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Band Mates Needed

[Nov 4,2004 10:38am - ReturntotheShit ""]
Band mates needed for a punk/post punk band. two of us so far, Male guitar and Female (me) drums. We play stuff like swans/rudimentary peni/prolitariate/subhumans. we need a bassist, vocalist, or other interesting instruments and musicians, you gotta be cool and you cant be staight edge. looking for females in particular.:NEWHORNS::doublehorns:
[Nov 4,2004 10:40am - anonymous  ""]
maybe if your screen name wouldn't be so lame asshole!
[Nov 4,2004 10:43am - the_reverend ""]
the swans are amazing.
I'm going to listen to some now.

oh, and the name confused me.. thats the title of a link on my desktop that opens this stie up.
[Nov 4,2004 10:43am - succubus ""]
i also think it was an inside joke btwn you, me and Tom
[Nov 4,2004 10:44am - succubus ""]
so i thought it was him at first
[Nov 4,2004 10:48am - ReturntotheShit ""]
well. it was quick. and it is not lame...its a fucking....uh....mm....great name
[Nov 4,2004 10:52am - Josh_hates_you ""]
ReturntotheShit said: you cant be staight edge. looking for females in particular.:NEWHORNS::doublehorns:

what a coincidence. im looking for non SxE females in particular as well.

im sexy, we should hump.
[Nov 4,2004 11:09am - ReturntotheShit ""]
nah, i gotta hot sexy man by my side. and hed kick yo ass
[Nov 4,2004 11:15am - ReturntotheShit ""]
anyone want to start a doom metal band? we'll suck so bad that we'll be fucking sick!
[Nov 4,2004 11:37am - dreadkill ""]
at first i thought it was a baystae rock person coming over to bash rttp
[Nov 4,2004 11:38am - litacore ""]
ReturntotheShit said:anyone want to start a doom metal band? we'll suck so bad that we'll be fucking sick!

I want to start a Doom band even slower than Khanate:satancross:
[Nov 4,2004 11:50am - ReturntotheShit ""]
fuck ya
[Nov 4,2004 12:00pm - moran ""]
ReturntotheShit said:anyone want to start a doom metal band? we'll suck so bad that we'll be fucking sick!

Thats what I lok for in a band. I'm in.
[Nov 4,2004 12:19pm - Josh_hates_you ""]
ReturntotheShit said:nah, i gotta hot sexy man by my side. and hed kick yo ass

ok you just revealed your age. what a twat muffin.
[Nov 5,2004 9:28am - ReturntotheShit ""]
i was being sarcastic dick
[Nov 5,2004 9:36am - litacore ""]
I want to start a Doom band slower than coastal erosion
[Nov 5,2004 9:38am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I am not a sXe girl, and every day it kills me.
[Nov 5,2004 9:58am - ReturntotheShit ""]
[Nov 5,2004 7:04pm - greggdeadface ""]

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