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someone sent us this email

[Sep 23,2004 1:50pm - Assuck ""]
i'm assuming its one of the Hell Wythyn homos:

You guys fucking suck! QUite while you're still behind!

From: Joe
Email: yousuck@bullshit.com

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Sent on: 9/16/2004 at 10:09:36 AM
[Sep 23,2004 1:50pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
[Sep 23,2004 2:02pm - abhorred ""]
i love how this guy wants us to quitE.....

now how exactly are we supposed to do that
[Sep 23,2004 2:09pm - Dissector ""]
HAhahahahahaha, quite that's priceless.
[Sep 23,2004 2:10pm - powerkok ""]
just like when you quite smoking.
that guys quite a genuine reeetahhhd.
[Sep 23,2004 2:12pm - Jellyfish ""]
[Sep 23,2004 2:13pm - Converge241 ""]
hey the paying customer is always rite
[Sep 23,2004 2:13pm - succubus ""]
whoah they typed "you're" properly

[Sep 23,2004 3:23pm - Assuck ""]
yea but when you fuck up the word "quit", it takes away any other grammatical credibility you may have.
[Sep 23,2004 3:26pm - Dissector ""]
A friend of mine spelled "pants" pance before. I think that's the worst case of mispelling I have ever witnessed.
[Sep 23,2004 3:27pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I spelled it that was once in 9th grade, I thought about how it was spelled before writing it, and realized I never saw it written prior to that so I just took a guess.
[Sep 23,2004 3:28pm - Christraper ""]
this doesnt have anything to do with spelling but the vocalist in my band once pronounced cologne as "kuhlog-nee" and he was serious.
[Sep 23,2004 3:30pm - Dissector ""]
The bassist in my band though balogna and "bah-log-nah" were two different types of food.
[Sep 23,2004 4:14pm - powerkok ""]
a guy I used to know always said 'every since'
like 'every since I started drinking I ve been a loser'
it used to really piss me off.
[Sep 24,2004 12:43pm - Assuck ""]
a kid i know says "righter way"

like when he's driving, he'll say "dont fuckin cut me off! i have the righter way!"

cause it should be right of way
[Sep 24,2004 12:49pm - succubus ""]

some of the worst spelling mistakes i've ever seen are on this board
[Sep 24,2004 1:04pm - Assuck ""]

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