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i am eating string cheese

[Sep 29,2004 1:36pm - Assuck ""]
i didnt even know we had it at my house and then i found some in the fridge.

[Sep 29,2004 1:37pm - succubus ""]
i <3 cheese
[Sep 29,2004 1:38pm - Assuck ""]
its even better in string form
[Sep 29,2004 1:39pm - succubus ""]
i don't think i've ever had any
[Sep 29,2004 1:41pm - Assuck ""]
i'll bring some tonight if i remember
[Sep 29,2004 1:43pm - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
Do you peel off pieces until you have none left or do you peel off like three big pieces and eat the rest whole?
[Sep 29,2004 1:45pm - Assuck ""]
i peel a good amount off and then just mow down the rest of it cause i get sick of peeling

i am now on my seventh stick and it just doesnt taste right anymore, so im gonna stop for now. i need to save room for spikes later...
[Sep 29,2004 1:48pm - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
Spikes fucking owns
[Sep 29,2004 1:50pm - succubus ""]
you have to show me this...

i'm intrigued
[Sep 29,2004 1:50pm - abhorred ""]
hahaha.....i havent had string cheese since i was like 10!......fuck yeah
[Sep 29,2004 1:50pm - christbomb  ""]
Its not string cheese its your dirty troll moms twang noodles
[Sep 29,2004 1:51pm - Assuck ""]
you gotta stop popping up randomly like that, dude
[Sep 29,2004 1:52pm - abhorred ""]
hey ben it looks like you made a friend
[Sep 29,2004 1:57pm - Assuck ""]
no he just follows me around like a dog

a retarded dog

with dysentery
[Sep 29,2004 1:57pm - dyingmuse ""]
hey jimmy, give me a cheese with nothin', nothin'?
[Sep 29,2004 1:59pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
mmm... string cheese is the bestest
[Sep 29,2004 2:00pm - Assuck ""]
until you eat too much

then it starts tasting really bad
[Sep 29,2004 2:10pm - Assuck ""]
my breath reeks of cheese
[Sep 29,2004 2:18pm - dyingmuse ""]
i didn't know they still made that, i just rememmber the commercial and having to eat it in 2nd grade. thats true about eating too much.
[Sep 29,2004 2:20pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
time to brush your teeth
[Sep 29,2004 4:43pm - Assuck ""]
bump for cheesy goodness
[Sep 29,2004 4:53pm - succubus ""]
[Sep 29,2004 8:32pm - Abbath ""]
hmm what are the odds, my friend at school was telling me how he ate 7 string cheeses today
[Feb 25,2005 1:19pm - KillerKadoogan ""]
once again, i have gone too far with my string cheese consumption
[Feb 25,2005 1:19pm - KillerKadoogan ""]
[Feb 25,2005 1:19pm - succubus ""]
KillerKadoogan said:once again, i have gone too far with my string cheese consumption

hey you never brought me any

[Feb 25,2005 1:20pm - KillerKadoogan ""]
[Feb 25,2005 1:20pm - KillerKadoogan ""]
[Feb 25,2005 1:21pm - KillerKadoogan ""]
sorry carina

are you coming to any of our shows any time soon?

if so, i will try to remember to bring some
[Feb 25,2005 1:22pm - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
I found a piece of string cheese under my car's backseat yesterday, it was still sealed in its package and the sell by date had not yet passed. I think you can tell where I'm going with this.
[Feb 25,2005 1:23pm - blue ""]
how did it taste?
[Feb 25,2005 1:23pm - KillerKadoogan ""]
i don't blame you. it's hard to resist the powers of string cheese.
[Feb 25,2005 1:24pm - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
It tasted like any other piece of string cheese, but 10x better because it was an unexpected gift from the heavens.
[Feb 25,2005 1:48pm - kellthevalkyrie ""]
cheese is great. cheesy fries....even better.
[Feb 25,2005 1:54pm - succubus ""]
heh woooooooooooooo
[Feb 26,2005 12:30pm - wakeoftears ""]
Polly O's bitches.
[Feb 26,2005 12:42pm - dirteecrayon ""]
ain't no cheese like government string cheese!

i went to a summer camp where we got free lunches from the city --- i remember bartering for cheese and trading my sandwiches for it.


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