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smashed into pieces

[Nov 1,2004 9:54am - Robdeadskin ""]
I have this roomate that lost his job and told us two days before rent that he was broke and going back to new york. Me and my other roomate told him to sell some shit and get us money..then he dissapeared. We left his stuff along thinking he is out tryin to do the right thing. My roomate calls me last nite and says he is here with a guy and are attempting to take his stuff and still has no money to give us(keep in mind this is a little clean cut collage faggot and we are two metal heads)one in which drunk off his ass celebrating the awsome victory of the steelers.(guess who)...any way after throwing the guy in the middle of the street and some fun punches... me and my roomate take bats and smashed his entertainment center to fuckin pieces and laptop. This was very expensive shit .....tv,pioneer stereo system,200dvd changer, and a whole lot more..the cops came to try and arrest us for destruction of property but, then let us go...So does any one want to move in with us hahahahaha theres a room availible but you have to clean up a bit. Just thought i would share my eventful halloween with you all..what did you all do!!:radio::gun::duffbeer::satancross:
[Nov 1,2004 10:00am - litacore ""]
that scene of destruction reminds me of the guys in "Office Space" killing the FAX machine with baseball bats in the pasture
[Nov 1,2004 10:03am - Robdeadskin ""]
The room looks like a tornado spawned in it.
[Nov 1,2004 10:10am - litacore ""]
you did the right thing
[Nov 1,2004 10:12am - dreadkill ""]
hahahaha, sounds like the times back in school when my friends would get a dead tv, computer, microwave, etc., and we would smash it to shit with a sledgehammer. your destruction was better though, because these things were still working and valuable to your ex-roommate and he deserved it.
[Nov 1,2004 10:21am - Robdeadskin ""]
thanx guys!
[Nov 1,2004 10:24am - assuck ""]
thats fuckin awesome

i feel like breakin stuff now
[Nov 1,2004 10:27am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Rob, you rule.
[Nov 1,2004 10:28am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I think we should start calling Rob, Bobby. Bobby Deadskin sounds cooler.
[Nov 1,2004 10:44am - Robdeadskin ""]
[Nov 1,2004 10:53am - dreadkill ""]
[Nov 1,2004 10:57am - Christraper ""]
[Nov 1,2004 11:02am - Robdeadskin ""]
no bobby!!!!..i still have the bat guys..hahaha!
[Nov 1,2004 12:51pm - Billy Bitchtits  ""]
you should have sold his stuff...
[Nov 1,2004 12:51pm - Billy Bitchtits  ""]
you could have put it on Jon Dwyer's merch table
[Nov 1,2004 12:55pm - Christraper ""]
Billy Bitchtits is a wicked funny name!
[Nov 1,2004 1:01pm - hoser ""]
Jeez Rob, I'm sure that everyone here will want to run right down and move in! Wow, if anyone smashed any of my shit for any reason, I most assuredly would put a bullet between their eyes. He prolly coulda pawned the shit that they smashed and gotten their rent money. That's what I woulda done. But hey, I'm silly like that.
[Nov 1,2004 1:03pm - Robdeadskin ""]
well we wanted to sell it..but he would have just taken it, he wouldnt give it up because we told him to leave it and he told us to fuck off. so I threw him in the street, opened his suit case and threw it in the road then we just went house on his shit. we destroyed over 4000 dollars in electronics(that im cleaning up now as we speak)I took the day off. He left alot of soccer jerseys and suits too. He didnt do anything to stop us, he just kept comin up to get stuff as he watched us smash the fuckin entertainment center apart. not my fault and the cops understood,thank god!
[Nov 1,2004 1:06pm - Robdeadskin ""]
ya know,im not sayin what we did was right, but revenge is a dish best served cold! he owed us 687$ and we might still lose our place anyway. What good to have that shit if im homeless!
[Nov 1,2004 1:08pm - Robdeadskin ""]
hoser said: He prolly coulda pawned the shit that they smashed and gotten their rent money.

we aked him and told us to fuck off.....SSSMMMAAASSSHHH!!!

[Nov 1,2004 1:11pm - the_reverend ""]
man... I could have smashed my 8-9 yo laptop and stolen his
[Nov 1,2004 1:12pm - assuck ""]
this is a case for judge judy sheindlin if there ever was one
[Nov 1,2004 1:13pm - Robdeadskin ""]
fuck that bitch she would hang me out to dry..hahaha! mass death judy!!
[Nov 1,2004 1:15pm - assuck ""]
and while you were on there you bring the other teratism in and sue them too

judge judy could make fun of their make up
[Nov 1,2004 1:16pm - Robdeadskin ""]
hahahahahahaha!! ill smash thier shit too..dont get me all wild im tryin to relax today..hahaha!
[Nov 1,2004 1:17pm - Robdeadskin ""]
im writing a song on this!
[Nov 1,2004 1:18pm - assuck ""]
to calm down, think about streams flowing over rocks in the middle of the woods, and then smashing the rocks with a sledgehammer
[Nov 1,2004 1:19pm - assuck ""]

that tape finally came, its some bad ass shit
[Nov 1,2004 1:23pm - Robdeadskin ""]
wow you like that..thats about my cunt ass ex girl friend..she fucked up my shit when i was livin with her!
[Nov 1,2004 1:23pm - succubus ""]
i had a girl do that to me...only she didn't really have any personal belongings..

she left one day..and never came home...i remember posting the story on here...

i knew where she worked too but i didn't do anything
aaron used the Bronx Tale $20 story on me...

whatever though...karma will get her unless she's already hoe-ing herself on the streets

i hate how people think they can leave without paying...w t f ?

good for you if you got satisfaction out of it...do it for all those who have had roommates screw them over!

i just feel bad about vreaking the stuff because i'm thinknig you could have gotten $$$
hopefully you won't get into trouble from that jerk
[Nov 1,2004 1:24pm - succubus ""]
btw i was referring to the roommate taking off without paying
[Nov 1,2004 2:42pm - Whoremastery ""]
hahaha!! trash every thing, hey assuck, glad you dig the whoremastery/ murderstien bag split. Thanks for the interest....WORM(of whoremastery)

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