DAWN OF THE DEAD DVD...[views:2263][posts:30]______________________________________ [Oct 27,2004 12:17pm - RustedAngel ""] I'm going to buy it tonight on my way home from work. :shocked: |
___________________________________ [Oct 27,2004 12:18pm - succubus ""] nice |
__________________________________ [Oct 27,2004 12:20pm - Lincoln ""] What a great movie that was. |
___________________________________ [Oct 27,2004 12:28pm - powerkok ""] ya I saw it last night....pretty cool flick. A bunch of ppl told me it sucked, but they were definitley wrong. |
_____________________________________ [Oct 27,2004 12:40pm - MyDeadDoll ""] i didn't get to see it, but i'm thinking of picking it up at work today since they have the "uncut" version or some shit for like $15... if it remotely sucks, i'm gonna be mad, tho |
___________________________________ [Oct 27,2004 12:45pm - succubus ""] for $15 it's a steal it's $5 to rent so how can you go wrong? |
_____________________________________ [Oct 27,2004 12:47pm - MyDeadDoll ""] true... |
______________________________________ [Oct 27,2004 12:50pm - RustedAngel ""] i like to buy movies i watch more than once. |
__________________________________ [Oct 27,2004 1:06pm - litacore ""] i'm sure ya know it's a remake . . . I grew up with the first one, this version wasn't too shabby though. I like how the prettiest girl got the ugliest death (the chainsaw, during the escape-from-the-mall sequence) |
__________________________________ [Oct 27,2004 1:07pm - powerkok ""] hahahahhahaha ya that was cool, but I dont think she was the prettiest. |
__________________________________ [Oct 27,2004 1:36pm - litacore ""] Sarah Polley was in "No Such Thing", kinda slow re-working of Beauty and the Beast, worth a watch because Robert John Burke bellows so much profanity at everyone |
___________________________________ [Oct 27,2004 5:36pm - Crucifire ""] For shame, romero fans. For shame. How can you not compare it to the orig? I like zombies that slowly lumber. What's next, Resident Evil? |
__________________________________ [Oct 27,2004 5:54pm - litacore ""] Zombies shouldn't be endorsing Nike sneakers |
___________________________________ [Oct 27,2004 5:59pm - Crucifire ""] The first one is art. The remake is fluff. |
______________________________________ [Oct 27,2004 6:03pm - metalmatt666 ""] Actually this is probobly the only situation you will ever hear me say this but I think I like the new one better |
__________________________________ [Oct 27,2004 6:07pm - litacore ""] my favorite part in the old one is at the end where Peter (the black guy) suddenly decides to not shoot himself and fights his way up to the helicopter--THE MUSIC DURING THAT IS SO AWESOME, IT'S LIKE G-FORCE OR TRANSFORMERS THEME MUSIC ON STEROIDS |
___________________________________ [Oct 27,2004 6:13pm - Crucifire ""] Yeah. My least favorite part is when Roger lifts his head up and looks SOOOOOO hung over. He just got so crazy out in the truck. Goes back to the opening, when Peter blew away teh zombie and Rog was all fucked up about it. Gotta keep your cool when the dead are walking the earth. Last night, when I got home after the show, Phantasm II was on. Like it wasn't late enough, already. |
___________________________________ [Oct 27,2004 6:13pm - Crucifire ""] The music is such a HUGE part of Dawn. |
__________________________________ [Oct 27,2004 6:18pm - litacore ""] Dario's a frickin' visionary I'm siked for the new one, Land of the Dead |
__________________________________ [Oct 27,2004 6:52pm - powerkok ""] well...seeing how the first one was nothing like the remake, I can truly say I liked it for what it is....especially since all these newer horror movies are wicked gay. |
__________________________________ [Oct 27,2004 6:52pm - powerkok ""] p.s. go see 'saw' on halloween...its fuckin great |
___________________________________ [Oct 27,2004 7:40pm - P A U L ""] Dawn of the dead remake = laughable " ..........You wanna kill my family?..??..??" |
___________________________________ [Oct 27,2004 7:44pm - Crucifire ""] Fucking Jeepers Creepers was better than the new "Dawn". |
___________________________________ [Oct 27,2004 7:44pm - Crucifire ""] They just raped the movie for it's title. |
___________________________________ [Oct 27,2004 8:28pm - Dissector ""] I seriously feel sick in side when I hear about these remakes. The only one I have hope for is the Tool Box Murder remake because thats directed by Tobe Hooper |
___________________________________ [Oct 27,2004 8:35pm - Crucifire ""] I remember first seeing the Dawn trailer. Literally sick. Let's hope they don't do a remake of The Funhouse. The first one was bad enough. They'll remake ANYTHING with a cult following now. |
___________________________________ [Oct 27,2004 8:39pm - Dissector ""] I read on a website they were remaking two H.G. Lewis films, Bloodfeast and 2000 Maniacs (going to be called 2001 Maniacs) but I haven't heard much about them since. I heard some stuff about 2001 Maniacs but not much since. |
____________________________________ [Oct 27,2004 10:26pm - Crucifire ""] I prefer the Wizard of Gore. That might be a cool remake? |
____________________________________ [Oct 27,2004 10:28pm - Crucifire ""] Ends your life....slice you with his knife, Say goodbye....it's your time to.....DIE! |
____________________________________ [Oct 28,2004 12:19am - Dissector ""] RIGOR MORTIS!! |
__________________________________________ [Oct 28,2004 1:49am - TheGreatSpaldino ""] dawn of the dead is such a shitty movie |