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Trying Hard With No Luck

[Nov 1,2004 10:54am - WithinTheFray ""]
I'm starting to despise booking shows, I email and call all these clubs for shows and never get shit in return. goddamn.

anyone in the show booking department please listen...

we've been around for like 2 years, we're from reading mass, milford nh, and raymond nh. new members (myself) have slowed down the process of booking, but im sure noone cares who we are or any of that bullish. all that matters is the music. so take a listen, take a shit, eat some milk n' cookies, and say hi to your sister for me.
[Nov 1,2004 10:57am - dreadkill ""]
it's hard to get shows sometimes if you don't have alot of connections. lately, the connections my band has haven't had any shows available. it's tough to get shows now, especially when all the clubs only want to book what the trendy metalcore kids are playing. and those bands all have a ton of friends from their nu-metal days, so they still get shows because the mindless masses will show up.
[Nov 1,2004 10:59am - toc  ""]
take it easy bub. help is on the way.
[Nov 1,2004 11:04am - BestialOnslaught ""]
Two threads for this... why?!?!
[Nov 1,2004 11:11am - WithinTheFray ""]
why not, dude? i was oblivious to the fact I was taking up your time, but that is irrelevant...
[Nov 1,2004 11:12am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Alex' time is essential to our survival, I think you owe him an apology.
[Nov 1,2004 11:36am - BestialOnslaught ""]
I'm working on the cure for AIDS, you nu-"grind" bands especially stand to gain from my research, so you're just hurting yourself with this board clutter!
[Nov 1,2004 12:14pm - WithinTheFray ""]
no matter what band is ever on this, there is some prick out there thats gunna say they suck, hows it feel to be like everyone else? you sit there in your parents basement and take breaks from looking at internet porn to bash bands, believe me, i could do the same, because its really hard to be a dick head...
[Nov 1,2004 12:15pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
Haha someone takes the internet too seriously!
[Nov 1,2004 12:17pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I took a break from internet porn for this? Fuck.
[Nov 1,2004 2:24pm - grindwhore666 ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:I took a break from internet porn for this? Fuck.

HAHA!! but that comment just made it worthwhile for me to do so
[Nov 1,2004 10:59pm - adam time  ""]
c'mon now, let's not act like cheaney, there's more to life than plumbing your buddy's rectum for oil and name calling. i know you all like to think you're better than everyone else because you can call their bands things like "nu grind", or say they sound too much like another band and they have no credit. but the fact is, someone thinks the same thing about you and your insignificant life, too. who cares you're a fuckin tough guy, give the testosterone a rest, you're making my dick hurt. no one cares you decked a kid in the eye last show you were at, no one cares you have a "crew", no one cares you have a shitty record label, no one cares you need to cure your aids problem, or that everyone who might be slightly important to you will be pushed away by your arrogant "hate". the fact is we all understand (hopefully) that what's going on at small local shows, with bands no one ever heard of, is much more gratifying than going to see a stadium show with good charlotte or some other fake band like blink 182. we're all trying to do the same thing, and at least we're all trying. you wanna be an asshole, fine, but there's no need to give someone shit for wanting to play out and then getting on their case for defending themselves. if it means that much to you and you need to feel better about yourself, go ahead. otherwise keep to the porn, or get a fucking girlfriend.
[Nov 1,2004 11:11pm - tbone_r ""]
[Nov 2,2004 12:37am - adam_time ""]
yes, thankyou.
goddamn anita blond is so hot

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