,2004 10:56am - Christraper ""]
Yea fuck you homey!
[Nov 8,2004 10:57am - Hooker ""]
So give us the story.
[Nov 8,2004 10:57am - jake  ""]
anyone who legit uses the phrase "live your own life" is prob a fag anyway.
[Nov 8,2004 10:58am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
There was some other people we saw during the night, one was singing to his fat girlfriend. Then he was walking in the road so we tried running him over. Then there was these faggy goth guys wearing fishnet shirts to show off their nipple rings.

It was a real adventure.
[Nov 8,2004 11:00am - Hooker ""]
So what happen with the spitting and whatnot?
[Nov 8,2004 11:00am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
There isn't really much to tell, he just took it like a victim.
[Nov 8,2004 11:06am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
This anonymous guy might be one of the people in RI who doesn't like Anne.
[Nov 8,2004 11:08am - anonymous  ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:There isn't really much to tell, he just took it like a victim.

yeah, just like you?

[Nov 8,2004 11:09am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Yeah exactly like me haha
[Nov 8,2004 11:10am - anonymous  ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:Haha another two-faced anonymous poster. Go live your own life pussy.

guess Mr Cool is probably a fag anyway
[Nov 8,2004 11:12am - Lincoln ""]
anonymous said:Joe/NotCommon said:Haha another two-faced anonymous poster. Go live your own life pussy.

guess Mr Cool is probably a fag anyway

Hey anonymous...you're annoying...go away.
[Nov 8,2004 11:14am - armageddonday ""]
anonymous said:Joe/NotCommon said:There isn't really much to tell, he just took it like a victim.

yeah, just like you?


Seing the smile on his face I bet Joe likes being a victim a lot...
[Nov 8,2004 11:14am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I am wicked gay. I just spit in my own face because of it.
[Nov 8,2004 12:46pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
I miss the days when cowardly anonymous posters actually made sense.
[Nov 8,2004 1:20pm - dan.  ""]
[Nov 8,2004 1:51pm - charliebrowneye ""]
this is some classy shit, gentlemen.
[Nov 8,2004 1:57pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I am a classy kind of guy, what can I say?
[Nov 8,2004 2:05pm - JonahBloodbath ""]
I dont understand why you can be so hateful towards...everyone

whats the point in making someone elses life harder?
[Nov 8,2004 2:05pm - Christraper ""]
I reek of class......
[Nov 8,2004 2:06pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
JonahBloodbath said:I dont understand why you can be so hateful towards...everyone

whats the point in making someone elses life harder?

It's easy, just talk to someone and you will hate them as much as me.
[Nov 8,2004 2:08pm - Christraper ""]
JonahBloodbath said:I dont understand why you can be so hateful towards...everyone

whats the point in making someone elses life harder?

You should try it sometime. Under the right circumstances its really quite rewarding.

[Nov 8,2004 2:10pm - dan.  ""]
how does hating someone make their life harder?
[Nov 8,2004 2:12pm - armageddonday ""]
dan. said:how does hating someone make their life harder?

good point.
[Nov 8,2004 2:14pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Maybe I am addicted to hatred and chaos, maybe I am just an evil person. Who knows? All I know is the world is not a wonderful place and I am just reciprocating.
[Nov 8,2004 2:16pm - dan.  ""]
maybe your dad fucked you when you were little and you feel the need to act out the rage you dont know you have on the world. if this is the case, you are the victim and anyone who tells you that you are bad is a terrorist. seek a hypnotist
[Nov 8,2004 2:18pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I had a very lonely childhood after I moved out of Dorchester to Milton, because I wasn't rich. Maybe thats why? Poor me
[Nov 8,2004 2:20pm - jake  ""]
dan. said:maybe your dad fucked you when you were little and you feel the need to act out the rage you dont know you have on the world. if this is the case, you are the victim and anyone who tells you that you are bad is a terrorist. seek a hypnotist

not funny. ^
[Nov 8,2004 2:22pm - dan.  ""]
[Nov 8,2004 2:26pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
You guys can discuss my damaged psyche all you want, I have some things to take care of.
[Nov 8,2004 2:38pm - WithinTheFray ""]
everyone should just blaze a joint and drink a beer...
[Nov 8,2004 2:40pm - Christraper ""]
[Nov 8,2004 2:41pm - JonahBloodbath ""]
dan. said:how does hating someone make their life harder?

spitting on me and trying to hit me with a car are two things that would make my life harder.
[Nov 8,2004 2:42pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
WithinTheFray said:everyone should just blaze a joint and drink a beer...

And then shoot themself.
[Nov 8,2004 3:45pm - dan.  ""]
wait, someone spitting on you makes your life harder? i envy your life.
[Nov 8,2004 3:54pm - Christraper ""]
This guy i know spit on my car after i took a shit in his pillow. Apparently he thought that was a fair trade. Its funny because he did it in the rain and it washed off immediately. I took a shit IN his pillow and placed it back on the bed nicely so i know he put his head on it before he realized there was shit in it.
[Nov 8,2004 4:10pm - dan.  ""]
some people are into that though. those people are the real heros.
[Nov 8,2004 4:18pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
What is up with the anonymous pussies on this board? I am not all interested in pretending to be a tough guy over internet shit, but come on. Have the balls to come out and say it on your real screenname, be a man/woman and you'll probably have a laugh about it in person at a show soon... Be a wimp and hide behind an anonymous name and you're a two-faced prick who does deserve a loogie in the eye, and does not deserve even the trust of their friends - this kind of behavior is usually indicative of a deeper personality flaw.

Hateful + Honest > Hypocritical + Cowardly

Joe/NotCommon said:JonahBloodbath said:I dont understand why you can be so hateful towards...everyone

whats the point in making someone elses life harder?

It's easy, just talk to someone and you will hate them as much as me.

Christraper said:JonahBloodbath said:I dont understand why you can be so hateful towards...everyone

whats the point in making someone elses life harder?

You should try it sometime. Under the right circumstances its really quite rewarding.


When did having fun at other people's expense become such a bad thing?
[Nov 8,2004 4:39pm - Josiah_the_Black ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:... All I know is the world is not a wonderful place and I am just reciprocating.

well put
i find that i hate most people too

every once in a while you find genuine people that are cool but mostly not, that's partially what im curious about finding out when i go to europe in a few months, i wanna see if people are cooler over there, which is what i am thinking so far
[Nov 8,2004 5:39pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Christraper said:I reek of ass...

So true!

[Nov 8,2004 6:25pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
Christraper said:You should try it sometime. Under the right circumstances its really quite rewarding.

hahahaha. that's great.

JonahBloodbath said:I dont understand why you can be so hateful towards...everyone

whats the point in making someone elses life harder?

are you serious? get off my internet.
[Nov 8,2004 6:29pm - WithinTheFray ""]
shit, i thought this was my internet....
[Nov 8,2004 6:46pm - BornSoVile ""]
I hope you gave him the finger in his face and turned your back and walked away.

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