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[Oct 28,2004 7:47am - Lincoln ""]
HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! THEY DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!GO RED SOX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Oct 28,2004 8:22am - Lincoln ""]
So who's going to the parade?
[Oct 28,2004 9:45am - jesus ""]
:doublehorns: hell yeah
[Oct 28,2004 9:53am - succubus ""]
is it confirmed whether the parade is friday or saturday?
[Oct 28,2004 9:57am - ram_girl ""]
succubus said:is it confirmed whether the parade is friday or saturday?

[Oct 28,2004 9:59am - succubus ""]

i wish too!!!
[Oct 28,2004 10:05am - Lincoln ""]
Looks like Saturday...thank God too...my boss would fire me if it was Friday. I have no choice but to go to this parade....have to!!!
[Oct 28,2004 10:08am - succubus ""]
that blows....because EVERYONE would leave work early friday (which is nice for me)
and now saturday....ugh boston traffic
[Oct 28,2004 10:13am - ram_girl ""]
succubus said:that blows....because EVERYONE would leave work early friday (which is nice for me)
and now saturday....ugh boston traffic

I tried, guess my chant didn't work. Maybe you should have chanted with me!
[Oct 28,2004 10:13am - Lincoln ""]
Be prepared it's gonna happen again in February when the Pat's win the SuperBowl again!!! I love New England!!
[Oct 28,2004 10:18am - succubus ""]
[Oct 28,2004 10:19am - Lincoln ""]
succubus said:*yawn*

[Oct 28,2004 10:58am - ram_girl ""]
Lincoln said:Be prepared it's gonna happen again in February when the Pat's win the SuperBowl again!!! I love New England!!

Lets see if you're still saying that mid-winter when its freezing cold and our asses are buried in that nasty white shit called snow!
[Oct 28,2004 11:02am - korpse-l- ""]
i might go to the parade to play "human head baseball" anyone wanna join me? i'll bring the louisville? it'll be great.
[Oct 28,2004 11:06am - Lincoln ""]
ram_girl said:Lincoln said:Be prepared it's gonna happen again in February when the Pat's win the SuperBowl again!!! I love New England!!

Lets see if you're still saying that mid-winter when its freezing cold and our asses are buried in that nasty white shit called snow!

I'll be there regardless....just like this Saturday....nothing is more important than this...well ok I could be wrong...but it's fun ain't it??!!!
[Oct 28,2004 11:09am - ram_girl ""]
your excitement is oozing through the keyboard here!
[Oct 28,2004 11:18am - Lincoln ""]
Yeah...........I know!
[Oct 28,2004 2:13pm - Lincoln ""]
So the official word is Saturday for the Red Sox parade. Who's going? Besides me and 6 million others???
[Oct 28,2004 2:15pm - ram_girl ""]
You still hyped-up, Lincoln?
[Oct 28,2004 2:16pm - Lincoln ""]
ram_girl said:You still hyped-up, Lincoln?

Heh heh....yeah....
[Oct 28,2004 2:17pm - ram_girl ""]
Natural high, not going away anytime soon!
[Oct 28,2004 2:23pm - Lincoln ""]
I've had a rough couple weeks...this right here is keeping me pumped...that and playing of course.
[Oct 28,2004 2:36pm - ram_girl ""]
whatever it takes, right!
[Oct 28,2004 2:37pm - Lincoln ""]

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