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New Blistered Earth friggin rules!

[Sep 27,2004 9:27am - Lynneaus ""]
anyone else check out their new cd yet? they have really grown into themselves with this release....

makes you want to bang your head while being showered in beer!!! :doublehorns::doublehorns:
[Sep 27,2004 10:01am - the_reverend ""]
after the battle of the teratisms,
let's have the battle of looks...
[Sep 27,2004 10:32am - Hooker ""]
Try the new Earth.

Blistered to numb the pain, Iced to cool it away.
[Sep 27,2004 9:48pm - BornSoVile ""]
Blistered Earth is an awesome band. My beef with them is that they only play palladium shows, which is fucking gay, that band could bring some life to the chopping block i bet. Anyone under the age of 18 probably doesn't know who they are since they only play one show a year. It's a gawd damn shame. HEY BLISTERED EARTH PLAY SOME FUCKING SHOWS!!!
[Sep 27,2004 10:09pm - dugoxistance  ""]
yo rev, I've always thought that same thing about the two.
[Sep 27,2004 10:14pm - BornSoVile ""]
i was convinced when they walked in together at the bombsheltah when malignancy played.
[Sep 28,2004 10:56am - subjugate ""]
they play at club fuel in lowell too from time to time also
[Sep 28,2004 11:00am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I would book these guys if they asked me.

I remember years ago they had a big fat guy singing for them and he threatened to kill me because I had way too militant of an attitude for the metal scene. That was after my show, he ran a message board that was all about strictly metal, I booked an all metal show (which is what he wanted) and nobody from his board went so I called them all assholes or something. Last I knew he was starting a hardcore band called Flatbed. Funny times, I use to get into arguments with Randy from motokops that made the shit with Paul look like fun time.

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