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Movie: The Grudge

[Oct 24,2004 10:35am - succubus ""]
i think we're going..

i get to choose..
between the grudge and the forgotten..i'm thinknig the grudge

pls don't post any spoilers if you have seen them

wait until we get back

but if you think it sucked i wanna know

[Oct 24,2004 12:08pm - dneirflrigruoydeliani ""]
how was the movie
[Oct 24,2004 12:11pm - dugoxistance  ""]
i liked it. very creepy. definitely americanized though despite it being the same director as the original.
[Oct 24,2004 4:36pm - mark fucking richards  ""]
this was the ONLY movie, and i repeat the ONLY movie that has creeped me the fuck out. fucking awesome.
[Oct 24,2004 4:37pm - metalmatt666 ""]
looks like a cheap ring rip off to me
[Oct 24,2004 4:41pm - mark fucking richards  ""]
i don't think it's a ring rip off. in my opinion, the grudge is much more organized in its plot, and its got even more fucked up shit going on in it. i think there is about 6 minutes of that movie that DOESN'T have anything fucked up in it. good thing sarah michelle gellar didn't gay up the movie.
[Oct 24,2004 4:43pm - assuck ""]
the ring sucked anyway

and sarah michelle gellar is the main reason i dont wanna see the grudge
[Oct 24,2004 5:30pm - succubus ""]
ok well
i didn't like the ring, i thought it was dumb
same with this
there was a scene that reminded me of the ring (video camera)

i didn't think this was scary at all and i usually "jump" when i'm into a flick

there were people around us screaming but i laughed at most of the "scary" parts as did others around us
i dunno, i wasn't too impressed with it

BUT we did see a couple of pretty good previews for flicks i definitely want to check out
[Oct 24,2004 5:48pm - powerkok ""]
go see "saw" when it comes out on halloween....its awesome!!!
[Oct 24,2004 5:48pm - dugoxistance  ""]
um...the ring and grudge are by the same writer/director.
[Oct 24,2004 5:51pm - assuck ""]
the perfect reason for me not to see the grudge
[Oct 24,2004 6:09pm - dugoxistance  ""]
congratulations. I enjoyed both films.
[Oct 24,2004 6:20pm - succubus ""]
can you tx to the rev or myself?

we really wanna see it!!

[Oct 24,2004 6:21pm - dan.  ""]
sam raimi directed the grudge and gore verbinski directed the ring. the same people made the originals.

i thought this was ehhh ok. i didnt hate it. i wish i didnt pay 10 bucks to see it though. clea duvall is usually hot, she looked really old. i loved the part where the police chief reviews the security camera. that was awesome.

i also liked that the monsters werent all computer animated and cgi or whatever.

my main complaint is the really shitty ending.
[Oct 24,2004 6:51pm - succubus ""]
yeah the ending was pfft
[Oct 24,2004 8:10pm - dugoxistance  ""]
Sam Raimi was only one of the producers. He didn't direct it. Takashi Shimizu directed it as well as the original, Ju-On. And my bad, Hideo Nakata directed the original Ring (Ringu) not Takashi.
[Oct 24,2004 8:34pm - Overdose ""]
I've seen the originals titled Juon.. Those were creepy as hell.. When I have some extra $ to play around with I might go see Grudge.
[Oct 24,2004 8:38pm - arsonick ""]
ending sucked. definitely americanized.

but yeah, this creeped me out so much more than the ring.
the noises got a little repetitive, but those faces... insane
[Oct 24,2004 9:21pm - powerkok ""]
succubus said:powerkok
can you tx to the rev or myself?

we really wanna see it!!

[Oct 24,2004 9:55pm - the_reverend ""]
[Oct 24,2004 10:16pm - Wraithious ""]
I allmost went to see that today, but I ended up not going. I really want to see it.
[Oct 24,2004 10:36pm - the_reverend ""]

a lot of spooky things, but it was all just thrown together.
[Oct 24,2004 10:52pm - powerkok ""]
ya...Ill send it to ya if my firewall lets me
[Oct 24,2004 10:55pm - Abbath ""]
<cough> TEAM AMERICA <cough>
[Oct 24,2004 11:12pm - succubus ""]
no thanks
[Oct 24,2004 11:54pm - Kalopsia ""]
i just saw the grudge tonight. i liked it alot, i thought it was pretty creepy. the forgotten is also very good.
[Oct 24,2004 11:54pm - dan.  ""]
oh yeah, you are right sam raimi didnt direct. same director as the original, weird.
[Oct 25,2004 10:02am - succubus ""]
Abbath said:<cough> TEAM AMERICA <cough>

no thank you
[Oct 25,2004 5:29pm - Josiah_the_Black ""]
[Oct 26,2004 10:21am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
[Oct 26,2004 11:59am - succubus ""]
exactly...not scary
[Nov 3,2004 10:15pm - Abbath ""]
that movie creeped me out! although it wasn't scary, it just leaves you with this unsafe feeling

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