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Recording question

[Oct 25,2004 10:09pm - Aegathis ""]
Ok i have a Boss Br 8 digital 8 track thingie I'm trying to figure out how to record stuff off my computer and on to it. I'm sure its a no brainer but i guess i have less than no brain right now.Can any one on here help me out?
[Oct 25,2004 10:12pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
first you take the peanuts and you mash em...you mash em....then yo...shit, sorry. i have no idea. maybe get a 1/4" to 1/8" adapter to plug into the microphone input on the back of the computer, from the recorder. i think one of my friends did it that way.
[Oct 25,2004 10:29pm - Aegathis ""]
i tried the peanuts already, and I also tried using rc cables ,still not getting anything . I might have to just stick a mic up to the the speakers, but i think that might sound shittier.
[Oct 25,2004 10:36pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
dammit, you must be using the peanuts wrong then. amatuers, ugh.
[Oct 26,2004 12:42am - attendmyrequiem ""]
digital recording units disgust me.
[Oct 26,2004 12:48am - RustedAngel ""]
attendmyrequiem said:digital recording units disgust me.

your pp digusts me!


[Oct 26,2004 12:57am - attendmyrequiem ""]
i have the ugliest cock of all RTTP messageboarders
[Oct 26,2004 1:50am - attendmyrequiem ""]
MarkFuckingRichards said:first you take the peanuts and you mash em...you mash em....then yo...shit, sorry. i have no idea. maybe get a 1/4" to 1/8" adapter to plug into the microphone input on the back of the computer, from the recorder. i think one of my friends did it that way.

feeding line level to a mic level input is a good way to fuck up your gear.
[Oct 26,2004 8:10am - pat_odea ""]
pick up a 1/8th" to dual RCA adapter at Radio shack and patch from your computer headphone jack to a pair the stereo line-in jacks on the BR-8
[Oct 27,2004 9:24pm - Aegathis ""]
i beleive the only headphone jack for my computer is the one on my speakers.
[Oct 27,2004 9:42pm - Dave From The Grave  ""]
hold a tape recorder up to the speaker
[Oct 27,2004 9:43pm - Aegathis ""]
[Oct 27,2004 9:43pm - Aegathis ""]
No i figured it out, thanx pat.
[Oct 27,2004 9:49pm - Dissector ""]
I have a Boss br-8 as well. Do you have any guitar-recording tips? It takes us forever to get a guitar tone thats even decent
[Oct 27,2004 9:51pm - Aegathis ""]
are you just using the crappy distortion thats on there?>
[Oct 27,2004 9:53pm - Dissector ""]
no, we use amps. The guitarist plays through the amp and we mic it with an SM-57.
[Oct 27,2004 9:59pm - powerkok ""]
dude, you need a good sound card or its not even worth it.
[Oct 27,2004 9:59pm - powerkok ""]
Dissector said:I have a Boss br-8 as well. Do you have any guitar-recording tips? It takes us forever to get a guitar tone thats even decent

buy a pod.
[Oct 28,2004 11:12am - Aegathis ""]
As i recall i bought a better sound card for my computer a few years ago.
[Oct 28,2004 11:41am - attendmyrequiem ""]
have me record your band. that'll fix it.

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