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[Nov 3,2004 1:31am - scream_bleed_repeat ""]
i was watchin the Fuse channel today and they called Lamb of God : Death Metal rockers! i myself enjoy some Lamb of God, but what the fuck? and that bitch Juliya is so fuckin dumb "ya like i am so totally metal. im so fuckin evil and my clothes are straight from Hot Topic. all the bands i interview think i rock because i listen to metal but i actually banged everyone i've interviewed" i seriously want to kick her in the teeth. im surprised she knows what a guitar is. very rarely they play some good shit like Morbid Angel, Vader, and Nile but whenever that bitch starts talking or they do an hour special on Slipknot, i start having convulsions and shoot straight to Family Guy. " ... and there's no point in killing strippers because most of them are already dead inside, goodnight everyone!"
[Nov 3,2004 1:36am - CongoogetalZobotomy ""]
what was with cartoon network tonight, the same episode of harvey birdman was on all night, i was pissed
[Nov 3,2004 6:15am - the_reverend ""]
that sucked.
I wanted family guy
[Nov 3,2004 10:09am - dave from the grave  ""]
what channel is Fuse anyway?
[Nov 3,2004 11:28am - dreadkill ""]
how many "i hate fuse, juliya's a cunt" threads are there now?
[Nov 3,2004 11:29am - Jellyfish ""]
never enough.

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