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New Shadowsfall, your thoughts?

[Sep 24,2004 4:29pm - mattrct ""]
I personally think it is awesome and much better then the art of balance was. Sounds more like of one blood which is good.
[Sep 24,2004 4:34pm - RustedAngel ""]
ehh, the first song starts out kinda good...

then it gets boring.
[Sep 24,2004 4:36pm - blue nli  ""]
its art of balance part 2, only really watered down.

there was a huge evolution in their sound from of one blood to art of balance, and i was expecting that with this cd. instead, i got a rehash of another album they did. of one blood still stands tall as their masterpiece.
[Sep 24,2004 5:54pm - Kalopsia ""]
the beginning of the album is fucking amazing. the rest is allright
[Sep 24,2004 6:15pm - Hooker ""]
yeah. lopsided
[Sep 24,2004 6:27pm - dugoxistance  ""]
good thing i only paid $7.99 for it.
[Sep 24,2004 7:15pm - Goratory/Pillory_Drummer ""]
It's got a few moments, and i mean a few. Overall there's nothing new there. If you're into Art of Balance you'd like this. If u think it's gonna be something more brutal and inovative, you're listening to the wrong band. It's seems for alot of bands that money and popularity lead to boring music.
[Sep 25,2004 11:58am - JonahBloodbath ""]
I really like it.
[Sep 26,2004 10:47pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
i wasn't expecting the cd to be amazing, but considering it was a cd, dvd, enhanced cd and comp all in one, 9 bucks wasn't a bad price. i dig it, but it's definitely their least exciting to me.
[Sep 26,2004 10:57pm - dyingmuse ""]
not a fan, but i did see their set the other night and the playing was stellar
[Sep 27,2004 7:19pm - dreadkill ""]
i got bored with the first couple songs on it, so i didn't listen anymore. i like their older material though. i think most bands hit the wall at some point and maybe this was their wall.
[Sep 27,2004 7:37pm - moran ""]
They need to get a new singer.
[Sep 27,2004 10:39pm - Justin ACR  ""]
not a huge fan of brian fairs vocals, but the album didnt remind me of art of balance AT ALL, i think it def sounds more like of one blood, little more rock influenced, i dig though
[Sep 30,2004 2:55pm - grundlegremlin ""]
[Oct 1,2004 11:48am - orgymaggotfeast ""]
shadows fall gave me A.I.D.S.
[Oct 1,2004 5:02pm - kyledoes  ""]
do your self a favor and go find an OVERCAST cd and just pretend its the new shadows fall...then you wont be as pissed about being ripped off on music that was done better 8 years ago...by the band At THE GATES..
[Oct 1,2004 5:12pm - dreadkill ""]
i liked overcast alot. i thought they were good.
[Oct 1,2004 5:52pm - MarkKevorkian ""]
Shadow's Fags are pussy metalcore and so are you. My dick in a meat grinder sounds better than them.
Since when did Shadows Fall get 'popular'? They started just like any other swede worship band, playing dark tranquillity 'covers' almost. All of a sudden they got the gayest singer ever, who grew his dreads off other faggotty singers dry cum. Anyways, they should all be shot on sight, they deserve it. No metalkore here, none! Die.
[Oct 1,2004 6:00pm - dreadkill ""]
dark tranquillity doesn't get enough credit. they own gothenburg in my opinion
[Oct 1,2004 8:17pm - mattrct ""]
"who grew his dreads off other faggotty singers dry cum"

sweet joke
[Oct 2,2004 1:14pm - MarkKevorkian ""]
I wish I could say it was a joke.
[Oct 3,2004 7:19am - BestialOnslaught ""]
Mahk knows what's up...
[Oct 3,2004 11:24am - MarkKevorkian ""]
Yeah, my dick.

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