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Guitarists: Shred Video...

[Sep 30,2004 7:42pm - RustedAngel ""]

pretty f-in sick (and geeky looking at the same time)...and done with a POD... not bad.
[Sep 30,2004 7:46pm - Hooker ""]
Damn that's impressive playing........

...but I don't have to pay for sex. So there, guitar man.
[Sep 30,2004 7:47pm - RustedAngel ""]
hahaha, i know...it's apparent that he's never been with a girl...they take up all your time. :spineyes:
[Sep 30,2004 7:48pm - Hooker ""]
Whoa whoa whoa... no one ever said it was with a girl.
[Sep 30,2004 7:52pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
That song demands lyrics about Mighty Dragon Knights laying siege to the Necromancer's keep.
[Sep 30,2004 7:52pm - the_reverend ""]
yeah, like he's really playing that.
jump play air guitar like the rest of us.
[Sep 30,2004 7:52pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
That's a guy? He's built like my friend's mom.
[Sep 30,2004 7:53pm - the_reverend ""]
/me stabs bob with a sword of demon slaying+3
*rolls 2d12*
[Sep 30,2004 7:53pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
/performs fire dagger feat
[Sep 30,2004 8:11pm - jake  ""]
im pretty sure if you can shred asses like that you could get alot of women. prob not too good looking, but women nonetheless.
[Sep 30,2004 8:15pm - Hooker ""]
Eh... I know there are groupies for every genre but I'd be pretty damn suprised if anyone from the Favored Nations roster has gotten any respectable poon. Ever.
[Sep 30,2004 9:10pm - Aegathis ""]
Sounds just like more children of bodom style playing/song writing, still amazing though. Who does this guy play for? Hed be able to play for vital next time dave gets stuck doing drums, then again it doesnt really show this guy do much rythm playing, so for all i know hes just good at soloing.
[Sep 30,2004 9:32pm - niccolai ""]
meh, Hang around the mcs board and watch the terada videos. That guy is decent, but only until you'v seen better.
[Sep 30,2004 10:57pm - powerkok ""]
hahahaha wow. when he first started playing, I was like,
'hmm maybe if I practiced a bit I could play that'....
but then by the middle I was like
'ok, nevermind then'
then by the end I was like
'Fuck off'
that guy definitley jerks off alone every night.
[Sep 30,2004 11:04pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
that was a pretty nice acacia strain'ish sounding metalcore breakdown he threw into the middle of that.
[Sep 30,2004 11:46pm - RustedAngel ""]
menstrual_sweatpants_disco said:that was a pretty nice acacia strain'ish sounding metalcore breakdown he threw into the middle of that.

too bad it was more complicated.
[Oct 1,2004 5:46am - th3rdknuckle ""]
Guy needs a few Angus Young lessons
[Oct 1,2004 8:29am - wood ""]
powerkok said:hahahaha wow. when he first started playing, I was like,
'hmm maybe if I practiced a bit I could play that'....
but then by the middle I was like
'ok, nevermind then'
then by the end I was like
'Fuck off'
that guy definitley jerks off alone every night.

Thats one of the funniest things I've ever read...
[Oct 1,2004 8:36am - baneofexistence ""]
the guys really good but not dounf anything i haven't seen over a dozen folks already have done but he covers all the good ones styles tho
malmsteen/stump/taffolia/vinnie moore/blues saraceno/kozen/gilbert/lynch

i didn't really hear any vai or satch however maybe a little satch but definantly no vai
[Oct 1,2004 11:35am - powerkok ""]
wood said:powerkok said:hahahaha wow. when he first started playing, I was like,
'hmm maybe if I practiced a bit I could play that'....
but then by the middle I was like
'ok, nevermind then'
then by the end I was like
'Fuck off'
that guy definitley jerks off alone every night.

Thats one of the funniest things I've ever read...

[Oct 1,2004 4:52pm - retzam ""]
That is definitely fucking awesome, and I completely second what powerkok said. I want to hear Tobias Sammet singing over that.
[Oct 1,2004 10:08pm - Justin ACR  ""]
nasty playing!

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