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fuck monson police...

[Apr 14,2003 1:39pm - xxdarkknightxx ""]
last night we had a show at the polish american citizens club in monson...with aura phase, love lies bleeding, and some other bands... my band opened, we played three songs before they shut it down...they fuckin called the cops and shit and kicked us all out... Im thinking the manager from Love lies bleeding is the one who organized it,pretty cool guy, i doubt he was expecting this gay shit to happen... the owner of the place was half deaf, half blind, wicked old...i think he thought that the whole town was going to go up in flames over this show or something cuz he was flippin out.... Not to mention someone(not mentioning any names) Showed up with a keg in there trunk, and a tap hanging out the window...so now we had a parking lot full of people drinking beer...the owner came out and was like "get outta here with that keg blah blah" so the kid with the keg moved his car up the street and parked it in a (oh my god what a moron) church parking lot..not a smart move....i guess a priest supposedly saw 15 yr olds filling there cups at his car...ouch.. but, believe it or not, the main reason the show was shut down wasnt becuz of the beer, but becuz of the fact that tickets were being sold at the door and the place does not have an "entertainment license"....So our sale of tickets at the door was illegal or something... i dunno, bottom line is the cops came in and started busting underage drinkers left and right, and then gave a warm, monson style "get the fuck out"....they were pricks...And im sure the other bands who didnt even get to play at all were pretty pissed... two words...fuckin gay
[Apr 14,2003 4:36pm - RustedAngel ""]
sounds all too familiar (tripline, hsm, demise / toa) days.

when I was in my old band tripline we played a show at some jokers type place called the space i think, with iranach / demise of a thousand all of our bands played right next to a huge jungle gym in a small fenced in area. fence got broken down, cops showed up, bands kept playing, cops took out batons, bands kept playing, manager got smart and unplugged the powerstrip across the room. show was over.

best show ever.

[Apr 14,2003 4:42pm - XmikeX ""]
the license thing was just an excuse. No VFW or polish AM club has a license that specifically authorizes them to have entertainment. These clubs are usually pretty hard to book these days and the owners and managers are always really suspicious about these kinds of shows. half the time you have to lie to them just to even get them to talk to you.

they're suspicious because they think that someone will go and do something stupid like bring alcohol to the club for minors or bring drugs or something stupid like that. they'll most likely never let anyone book at that place again. it's not the police's fault, they can't let some show turn into a free under-age bar. The guy who brought the keg is an idiot. He put his want of getting drunk over every single person at that show. If I were you I'd have someone smarten him up quick before he ruins every venue in your area for shows.
[Apr 15,2003 11:02am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
actually most those halls do have the licenses to have live events, but they dont like kids. the rock and roll music corrupts society.
[Apr 15,2003 1:45pm - XmikeX ""]
licenses or not they're mostly run by your stereotypical dickhead old guy who thinks teenagers are the devil and that anything involving teenagers and music are obviously a front for drug deals and violence. in other words, they're looking for their excuse to shut the show down and there's usually nothing you can do about it.

except, the time when joe threatened to sue that place in newton cuz they canceled our show, totally classic.

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